Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Need Length Advice


multiple short extreme pump? what do you mean by that? gradually add pressure in those 30 min session?

twice a day with no rest days?? crazzy, i guess when you are goin to see your wife you take a day off right?

Originally Posted by quim92
multiple short extreme pump? what do you mean by that? gradually add pressure in those 30 min session?
twice a day with no rest days?? crazzy, i guess when you are goin to see your wife you take a day off right?

Gradually add vacuum, until light pain and no stretch, about 5 to 10 seconds at the high vacuum..
Hit the release valve and repeat.
It typically takes over twenty minutes of the repeated cycles to reach the point of no further stretching with a cycle.
I then repeat it about a half dozen times and then quit.

Haven’t done anything with my wife due to work since New Years, and the last six weeks plus who knows how long until she is healthy again.

The biggest gains were with no days off, but for the good of my unit’s health I have cut my exercise efforts in half to let it heal.


hope you will enjoy your stunning unit soon man.

If I am not misunderstanding, you increase the pressure gradually till you feel some pain then hold it 5-10 sec. Realise and take it out. That takes 20-25 minuts. If you do that 6 times it takes like 3 hours to do it. If you do that twice a day it takes 6hours…. sure I am misunderstanding something here, sorry

then when would the extreme Ullis be included? after or before? and how many and how long each?

I will give this a shot after my manuals stop beign effective if this isnt a 3 hours workout

Originally Posted by quim92
hope you will enjoy your stunning unit soon man.
If I am not misunderstanding, you increase the pressure gradually till you feel some pain then hold it 5-10 sec. Realise and take it out. That takes 20-25 minuts. If you do that 6 times it takes like 3 hours to do it. If you do that twice a day it takes 6hours…. sure I am misunderstanding something here, sorry
then when would the extreme Ullis be included? after or before? and how many and how long each?
I will give this a shot after my manuals stop beign effective if this isnt a 3 hours workout

The total session time runs between 30 and 40 minutes.

Each micro session is less than 30 seconds at a time, with the last 5 - 10 seconds at the extreme vacuum.
The penis stays in the tube for the entire session unless I suspect a blister is forming.

Once I did an extended workout for about 90 minutes and took myself out of commission for a week until the blisters healed.

Check frequently, if you feel the start of a blister - stop for the day.


I think I read somewhere that this is called dynamic pumping. I guy who gained by casual pumpign and stopped gaining reported good gains when he changed to dynamic pumping. There is a good thread about it.

Thanks for clearing this up, when you did also Ullis, when would you include them ?

Extreme ULI Time

Originally Posted by quim92
I think I read somewhere that this is called dynamic pumping. I guy who gained by casual pumpign and stopped gaining reported good gains when he changed to dynamic pumping. There is a good thread about it.
Thanks for clearing this up, when you did also Ullis, when would you include them ?

I always finished off an extreme (dynamic) pumping session with extreme ULIs.I have a few photos out there showing 6.5 glans and 7.5 mid during an extreme ULI.


I’ve seen them . they are pretty amazing. And it isn’t even erect. How is your EQ?

So ullis are done just once at the end. For like 5 min?


Originally Posted by quim92
I’ve seen them . they are pretty amazing. And it isn’t even erect. How is your EQ?
So ullis are done just once at the end. For like 5 min?

Once is enough.


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