Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My starting stats. (first post)

My starting stats. (first post)

After reading for about 2 months, I finally started pe 4 days ago. I remember reading how important stats are so I took some this morning, heres what I got.

I know I’m small, but Iam ready to work hard, and with starting stats we have goals.

BPEL-don’t care
FG-don’t care

Now my routine for now, 230 jelqs, the last 30 when I get to the head I hold it and kegel. I do this everyday in the shower, and everynight before bed, I strech btc for around 4-5 minutes, then I twist my cock around 2 or 3 tiems and do an inverted V strech. How does it look guys?


Come on guys get in here. I have a question, if I pe’d for say 5 years what could I get an 8 by 6 or is that not physically possible?

Well, I’ve only been PEing for two months, but I’ll give you any advice I can. You should always start with a wrap or warm up, especially when your new. Starting of with 250 jelqs is good, then work your way up week by week until you have around 20+ mins of jelqing. You should probably start off with around 5 minuets of stretching in now, then gradually work your way up to around 15. If you feel any pain, defiantly stop. Rest, check here, and when your better go back. You don’t want to hurt yourself. As for your goal, of about 3x1 in 3 years, I would say it is possible. But you will probably need to hang or pump later on to gain those extra inches. Also check your LOT to see which way is best to stretch(there are tons of LOT threads around here). Start off simple and gradually work your way up. You may see some fast newbie gains of 1/8 or 1/4 inch. Again, go light until you are comfortable with what you want to do and understand the exercises. Just start easy, be patient, and stay persistent, and most of all DON’T GET HURT. If you keep up you should have some nice gains.

Thanks for replying. I always start with soaking my cock in warm water. Should I still jelq that much when focusing on length more?? I know low erection jelq is good for lenth but as effective as stretching? Also my lot is around 9. Thanks

Well, as a newbie, for at least three weeks you should do a good amount of jelqing even if you want length, because jelqing will still give you some length, plus it will condition you for later workouts. So I would stay do the newbie routine for a month or so until you feel comfortable, then you can focus more on stretching than jelqing. Don’t go too crazy tho, your still learning your limits. Take note of any red spots or odd things besides gains and check to see if they are normal or not. Most of all be careful.

Yea, Ive had red spots before. I’ve know about pe for about 6 months but never been serious with it, and continued to do a routine. I’am serious now an hope for some gains.

i just started PEing 2 days ago, i hope i get some gains quick. my stats are:






am i already at a decent size? or in the average size?

Originally Posted by joe4
I know I’m small, but Iam ready to work hard, and with starting stats we have goals.

You’re not small at all, you’re average. A lot of guys in here are trying to GET to average…there is always a smaller fish…(and a bigger one for all the well hung guys!). Good luck to you!

Stats: 5/9/05 BPL:7.1x5.8

Ultimate Goal: 8.5x6.5 (ideal)

as an low average sizer, BPEL 5.9”, ERG 5”, i was wondering if my desire to get bigger is based upon this overall “average” size that is quoted everywhere.

would proportion, ie in relation to your own body size and type be a more usfull gauge. i am only 5’ 2” and so my current average sized dick looks OK on me. so my desired goal of 7”x 5”.5, look even more impressive.

^ I agree with the whole proportion idea you say. I am(in sig) just below 6 inches with a 5 inche girth. People say this is around average, but for me, personally I stilll think I look extremely small. I think it’s because I compare it to my body which is pretty big. I am 6 ft & I workout & even naturally I have always been a broad guy. So to me, a 6 x 5 penis on a 13 stone dood does not seem enough IMO. There is no correlation(to my knowledge) about body size/height to penis size but for me, when I’m naked & look in the mirror, an 8 x 6 size dick would suit my largish body more.

I thought at first that maybe it’s just the way I am, & like most people which is to pretty obsessive about the way you look. For example, I always think my biceps look to small for compared to my chest & shoulders so it could be just I’m obsessed with looking proportionate, but I think EVEN if I get them to where I originally desired I would still pick holes in the way I look. I think it is pretty human to do this but I’m going wildly off the point.

I have be doing PE since July 2003. I started with 5.75 BPEL x 4.5 EG and am now 7.75 BPEL x 5.25+ EG. So you should make your goals in three years. Mine is 8.5 BPEL X 6 EG. Sex is so much better now (for me and my gal). For years I believed the lie that size doesn’t matter. But deep inside I knew it did matter, but I didn’t want to make myself feel worse than I did. I had small dick syndrome. Thank God for PE (or really I thank Thunder’s Place).



What do these words mean? I Looked around but can’t find anything, it’s probably right in front of me, but I can’t see it. :)

Check the starting area under abbreviations.

NBPEL-Non Bone Pressed Erect Length(meaning measuring with a ruler across the top surface of your penis without pressing in towards your stomach)
BPEL-Bone Pressed Erect Length(pressing the ruler in your fat pad. The tissue that is soft above your penis area)
EG-Erect Girth
FG-Flaccid(soft) Girth
FL-Flaccid Length

Some people say ENBPL or NBPEL or ELNBP, it’s just letters rearranged, they all mean the same.

Originally Posted by sheddinskin19
i just started PEing 2 days ago, i hope i get some gains quick. my stats are:
am i already at a decent size? or in the average size?

You are way above average in girth. Damn I wish I had your starting girth. Your length is not bad either. It is above average. Just lose a little weight and it will look longer.

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