Thunder's Place

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3.75 inch girth


3.75 inch girth

Hey guys, long time reader, first time poster.

I’ve just recently finished up my starting 3 months on the newbie routine, and I’m happy to report that I seem to have gained about a half inch in EL (which has been absolutely mind blowing for me, I’m finally up to about 5 inches NBPEL). Unfortunately, however, I seem to be having some trouble in the girth department. My starting (and current) girth is 3.75 inches, which I’ve come to learn is about an inch below average, and as thus has become my main priority. Despite my jelqing over the last few months, I seem to have made little progress.

In recent weeks, I’ve been experimenting with jelqing, but even though I’ve done quite a bit of research on the subject, I still seem to be having trouble building up much pressure in my shaft and staying erect while clamped, even though I’m using the smallest size cable clamp.

Furthermore, while my newbie routine was often along the lines of

Warm up
20 minutes of 30+ second stretching
20 minutes jelqing
Warm down/kegals

I’ve grown discouraged with jelqing, and have essentially stopped altogether. Because of fluid buildup, I often found it difficult to continue jelqing after more than 15 or 20 minutes, and despite trying different jelqing variations, it never really felt to me like much outward pressure was present in the shaft.

I suppose where I’m going with all of this is I’m looking for advice on where to go next. I’ve read through the case of yguy, but he doesn’t seem to post much anymore (plus as I mentioned before, just jelqing doesn’t seem to be doing much for my girth), and I’m wondering if there’s anyone out there who started with a similar girth and had success in reaching a more average size (as well as how they did it).

Most of the clamping info out there seems to be directed at average guys looking to become big, rather than smaller guys looking to become average, and specific exercise that have been helpful in gainer from a smaller starting girth would be good to know.

Even just getting to 4 inches girth (which has been my goal for a while now) would be a major morale booster. Thanks in advance for any input guys.

Are you doing wet jelq or dry jelq? Dry jelqing is better than wet jelqing if you get lots of fluid buildup. Also, you probably shouldn’t be jelqing for more than 20 minutes as it is.

Make sure to watch the videos 3-5 times to make sure you are doing everything properly.

I really prefer the C grip dry jelq. You get a really good grip, and you can build up a lot of pressure when you do it right.

Wet jelqing is great for warm-ups and getting the penis trained but not so great for gains.

Dry jelqing is much better, along with Horse 440s and Uli’s. Might want to give clamping a try.

Originally Posted by Spektrum
Wet jelqing is great for warm-ups and getting the penis trained but not so great for gains.

Dry jelqing is much better, along with Horse 440s and Uli’s. Might want to give clamping a try.


I did not know that, others can confirm this?
I have only donw jelqing during a total of 4 months (some inconsistency)., no visible gains

How come dry jelqs would be better than wet? Becasue of the increased friction? I haven’t tried them out.. I will tomorrow!

How do you recommend it then;

- replace all 15mins WET JELQS with DRY ones?

- 5min WET (“warmup”) and 10min DRY?


Complete newbie here, what is NBPEL?

Non Bone Pressed Erect Length and I made over a quarter inch ofgirth gains doing wet jelqs and am not a fan of dry jelqs at all. To each his own but its not like one will work for girth and one will not.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp


Non Bone Pressed Erect length (top of dick length without pressing into fat-pad)


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

Ahhh I see yea thats kinda more important than pressed against bone eh? :) Thanks guys.

Originally Posted by Spektrum
Wet jelqing is great for warm-ups and getting the penis trained but not so great for gains.

Dry jelqing is much better, along with Horse 440s and Uli’s. Might want to give clamping a try.

I’d disagree with pretty much all of that.

Yeah, NBPEL is more important for me, it’s the actual length that will go inside the cave..

I may suggest 15mins dry. If you wet then dry, you have to do clean up in between, while for the warmup, you can start from flaccid, and start counting your time as you get the erection. The flaccid jelq give you length gain, so it won’t be a waste of time

I started at 4.25eg and now I’m 5eg with a goal of 5.5. I know how good it feels to finally reach average.

I found that wet jelqs worked best for me, I never got the hang of dry jelqing. I only do about 10 minutes a day, but I do it intensely. I use Vaseline and alternate slow regular jelqs with girth blasters, basically you clamp the base with one hand and jelq with the other.

I also clamp 2 x 10 minutes each morning. I use the medium clamp, I think that is the one you are referring to, the smallest is too small even for 3.75eg. I had and still have a problem making it fit right. I take two clamps and tape them together with black electrical tape. Two work better than one for me. Then I take window weather stripping and wrap that with tape one the inside of the clamps. I do it tightly and use two strips on each side for a total of eight (four top, four bottom). I have found that more wrap to make it tighter interferes with the clamping and causes me to break the clamp. I have broken many. Putting some cushion on the actual clamp better transfers the pressure directly without distorting the clamp. I also use 3/4 ” grey foam pipe insulation as my wrap, it just pops on and pops off. Although I am considering buying an air clamp.

When I stretched, I always did it after I jelqed because I had a hard time getting as hard after I stretched.
Good luck.

Well done Billy; you are an inspiration for all guys working up from ‘below average’. I truly hope a few of the other guys here at Thunders in the same size range see your post.

There seems (not unreasonably) to be a lot of despair / desperation amongst many of the under average guys. We all need role models and your attitude and determination will hopefully inspire others that they too can succeed.

Now down to business. If girth is the next goal it could be worth trying an air clamp, in combination with some of the manual girth exercises as others have described above. I am using one of Monty’s air clamps and after a couple of months I am just starting to see some girth-growth (unfortunately nothing happens very fast in this game)

Don’t give up on Jelqs - they remain a cornerstone of PE and done the right way they will continue to add length and girth. Try cutting down to shorter bursts - maybe 2 sets of 8 to 10 minutes rather than a solid 20 minutes which is probably a bit much. You shouldn’t get anywhere near the same fluid buildup in shorter sets. Don’t forget to give ‘him’ a good shakeout between sets too.


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I don’t get any fluid build up, but I do notice that my head, and and the end of my shaft are swollen, and red. is that a good indictor of a good Jelq Session?

Originally Posted by Iwant8x6
I don’t get any fluid build up, but I do notice that my head, and and the end of my shaft are swollen, and red. is that a good indictor of a good Jelq Session?

That’s one indicator but your entire cock should be getting chubby. Do you have enough blood in the chambers as you jelq? I think you should have about a 30% to — I don’t know — maybe 60% erection as you jelq, and see and feel good expansion as you do the upward stroke. If I jelq like that for 15 or 20 minutes I always finish with a fatty.

Mr. Idol, I agree with LWH that you should consider getting an Air Clamp. I love mine. It will give you more constriction and expansion than you’re probably getting from a medium sized cable clamp.

Meanwhile, if you’re not already, you might try using more padding with the cable clamp. I like using terry cloth wrist sweatbands. One of those folded in half around your base should give you enough circumference to get a good squeeze from a cable clamp (when you’re dancing with yourself.)

You could also try a turnkey clamp. You can find them at Home Dipshit, on Monty’s site, or you can fashion one out of a dime, super glue and a hose clamp like I did here.

Figaro: What was your routine? I’m currently stuck at ~4.5EG, been clamping 2-4 days a week.

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