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Need help getting back into pumping and clamping

Need help getting back into pumping and clamping

I’ve been doing pe for a good 2 yrs now but I’ve recently come off a long break of I’d say 6 months & I really want to get back into it & try to gain some extra girth

I’ve started myself on the newbie routine, but I’ve kinda forgotten alot of basics of pumping & clamping, I plan to do the newbie routine for 2-3 weeks & then slowly add pumping and clamping, atm the routine look like this

5mins warm up (sock)
10 mins jelqs (increasing 5-10 minutes a week)
2 min rewarm up (water)
Kegels 200-300
5 min warm down (sock)

When I add pumping & clamping

5mins warm up (sock)
3-5mins Clamping
5mins rewarm (sock)
10-20 mins jelqs
2 min rewarm (water)
Kegels 200-300
5 min warm down (sock)

Not to sure where I should add the pumping, I can’t find my old routine that gave me great gains in girth & alittle in length, but I’m possitive I did pumping & clamping in the routine, I still have the 5-6 pumps & penis rings laying around in the cabinet

Started - 6 X 4.9

Currently - 6.2 X 5.5

To start of with, I would add in 10 minutes of pumping at 3”hg before clamping. Then clamp to retain your post pump girth.

When you want to up the pump routine, do not add more pressure, just start adding more time.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
To start of with, I would add in 10 minutes of pumping at 3”hg before clamping. Then clamp to retain your post pump girth.

When you want to up the pump routine, do not add more pressure, just start adding more time.

Thanks alot I’ll give it a try and update the post in a week or so :D , I’ve missed doing p.e even after only doing it for a week I’ve noticed a hudge difference in morning wood & espeically my performance during intercourse. I’m happy I didn’t lose any of my gains during my time off.

Started - 6 X 4.9

Currently - 6.2 X 5.5

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