Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why won't new members post?

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Why won’t new members post?

I’m afraid I’ll be identified.


I’m embarrassed to talk about my dick.


I’m a girl, I don’t have a penis to talk about.


I don’t speak/read English well enough.


I want to see some gains before I talk about it.


I’m afraid to say something stupid.


I’m only here to look at the member’s pics.


I don’t want to get on a spam list for penis pills.


I’m reading the forums "for a friend."


I’m a pay site owner gathering info for my "exclusive" techniques.

Total Votes: 287. You may not vote on this poll

Yes,it may force a calming effect on some,or at least long enough to read the rules a little bit. Maybe a “We will never sell memberships to the forum” motto just to let everyone know this will still be free tommorrow.


Nobody post anything since nearly all topics are already covered. Got it?

That seemed necessary.

Originally posted by 8 isnt enough
Oh yeah, and that! You know if I would have blown up like that, they would have banned me. Looks like it's just fine when a mod does it.


People are people. Sometimes bad judgement happens. Let us not read too deep into everything right now. I do agree that the search feature is neglected and a lot of other mods wind up doing all the research for others. It doesn’t bother me that much, but others seem to take an issue.

Keep in mind that some people have NEVER EVER been on a forum before in their life. I know when I joined that was the truth for me. So we must take a fundamental accounting into the issue too. No super clear cut answers right now. But they will happen soon enough.

Actually we would have bitched at you for sure, but not banned you. It isn’t an excuse for anyone but shit happens for sure. We need to take some chill pills and be happy little Fonzies and all will work itself out.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

For me it’s a question of time - to contribute to and integrate into an online community takes a certain amount of effort just like an offline community.

I simply don’t have the time or feel the need to do this. For my purposes everything I could possibly want to ask is already answered, usually every couple of days.

I do however feel grateful to the active members of the site for all the help they give to everybody, including those of us who do not make ourselves seen or heard.

Speaking for myself…

1) You guy/girls have so much info I usually find it somewhere.

2) I want to post when I have something to offer and that will start as soon as I see results from my routine.

3) I want to post a start pick as soon as I can, but I have no cam at this time. My friend does but I so paranoid I’ll leave the image on the camera! :lol:

Hey, to new members out there that are females, I PERSONALLY WOULD ADORE hearing from you.

We have a few women here ( see DW’s section ) but we really need more of your input - NO PUN INTENDED ;) .

You girls are why we ( heteros here ) do this. We are willing to twist our minds for the hundreds of hours it takes to get more meat into you just to hear you gasp a little sharper, moan a little harder, and orgasm a little easier.

When it comes to a chat room about penis size, it doesn’t get anymore down-to-earth practical and clinical than here. We could use some guidance or questions from you as we go into this uncharted territory in our lives.

Please help us help you.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I think you should add a couple more reasons:

Too busy using the search feature! :p

Too busy reading the Forum Guidelines and scared will break the rules and get kicked out. :p

Time Commitments (posting takes quite a bit of effort and time).

My own reasons are that I want to have some gains (or have a lack of gains—either way there are plenty of sample routines to try out for a while before asking questions.) before posting. Also I don’t want to sound dumb by asking a question like, “When I’m jelqing with 70% erect, how engorged is my penis supposed to look when I apply the grip?” because no one has asked before, which means the answer must be obvious. :p

thepenismightier's data

thepenismightierthanthesword, butmyswordislongerthanyourpenis

Originally posted by thepenismightier
I think you should add a couple more reasons:

Too busy using the search feature! :p

Hey, that really was one of the reasons that I didn’t post for months at first. I was not about to post untill I actually had something to contribute.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I chose “I want to see some gains before posting” because it comes closest to my answer which is : I didn’t feel I have anything to contribute.

BTW, having a low number of postings here does not necessarily mean you are a newbie. I have been a member of peforums since they were founded, and read its ezboard predecessor on a regular basis.

Problem is, I hardly find an opportunity to say anything that is new, or enlightening.

Besides that, although I read and write English at work very much, I feel my English appears as awkward and silly to others. (My native language is German).

Last edited by VRMan : 09-26-2003 at .

I don’t know fellas…The only thing that seems to make my dick grow is pussy. I reckon some of you lot need to get out a bit more?

Thunder’s is a great place. I consider it to be a part of my turn from my own torture chamber. The simple things that are asked of the members here aren’t all that difficult to follow. I don’t believe that using the forum guidelines and using the search option is too much to ask for what you receive in return.

Thanks Thunder and all the MODs for you guys commitment of your time to help us reach our goals.

Originally posted by chickenchoker
Hey, to new members out there that are females, I PERSONALLY WOULD ADORE hearing from you.

We have a few women here ( see DW's section ) but we really need more of your input - NO PUN INTENDED ;) .

You girls are why we ( heteros here ) do this. We are willing to twist our minds for the hundreds of hours it takes to get more meat into you just to hear you gasp a little sharper, moan a little harder, and orgasm a little easier.

When it comes to a chat room about penis size, it doesn't get anymore down-to-earth practical and clinical than here. We could use some guidance or questions from you as we go into this uncharted territory in our lives.

Please help us help you.

Chickenchoker thanks for making the ladies feel important here. We like to think we are. It’s not the easiest place for a woman to fit in but we try like hell to. It hasn’t always been easy though. I used to reply to threads out of DW’s a lot more than I do now. Maybe it was the crowd that was here then but my opinion wasn’t always met with delight.

I have been asked on numerous occasions what the perfect size was to me. Usually when I have given my opinion in response I was sorry that I did. I have been told women don’t know what they are talking about as far as size goes. I have been told that I am not being honest in my replies.If you says size doesn’t matter you get accused of lying. If you say it does matter your a size queen. Even though I was asked to give my opinion it always seems to not be good enough or believed anyway. Check out this thread as an example of that.

Members seem to think that a bigger dick is going to make them all of a sudden have a harem of women lusting after them. When I have expressed that there is more to a man than his dick it isn’t usually taken favorably. I still stand by my quote I have used here several times & its in the quote list. “Your more than just your penis. So your not just a dick to me.”

Anyway thats my reason for not replying out of DW’s or giving my opinion more. Don’t get me wrong either. I love Thunder’s Place. It’s my favorite thing to do on the net. I have made some great friends here. ThunderSS is the best host you could ask for. He has made me feel the most welcome at Thunder’s. He gave Anna and I a place we can feel like we are not only appreciated but also making a contribution. He gave us DW’s which I am extremely proud of!

I am not saying I wont give my opinion or refrain from answering your questions. I am just a lot more selective about it when I do anymore.

Last edited by westla90069 : 09-26-2003 at .

I don’t know fellas…The only thing that seems to make my dick grow is pussy. I reckon some of you lot need to get out a bit more?

What ya doing here then?

Many guys will pass through Thunder’s and never post, or post very little, just like in real life. Some people are just pedestrians.

PE in and of itself is a pretty weird concept to get your arms around at first. I know it was for me, I found the whole subject rather daunting, and I didn’t post really until I had an injury that I wanted some advice on.

Funny thing was, there were 3 or 4 other guys having the same injury at that time, and we discussed it and got through it, with some advice from vets. One of those guys is still a good friend to this day.

The point being, if you have a question, ask, because there’s probably a bunch of other guys with the same question, but are reluctant to post it. We’re all here to learn and grow, so we need to help each other on the path.

And some guys just need someone to give them the big picture of PE, nothing wrong with that. Others need more technical help, again, that’s good too. Some of the guys here have been at PE for years, and have seen it all. It’s just important not to abuse the situation. Do your homework, and if you need help, you ask.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.


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