Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NEED HELP - I'm Up To My Last Straw


Originally Posted by bobs3304
My whole thing is, if it consumes not just your time, but your MIND.then it’s not healthy.

You do realize a lot of theories - like the ‘never turtle’ one - stem mainly from PE addicts…

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Originally Posted by bobs3304
My whole thing is, if it consumes not just your time, but your MIND.then it’s not healthy.


I think obsession and “consuming the mind” are pretty strong terms for many of us who PE.

To me, PE is just like my weightlifting/gym activity or my study of martial arts or any other thing that interests me. I put time and effort into the things that interest me and have a benefit in my life. That is not obsessive.

Now, sure, there are some men who obsess over PE just like there are some men who obsess over bodybuilding. Doesn’t mean that it has to be that way.

Some might perceive that you are obsessed with masturbation (putting many hours into it) and that it appears not to be to healthy for you. Perhaps balancing your time more appropriately would be beneficial, i.e. taking away the masturbation time and applying that to PC (penis conditioning) or weightlifting or study or something else that interests you and is good for you.

Just some thoughts :)

Originally Posted by bobs3304
My whole thing is, if it consumes not just your time, but your MIND.then it’s not healthy.

I would also point out here Bob, that it may not be good for you but may be very beneficial for someone else.

For instance, take a guy like YGuy who had a penis around 4 inches long, who through excessive hours of PE was able to achieve an 8 inch length. YGuy was benefitted not only in the physical aspect but in his mental/confidence state of mind. He no longer is doing active PE and it no longer takes up many of his hours but he was quite excessive (obsessed?) for a few years to achieve his final goals.

Now, a guy like you, starting out with an 8 inch length may not be able to understand that completely but lets try to leave room for all types of experiences in this endeavor of PE.


True, and hey, to each his own.

But from my perspective, it’s just not good to obsess like that.

Why am I conditioning my dick?

B/c all I seek is a healthy, normalized penis. If gains come with it, great, but that’s not my main concern. I want optimal performance out of what God gave me.

Originally Posted by The Beasty One
You do realize a lot of theories - like the ‘never turtle’ one - stem mainly from PE addicts..

I’ve experienced it firsthand.

I think we all have.

Originally Posted by bobs3304
True, and hey, to each his own.

But from my perspective, it’s just not good to obsess like that.

Like I said, one man’s obsession is another man’s moderation :) , depending on what the goals are for your life. You, of course, already have a big unit so one would not expect you to put to much time into enlarging it.

I agree balance is a key to a healthy life and mental state, but sometimes to reach goals in certain areas takes a herculian commitment to that certain area. That does not always equate to “obsession”.

Is the olympic athlete obsessed in their training regimen or are they trying to achieve a certain goal for their life that is a temporary sacrifice to reach that goal?
I think it depends on the person and their mental/spiritual state.

Just a few more thoughts ;)


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