Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why won't new members post?

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Why won’t new members post?

I’m afraid I’ll be identified.


I’m embarrassed to talk about my dick.


I’m a girl, I don’t have a penis to talk about.


I don’t speak/read English well enough.


I want to see some gains before I talk about it.


I’m afraid to say something stupid.


I’m only here to look at the member’s pics.


I don’t want to get on a spam list for penis pills.


I’m reading the forums "for a friend."


I’m a pay site owner gathering info for my "exclusive" techniques.

Total Votes: 287. You may not vote on this poll

Why won't new members post?

Hey lurkers! Here’s your chance to tell us why you join and then never post. Choose as many as are appropriate or (gasp!) post some of your own reasons. We have a great bunch of guys here and new ideas for PE are introduced frequently (e.g. Chickchoker’s $3.00 Penimaster). Go ahead, give me a good reason why new guys won’t post.

Well, Westla. Here is my 10 cents. The reason for the majority is probably that they want to see some gains before they talk and share,or at least it was that way for me. Another reason might be that some feel intimidated by the ” If a multi stage ion synthesis breakdown of penis tissue is produced with a DHT combustion your penis will grow like mine” threads. Somtimes it can be easy to try to make too much of PE and you feel like you may need to to be a urolgist to accomplish it. Yes,I couldnt stand it any longer, I had to come back ,and yes I will have gains to report later from hanging and I love it.

Take Care,Cj

There’s only so many things to talk about. Gee, I pull my dick today and I’ll pull it tomorrow. That doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out. I strtch it this way, I stretch it that way.


Here’s a good example of why not to post if you’re a new person-

High Lot, Tunica Strecting

This guy has EIGHT posts. What exactly did he do wrong for a mod to jump his shit like this?

If I were he, I’d be long gone and never look back…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Oh yeah, and that! You know if I would have blown up like that, they would have banned me. Looks like it’s just fine when a mod does it.


I’m a new member & have been doing a fair amount of posting—sharing pics, asking questions when they come up. I have a year of jelqing experience under my belt (as well as +1.5 in gains), so I feel fine writing about that particular PE technique. But yes, when it comes to hanging, I just would rather read and soak it all in until I have some expereince & more knowledge to write from.

But having no gains or experience with PE shouldn’t stop folks from jumping into those other threads that have nothing to do with PE! There’s some fun, crazy threads going on here!


Yes Rb, when I was new and didn’t know shit,I was taking enzyte. Lucky for me,my skin is thick, I was treated like I was trying to sell this shit to everyone on the site. Belittlement helps no one here. I wish the new guys were treated like “grasshopper”(Kung-Fu Movie) instead you constantly feel you have something to prove to belong here. There isnt a soul here that has all the answers,I am sorry;this to me is just a tool to learn. If you sign up,you cant get up to date in 10 minutes,a little compassion would be helpful.


Ohh and great thread,Westla.I believe we will get somewhere with this.


Originally posted by RB
Here's a good example of why not to post if you're a new person-

High Lot, Tunica Strecting

This guy has EIGHT posts. What exactly did he do wrong for a mod to jump his shit like this?

If I were he, I'd be long gone and never look back…

In defense of SS4Jelq, I would have said the same thing. UhOh’s very first line in his very first post was "Hey guys i need alot of fucking help". He was asked to read the forum guidelines and obviously never did. There’s no need to rehash the same shit over and over again just because a new member is to lazy to search for the answer, especially when they have already been directed to.

Then say”there are alot of threads dealing with that subject, let me tell you have to utilize the search function. Oh, while you are at it, please take a look at the forum guidelines”

No one likes to be jumped on like that. We are all men with the same goal.


Maybe we need to add some questions to ask yourself before posting whenever someone starts a new thread (and an explanation of why it’s important). Could be something like:

1.) Have you searched for your topic? If not, do so now because it might already be covered. It’s always better to post a reply in a previous message on the same topic in order to keep the information centralized.

2.) Have you spell checked and re-read your post to make sure it’s understandable? By doing this, it will avoid confusion and result in better answers to the specific question you’re asking.

I’m sure there’s other “questions to ask”, but these seem to be the most common annoyances.

Yes that would be great Stevie, but in a lot of situations when you do a search and you find the “holy” thread you want to chime in on;by the time it is done it is so off topic and a change of course all you have to hope for is that the folks that had something to offer on the thread subscribed to it so they will know when someone has decided to post something “related” to the original thread. I hope that didn’t sound too stupid,I’ve done my best to explain.


Originally posted by cj0057

Yes that would be great Stevie, but in a lot of situations when you do a search and you find the “holy” thread you want to chime in on;by the time it is done it is so off topic and a change of course all you have to hope for is that the folks that had something to offer on the thread subscribed to it so they will know when someone has decided to post something “related” to the original thread. I hope that didn't sound too stupid,I've done my best to explain.

Not at all, it’s a very valid consideration. I can’t speak for others, but I look at every new post in the “holy” threads of a particular topic. Of course there will be new threads started with different variations, it just becomes overwhelmingly redundant when the same exact question is asked over and over again (i.e.. “I found my LOT, now what do I do?”).

Agreed,Thanks Stevie. Yes I too have learned how to better use the technical aspects of the forum,but speaking for newbies(very new),they may be very excited to actually find a meeting place like this without someone asking for $49.95 for viewing the “secrets” of penis enlargement, they don’t waste any precious time by reading the rules because they fear tommorrow membership to this place will be $49.95. I remember doing tiring searches for penis enlargement all to find out that there was a fee, when I found this wonderful forum I nearly shit my pants because there are no “money leeches” here.


Originally posted by cj0057

when I found this wonderful forum I nearly shit my pants because there are no “money leeches” here.

Believe me, I know the feeling. :D That’s why I think questions to ask yourself before posting might work.


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