Need help changing my routine
Okay I found an online ruler and my girth has increased drastically! If I measured correctly my girth is now 5.5” MSG! It is even bigger at the base with 5 7/8” there. My length has decreased a bit to about 5 7/8 so it looks like my base girth is equal to my length. I am happy and sad about that because now I am under 6” and that’s lame! Plus if the rumor of more girth = harder length gains is true then I got a long road ahead of me.
This week I started doing some PE again life has finally calmed down enough to let it happen. I was jelqing and doing a stretch I made up. The stretch is like this: Do the Spock sign and slide your dick (flaccid) into the crook it makes. Then grab the wiener and stretch it towards yourself while keeping the Spock sign grip firmly on the base. I feel something with this, not sure what, though. I stopped doing it because I am not sure if it is safe. What do you guys think?
Now that my girth is above what I aimed for, I am going to lengthen out. Does anyone have a few good articles that could point me in the right direction for making a length routine? I am thinking of articles about different exercises, that way I can read up on ‘em and then decide if I can handle them.
Oh and I have NO idea how I gained this girth. I haven’t been PEing really. I have been attempting to edge and balloon maybe that has been it?