Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My quest for sexual supremacy

My quest for sexual supremacy

Hey my name is Don I’m a 27 year old male that is extremely interested / obsession with human sexuality and sexual performance and always looking to up my game. I first discovered PE in like 2000 or something in middle or high school and printed it out and bought it to school and should everyone and looked like a weirdo but everyone secretly wanted the info but to lazy do go all out lol. I passively done it for like a month and didn’t track shit like the young idiot I was. I’m not going to lie I thought it was full of shit and didn’t see any proof at the time and wanted to see if these sites stuck around. Well you all are still here so it must be worth something right? Lol anyway the one thing I did learn and kept doing was kegels which was one of the best thing I ever did in life and made me a beast at sex compared to my friends (My first time I lasted like 30mins them more like 30secs). I have slacked off the kegels in my old age and it shows and now I what to go all in on PE to reach my former glory and stamina and hardness
Ok the main point
PE got back under my radar when I started to not like my EQ, stamina and randomly bought that exercising the penis book and decided to give it another whirl. My main goal over all and most important thing is sexual performance (stamina + hardness) I also have been reading Taoist sexual art and kamasutra stuff and a whole lot of over sexual info for everywhere. Even tho sexual performance the main goal if I get a inch or two out the deal I aint mad lol.

Secondary goal is girth . Mine is 4.5in and I can be much more effective over all and especially with first insertion (very important guys) but I know this is one of the hardest things to get so I’m going to temper my expectations(I want 5.5 or more. In length I’m 7 on the dot give or take (have a curve make it hard to measure with oily fingers lol). My smaller goal is 8in but I would mind getting to 8.5 or 9in solid if I can
OK like I said many times I most of all want to increase performance and hardness, I’m very comfortable with normal kegels but not some much reverse (just started) so with my currant stats and what is a good attainable goal for someone who doesn’t have the time to touch there dick for hours every day and still get a inch or two out of the deal and focus on EQ and stamina? I know I have going to have to focus on kegels a lot but what else for max performance? ( Sorry if this is too long and hope I didn’t come off to silly or like a douchbag lol just really excited thanks!)

Hey Don, nice to meet you.

Just a few words from me, as you seem like a guy who’ll do his research anyway:
I don’t want to get you overexcited, but 8x5 should be pretty attainable with just the newbie routine. It starts off with a weekly average total of 93.3(3) - 116.6(6) minutes. The first number is if you decide to skip warm down, which I would recommend for people who are tight on time (or not, I find it to be pretty much pointless) and the second - if you decide not to OR you extend your warm up to 10 minutes and skip warm down. The suggested maximum is 10 minutes of stretching and 30 minutes of jelqing, which gives a weekly average total of 210 - 233.3(3) minutes. Thats no more than 2.5% of your time. WIth that I’d guess that you could gain an inch in lenght for an year, or maybe even half an year.

I’d suggest L-arginine for an immediate boost in EQ, most of the people who have taken it report that the EQ-increasing effect is genuine. Apart from that, the newbie routine and kegels will cover your needs in the long run.

As for stamina - I’m not one to give advice. :D

Good luck, mate. :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG


Welcome to Thundersplace. Glad you found us again and yes, this is the very place where you will succeed.

I want to congratulate you on your choice of priorities: performance before size. As performance is only possible with a healthy dick, stakes are high that you will be cautious in PE and not injure yourself.

I think you should simply pick up in the Newbie Routine and stick to it as long as you are gaining with it. Read a lot, go slow and soft an never rush into things. And yes, believe in the importance of heat in PE.

To pick up Kegels is certainly a good idea. The combination of a gradual built-up into the Newbie Routine and daily Kegel exercises as described here Help with kegels gave me a boost in EQ in the first month already.

Happy pulling and never give up!

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook


Thanx Richard65 and viksenpai I appreciate the advice. I am short on time and that’s one of the reasons I had a failure to launch with PE + some other things. That’s pretty cool how you have the number break down puts it all in perspective and I’m very into supplements and read the book the hardness factor . Kegels is the one think from PE in kept and have been doing for years but I’m having problems with reveres kegels and towel rises. I think I got reverse kegels down a little but only when I’m hard to see my dick change but the towel raises I can’t seem to make the towel jump no matter how light standing but can’t do it laying down in the other direction .

O and one of the main reasons I stop PE is that I have tissue paper like skin and no matter where on my body if It’s rubbed it blisters or I get bruise burns really easy (even when I boxed my knuckles would bleed in my gloves from punching a lot). Is there anything I can’t do or place to look for info on this on making my skin stronger and reducing this? (Sorry for the long time to response my son was in the hospital for a week but he is ok)


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