Thunder's Place

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Natural Penis Growth During 10 -18yo


Natural Penis Growth During 10 -18yo

Hi guys,

I would like to ask you a few, , until when, during your adolescence , you think your penis kept growing and growing, and at what time you think it reached its maximum size?
Do you remember, ex, at 10, it had a certain size, then, there was a big ‘jump’ between 12 and 15 yo, then, it started getting ticker.. Or maybe the overall growth just slowed down a little, and then, from 17 until 19-20, a huge part of the growth toke place, until becoming the final beast.. Etc etc..
Do you remember at which periods of your life, ex., you started doing some heavy exercises.. Or some regular sport.. Or eating a lot, or.. Masturbating, or whatever practice, that you remember ‘hey, by that time, I was doing this or that, and I remember, my penis had become bigger.?

Because we are all different.. Our growth, our food, our activities, our stress, work or not, sunny weather the whole year, or rainy and wet 10 months a year, etc etc, and I guess, the most important, food and drinks, all those things together must have some Influence on our penis growth. Even wearing loose/tight clothes- could have some influence as well..

The other day, I was reading a thread on the Spanish side, and there was a guy, that at the age of 17, already had a future monster 17cm / 6.65” big one !
For sure, the mother nature was nice with him, but his natural growth, surely must have something to do with his life, quality of life, food, sport, etc.

The same thing must apply to the others: those under the 15cm / 5.85” mark.
For sure, there must have been something, body, ADN, , etc, that just went wrong, at a particular moment . Something missing, food, sport, etc, for sure.
I remember, when I was 11-12yo, going to a friend’s house, with a girl from our school, to visit him, because he had broken a leg and had to stay in his bed. The girl had a huge pair of boobs, for her 13yo , ultra cute with a body of a 18-20yo girl. And I remember my friend making fun of himself, by pulling his ear, and when he did that, a massive boner would lift his clothes and sheet. She was all smiling and wet, and the 4Th time he did that, the sheet went of, and we could see a perfect fat vertical +20cm / 7.8” monster. The girl looked so happy and impressed with that view, If his parents weren’t at home, I guess she would beg him to destroy her.

12 yo, and already a massive 8” monster. 12 yo!! Just imagine if it kept growing until his 20 yo.. Better not imagine.

So, damn, there must be something. There has to be.
Could it be something like, people grow too fast between 9 and 12-13 yo, they get a big beard already, a male voice, fully finished working testicles, etc, and if a guy just reaches that state at 13 or 14, for the brain and body, the ‘growth’ is officially finished, the guy is officially sexually ‘mature’, and instead of keep growing from 14 until 19 or 20, the growth will stop at 14, and the guy will only have a 13 or 14 cm penis, instead of the probably 17 or 18cm / 7” one.?

Or maybe could the penis growth be slowed down or stopped, because the guy started masturbating at 10-11yo, and kept doing it throughout all his adolescence, and for his body, it was like “OK, so if this body is already ejaculating, then, he is an adult, sexually mature, etc, so let’s stop all the growing mechanisms, as he is already mature, and doesn’t need to grow any more’.

You see what I mean?

Do you guys remember some of the different phases, etc, when you were young, that you think they might have been very important for the growth of your best friend, phases that lead to the monster you have today.. Or to the short ‘noodle-like 6th finger’ you hate more and more, each day.?

Thanks in advance for your opinions. I think it’s an important subject. Not that something can be done, as we can’t go back in time, but at least, it could help us understanding why and why, so we can blame/praise something other than our luck :)

Again, thanks GUYS, thanks TP

Assuming someone is not malnourished, natural growth is down to genetics. Can’t recall the hormone right now - I believe it is unique IIRC - but it is released during puberty and responsible for the growth. Genetics. Now, when this window of growth is open, if one somehow was able to keep the hormonal flow going, would there be additional growth? Not sure. And no idea how to do that.

To get at some of your answers, I just don’t recall anything abnormal. I started puberty at 10 (early), and started noticing my cock growing at about 11 years of age. By about 15 years or so, I think it was maxxed out.

Thank you for replying.
So , if ‘everything’ depends on one damn hormone.. I wish my parents or school had given us some info about it.. Worse, no Internet by that time.
Maybe that explains why there are guys at 12, with a man’s voice, and a beard like a Taliban. Though, I’ve seen guys, adults, with almost no beard, with a facial hair here and there, but with a monster dick.

Because of some health problems and some medicines, my testosterone levels were ultra low, and my physician has prescribed me a 3 month cure (1x month). I wonder if that could help while doing the newbie routine :p

And that famous hormone, is there a way to force the body to re-produce it again? I guess the answer is a sad NO, and once it’s over, well.. It’s over.? Or is it like hair growth.. There still is some hope :) .?

I’ve heard in a few places , people talking about Ritaline, a drug given to ultra active kids, and it looks like many boys who have taken it during some years, their puberty was kind of slowed down, along other general growth issues. Maybe it’s a myth, but in case it is true, it means that science must know/understand how the whole puberty process goes.

Let’s hope some guys can explain how that hormone you’ve mentioned interacts and can be the key for a good ‘normal’ long puberty, that may or not give a guy a massive dick.

Still growing here. I know that at 15 I was like 7” and by 16 I was 7.2 or so. And 4.6 girth I wanna say. Now recently turning 18 i was 7.3 and 4.9” girth. Honestly I just am hitting another growth spurt since I’m a late developer so I’m expecting some more length and girth still.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

I recall myself being around 6-6.5” in early highschool (so say 14-16) and not really growing much after that length-wise until I started PE. I only really recall this as I remember seeing just over 6” and googling size, then reading all the crap about people being 9-14” on the Internet. Wish I never read that, as it might have led to more fun in highschool.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

Did you guys notice any natural girth gains past 16/17?

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

Originally Posted by Narukami
Did you guys notice any natural girth gains past 16/17?

I wasn’t really measuring for that, but I’m 90% sure I gained some (maybe 0.25”) in girth in my late teens or early 20s.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

LOL. Just focus on PE. Even though there is always risk, there is probably a ton less risk than if you could somehow reignite the body with that growth cycle. Who knows - maybe it would grow at a right angle, fold back on itself, or just outright result in cancer.

No, PE is the answer. Let nature run its course and just groove PE into a lifestyle later and reap some nice results. And accept what is, what can be, or maybe just won’t be - and enjoy all the other things in life.

Best to ya, NBNB

Let’s see if we can establish some patterns. I was in the army when I was 18, after finishing school. Here is what I have from the showers all flaccid sizes of course, evaluating strictly in my perception.

Tall guys average to big. Was only one with a small flaccid and he was about 6.3 height.
Average height guys average. Maybe a couple of them big. Mostly average.
Shorter guys small to big.

Biggest was a still friend of mine with an 8 incher boner and perhaps 7 flaccid. His height is 5.5 and he has little to no facial hair. Body clean of hair. Slim build.

I also noticed that guys with facial hair and thicker builds seemed to have more thick flaccids of average length.

I know that flaccid size is not a good indicator of erect size, but that’s all I have.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by BusterHymes
LOL. Just focus on PE. Even though there is always risk, there is probably a ton less risk than if you could somehow reignite the body with that growth cycle. Who knows - maybe it would grow at a right angle, fold back on itself, or just outright result in cancer.

No, PE is the answer. Let nature run its course and just groove PE into a lifestyle later and reap some nice results. And accept what is, what can be, or maybe just won’t be - and enjoy all the other things in life.

Best to ya, NBNB

I do know PE is the answer, believe me ; )

Because of permanent pain (no cancer pain), I must swallow high doses of morphine , each day. Like 1.2 g (yes, ‘g’, not ‘mg’), and of course liver and friends don’t really like it. I noticed my hair, among other things, were a bit ‘strange’, so I talked to my doctor, and we decided to check the testo levels.. And surprise, instead of a minimum ‘9’ value, I was round 2. Just imagine what such low levels may do to the whole body, from stamina, to esteem, to.. Pretty much everything. . That’s why he decided to do the 3 month cure.

And of course, the idea of having those hormones or whatever he injected on my butt. .. In my body, I thought ‘hey, maybe that could be beneficial to my little body, helped by the many kegels and the newbie routine I’ve been doing for a few weeks.. Maybe everything together will do a special sauce.. And will wake up the hormone x34y45z23, responsible for the growth of our faithful little buddy’ .yeah, one can dream..

I would never take some pills just because it said ‘take those and grow 4 inches in 2 months’.. The perfect way to kill some cells, win a brand new cancer and have the balls turn light green or yellow.

Thanks, BusterHymes

Last edited by nobignobabe : 07-23-2015 at . Reason: Forgot to thank

Originally Posted by bill10
Let’s see if we can establish some patterns. I was in the army when I was 18, after finishing school. Here is what I have from the showers all flaccid sizes of course, evaluating strictly in my perception.

Tall guys average to big. Was only one with a small flaccid and he was about 6.3 height.
Average height guys average. Maybe a couple of them big. Mostly average.
Shorter guys small to big.

Biggest was a still friend of mine with an 8 incher boner and perhaps 7 flaccid. His height is 5.5 and he has little to no facial hair. Body clean of hair. Slim build.

I also noticed that guys with facial hair and thicker builds seemed to have more thick flaccids of average length.

I know that flaccid size is not a good indicator of erect size, but that’s all I have.

Yeah, I too have noticed a couple of times that often, relatively small guys (like 5-5.2 feet) have big ones. I remember an old friend, we would grab him at home, Friday night, before going out, and the guy would often leave the shower and go finish dressing where we were standing, in the leaving room (he wasn’t gay), and he was really proud of his ‘just-left-the-shower’ 5.5” flaccid.
I remember he would often tease some women, +25-40yo nice little bitches, single or married, because they would kind of ‘smell’ he had a big one.(by that time he was only about 25yo), and always ended up fucking them (he wasn’t even an handsome guy.)

Crazy how women can ‘scan’ and ‘feel’ when a guy has a big cock. .. Or not. Like they could read on guys head ‘alert alert, bitches, daddy’s got a little monster, to destroy your not-so-innocent pussies’ ! Or ‘go away, bitches, and leave me alone with my 11th finger’.

Originally Posted by nobignobabe
Yeah, I too have noticed a couple of times that often, relatively small guys (like 5-5.2 feet) have big ones. I remember an old friend, we would grab him at home, Friday night, before going out, and the guy would often leave the shower and go finish dressing where we were standing, in the leaving room (he wasn’t gay), and he was really proud of his ‘just-left-the-shower’ 5.5” flaccid.
I remember he would often tease some women, +25-40yo nice little bitches, single or married, because they would kind of ‘smell’ he had a big one.(by that time he was only about 25yo), and always ended up fucking them (he wasn’t even an handsome guy.)

Crazy how women can ‘scan’ and ‘feel’ when a guy has a big cock. .. Or not. Like they could read on guys head ‘alert alert, bitches, daddy’s got a little monster, to destroy your not-so-innocent pussies’ ! Or ‘go away, bitches, and leave me alone with my 11th finger’.

Usually the tall skinny guys are horses in my experience.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

Originally Posted by G263
Anyone can have any type of cock. By that logic the old shoe size trick would be accurate.

That’s why I can’t wait to be 8” because I wear size 8 shoes 😂 I can say my dicks bigger than my shoe size haha.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

Originally Posted by G263
Anyone can have any type of cock. By that logic the old shoe size trick would be accurate.

One day, one guy I was working with, told me:
’ Hey, if you close your left hand, and then, you make an ‘L’ with your thumb and index, the length of the | should be the size of your dick’
Unfortunately, I tried it when I was alone, that trick worked for me :(

Can you guys test it and confirm ? : )

One thing I’ve noticed, often, guys with long fingers, and also, guys with big and visible veins(arms, neck, hands) , they often have massive units with huge veins.

About the shoe size.. One day I was going home with a girl I was dating for a few days.. When we left my car, she noticed I had some kind of pointed shoes, that looked muuuch bigger than the actual size.. And she tells me, smiling ’ oh, you know what they say about long shoes.’.I did a little ‘ha ha.’ and thought ‘oh man, I’m fucked.. Queen size approaching at 6 o’clock. .’ Fortunately, she had a pretty and tight ultra-bald cookie.

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