Thunder's Place

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My personal observations about kegels over the years

My personal observations about kegels over the years

I’ve been doing kegels for about 5-6 years on and off. I have times where I do them for 3 weeks straight religiously and other times where I go weeks without doing them. Currently I’ve been doing kegels everyday since the beginning of the new year (well not everyday, I’ve taken days off to let it rest). I’ve also stopped masturbating. Anyways here are some of my personal observations:

1. Masturbating makes me lazy and not want to do kegels. Seems like when I have a high sex drive I get better results and can do alot more reps. I’ll have a nice 2 week streak going and then I’ll end up masturbating 3 days or so and lose that drive and my pc muscle will feel weaker and harder to clamp.

( As I mentioned already I haven’t masturbated in 2008 and have focused more on kegeling)

2. Porn is a great work out tool. I watch porn on the computer and do kegels the whole scene. I sit back and kegel for 3 or so minutes and might stand up and do a couple more minutes, then sit back down etc. Down side is you’re left with a rock hard penis and the urge to stroke it. But I’ve fallen for that trap so much I’m at the point now where I’m disciplined and focused so it’s not an issue now.

3. It's better for me not to count my reps. I used to count reps when I read on sites where they tell you to do x amount of reps a day but now I find thats just unncessary. I just do them until I feel I’m there. If I’m watching porn I’ll kegel for the whole scene on and off. If I’m driving or at work and I get a hard-on I’ll kegel for a little while then stop. Sometimes I’ll get hard just sitting at home and start kegeling while watching tv or doing any random household activity. But never do I count. I love that burn after I’ve been doing nice long reps all day by the way.

(If you are new you might want to. Cause you don’t want to damage the muscle but I’m comfortable with kegels much at this point and know when I’m at my limit.)

4. It's better to not take kegels too seriously either. I used to want to do them on schedule and count reps, things like that, but now I’m casual with them. I do them whenever. I try to get them in everyday but it’s no biggie. Sometimes I’m so busy and forget and hey thats ok it’s not the end of the world. I’ll just do them tomorrow.

5. I can no longer wear boxer shorts at work. Had to switch to boxer briefs. It sucked at first because I’m a boxers kinda guy, but it is impossible to work around women and come in to work after having done 100s of kegels in the shower that morning and expect to conversate without tenting the front of my pants. Even for average looking women if they said the wrong thing to me or gave me that eye I might lose my job for harassment or embarrass the hell out of my self. So I have plenty of boxer briefs now for that problem.

Big Dog

Last edited by Big Dog : 01-27-2008 at .

Great post Big Dog! :up: (Three posts in four years here — guess you have restraint in all areas of your life :D ) Might want to consider ejaculating a couple times a week for prostate health, though…

Big Dog, you are a man of few posts, but they are good posts. :)

Thanks guys

Yep that was one concern for me about quitting masturbating. The whole issue of my prostate and needing to keep my pipes clear regularly. All I can say is now I’m definently alot less lazy when it comes to approaching females. I’m single also so keeping some tail on deck is a must!

He could be one of the few man to get hard after doing a kegel workout.. If I work my muscles out really well my erections are very weak for a full day or two.. It’s true that PE works different depending on the man

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

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