Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why won't new members post?

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Why won’t new members post?

I’m afraid I’ll be identified.


I’m embarrassed to talk about my dick.


I’m a girl, I don’t have a penis to talk about.


I don’t speak/read English well enough.


I want to see some gains before I talk about it.


I’m afraid to say something stupid.


I’m only here to look at the member’s pics.


I don’t want to get on a spam list for penis pills.


I’m reading the forums "for a friend."


I’m a pay site owner gathering info for my "exclusive" techniques.

Total Votes: 287. You may not vote on this poll

Man—I realize that this is a PE site and while I can see that most of the technical PE related material is covered. There are still other psychological,emotional and motivational factors that are directly or indirectly related to PE and can be shared by the new members. It could be a post that is as innocent as:

Hey guys—this shit really works and this is what I did today or this is what I have been doing and this is how I think I can improve it or what do you guys think if I do this or that. This is what my girlfriend said today or this is how I am feeling about myself and my penis today.

Do you see what I am getting at here— You don’t necessarily have to be like a PE Guru or technique innovator like ex-member DLD or current member BIB and other fine dudes on this forum. There is emotional support here and sometimes we just need somebody to talk things through with even if it is not so PE related but many of us have certain states of mind and attitudes towards life that are result of how we perceive our penis and how we feel about ourselves. Those issues and others can be discussed in this forum and that means more people can participate than otherwise thought because we all have things that we could discuss—you new guys just need to step forward and speak your mind without any hesitation. Once you get into a groove—it will be like second nature to you and you will feel more a sense of community and then wonder to your self —Gee why didn’t I do this before? I really like interacting with all these cool guys and gals.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Well said supersizeit. Thanks bro.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Excellent commentary.


I like what Supersizeit said too.

When I first started coming here late last and early this year, it was more clique-y. Threads often had the same 10 or 15 guys always talking to each other. Maybe most were mods; I don’t remember. When someone new and out of the clique posted a question or idea, one of the “silverbacks” would soon come swaggering into the thread to set things straight. That was not an altogether bad thing, because we can all learn from a veteran’s experience, but I think it also served to stifle further discussion. It was more like a big advice column than the inclusive and diverse community it is still becoming.

Now I perceive that we have lots of guys contributing megabyte loads of excellent knowledge, insight, humor, experience or good sense even though many may have only been here a few weeks or months. That’s very welcome to me. With over 9,000 members, the sheer size of this virtual town creates a changing social dynamic from one day to the next. People leave, get busy, retire. New folks come in. They lurk. They read. And whether they post or not, many get bigger dicks.

I also perceive that more people feel comfortable expressing their opinions. Veterans still weigh in, and I hope they never stop, but I’m always glad to see a newbie post an question, insight, story, idea or picture. They may get steered to do a search, or read the forum guidelines, but their added presence usually benefits the broader community.

Maybe my perception is skewed because after a few months here I became more accepted and stopped noticing any cliques. Anyone feel like there’s an “in crowd” that’s hard to get into?

Last edited by Ike : 09-26-2003 at .

Good point, Ike. I imagine many new members don’t want to put in the effort to be part of an “in-crowd”. That’s how I felt when I first found Thunder’s Place. However, those reservations went away after extensive reading and seeing how well most newbies are treated.

Questions are much more effective if you read and have a good working knowledge of the subject before asking.

I’ve just started and I have posted in the personal routine page and the data page. I post in the forum but not as often as I would like due to the fact that I am a newbie, I am still learning. As I gain confidence in my knowledge of PE I will definitely put up more posts. Until then, I read and comment, as I feel needed. This is a great site and I am not going to bring it down by posting something stupid as I have seen others do.


Life isn't fair, but why be bitter? Life is way too short to go though with a bad attitude.

For me it was mainly the fear of sounding stupid and nobody replying to my post’s. But I have found that as long as you don’t come across as rude and offensive, you will get plenty of good advice off people who are only too happy to help.

I also agree with supersizeit about the motivational and emotional aspect of it all. Even though us newbies aren’t in a position to comment on the finer details of the 440 squeeze or the DLD blasters, I think maybe we could and should contribute in other ways. Maybe just by saying how we feel things are going in our routine, how great we feel, how down we feel or even just by wishing a 1st time poster good luck and letting him or (her) know they are in fine company at thunder’s place. It sure feels good when you know everyones on your side.

That being said though, I eagerly await the day that I can give good knowledgeable advice through my own experience. Until then I’ll leave it to the pros.

The two guys that voted for this choice “I don’t want to get on a spam list for penis pills.” don’t have anything to worry about unless they post their emails addressess publicly in the forum. You can hide your email address completely using the option in the usercp (button at top of the page).

We don’t give out email addresses to anyone.

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Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Some people are just shy,
and only chip in when they feel if they have something to add.

But I must say, the atmosphere here is really relaxed and friendly, which makes it easier to hop in.

Keep up the good work, Thunder!

Just Learning

What qualifies as a newbie not posting. I’m new—just finished the process tonight—and I won’t post for a while until I 1) learn my way around and 2) find out who is and who isn’t reliable (I know a Senior Member—Mafero—on the site and, since I trust him, will talk with him before I jump in). We started at almost the same time on another PE site about 4 1/2 years ago.

I am 56 yrs old started on the other PE site at 6.25 x 5.25 and am now 8+ x 6+. I gain all I wanted to gain in the first 6 months and been maintaining since then. I started pumping a few weeks ago to gain additional girth.

A “newbie” with your qualifications not posting would be a shame. You probably have a lot of things to share. Just watch for questions and answer with how you solved them. I guess the point of my poll was to find out what prevents people from posting and participating so we can work on making it better/easier for them to do so. It looks like you wont’ have any trouble. :leftie:


I am just here for the good reading!

I ran into PE by accident early this year. I then started looking for sites on natural enlargement and discovered jelqing. There is a lot of bs to filter out on the internet to find information on this subject.

When I started in march I was around 6.5 bpel, 6 nbpel and about 5.25 girth. I was only 3-4 inches flaccid. I began jelqing around march of this year. By june when I stopped for a while I was 7.25 bpel, and about 5.5 girth. This was done by jelqing only. Not a single stretch.

So I decided to start up my penis workout again about a month and half ago. I did some research and started doing stretches in the shower in the morning, and stretches/jelqing at night. I found this site a few weeks ago. I wish I would have found it a long time ago. I started incorporating a-frame stretches in the morning, and JAI’s. I think I am having a growth spurt now :) When I measured about a week ago I was up to 7.1-7.25 nbpel. I have not measure girth lately, but I am starting to scare myself when I look in the mirror. My flaccid length is 5.25.

I have stopped doing bp measurements since my fat pad varies a little depending on my diet and workout. Average for me is probably .5.

Welcome tubesteak and congratulations on your gains. Thanks for posting.


I don’t post all that much, I don’t know why really. I guess I tell myself that no one wants to hear what I have to say. I type many replies out but then press go back or go to another forum without clicking the submit reply button.

I come from a messed up back round and never really feel wanted, so I usually keep my input to myself. I’m not always that outgoing. But it also depends on my mood.

Oh well. take care now, bye bye then.

"Kids you've tried your best and failed miserably... the lesson is, never try." -Homer Simpson

This place works because of the range of opinions, if you can leave aside the thought that each post must be sparkling and original I’m sure you’ll feel more like posting.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


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