Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My thread.

My questions and routine thread

So I decided to make my own thread where I could ask any questions I have and discuss my routine/gains so.. Here we go!

I started PE in about mid-January, my measurements were probably 6-6.25” BPEL from the top. I was measuring from the side at first, so I was giving myself a 6.5 start. Also a 4.5-4.75”ish girth range. Since then I DID reach a 7” BPEL(from the side, it’s now 6.75” from the top on a good day) in length and my dick just seems fatter in general sometimes with a 5 or more inch BEG.

After those first gains, I was ecstatic. I was convinced that this wasn’t bullshit, and I’ve been PEing religiously since. But I don’t seem to be getting anything, more than 2 months in, and it seems like I’m fighting just to keep my biggest measurements intact.

My routine has been:
Shower/warmup/10+ minutes of 2-3 second pretty firm jelqs, usually my hands end up getting sore. This used to make my dick sore the next day, but recently it hasn’t. It feels untouched and I’m trying to up the routine but damn, my hands get seriously tired and it’s hard to sit in the shower for much longer without somebody noticing.

After that, I stretch gripping behinds the glans with my thumb and index finger, and just stretch in random directions(SD, SO, SU, LEFT, RIGHT) for 10-15 seconds a piece, then usually give one last tug SD and SU for 15-20 each and then BTC for as long as it’s comfortable.

Then throughout the day I always piss-pull and attempt to ‘never let it turtle’, if I’m at home I will try to BTC stretch almost as often as I can.

I was doing this 3/1 but lately I’ve pretty much just been doing it everyday. I’m taking today and tomorrow off.

And that’s been my routine for 2 months now. My questions are this; is this enough? Am I doing too much? When I started PE jelqs were intense, and I could feel the blood and what I was doing so tenderly. Now it feels way less sensitive and jelqing just doesn’t really make it sore anymore(although it sure kills the hands!).

At the moment, I pretty much just want everything; but from what I’ve read it seems best to go for length first. I’d really be happy with a legit 7” BPEL, but if it comes easy I will definitely do more. As for girth I’d really like to just have everything at least over 5”(BEG, MEG, glans) but for now I’m focusing on length.


Start; January, 2011: Around 6.5" BPEL, 4.75" BEG, 4.5 MSEG

3/26/11: Failure to stay 100% for measurement.

Last edited by All_Day : 03-26-2011 at .

Hey friend.

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. Gradually increase the tension/pressure and reps, and then add of a few exercises. You sound like you are on the right path.

Welcome to out humble community.


Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

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