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Need Length Advice


Need Length Advice

I’ve been doing off and on PE 30 + yrs, incorporating hanging, stretching, ballooning - minimal effort.

Over the last 12 mos I got serious about PE w/ extender, pump, clamping, ballooning.

I went from 6.75 to 7.5 BPEL w/ extender over six mos.

I next pumped for several mos. To 5.0 glans, 5.5 mid, 6.5 base.

For the next 4 mos I was off and on exercising, resulting in 8.0 BPEL, 5.0 glans, 6.0 mid, 7.0 base.

For the last 4 weeks I have been using high pressure gauge 15+ pumping 2x daily w/ balloon clamping - 8.5 BPEL, 6.0 glans, 7.0 mid, 8.0 base.
While pumping, the tip gets to the 8.8+ mark on the tube, and when released goes back to 8.5.

My numbers based on the use of an injection to achieve erection, with no fluid from pumping just solid hardness is achieved.

My wife hasn’t seen it in six months - I work distant.
The last time she loved the thickness, her deep throat was excellent, I hit sore spot at cervix during penetration and she jumped.

I had to file away half of the base for my extender, which was tight and is now very difficult to get on all the way.

I don’t want any more girth, but do want 10.5 BPEL.

I assume the extender is the only tool I should be using.
I can’t fit my hand around shaft to jelq if it is 50% erect.

I have only used a “12”x2.5” tube, which is getting fuller with every session, the base is stuffed for the lower three inches a few minutes into each session.

I take a handful of herbs daily, everything referenced for PE, but not yohimbe (jitters).

It will be another month before she sees it, I fear I may have ruined her deep throat ability, and I figure the length just needs careful attention during penetration.

What is the best way to gain additional length in the shortest time which is comfortable to wear.

My extender has a soft foam sleeve at the glans, but is uncomfortable after an hour of use.

nice to hear such a good succesful story. so how much have you gained from pumping in girth overall? did you combine it with manuals?

you almost gaine done inch with the extender, why dotn you keep at it and add some hanging sessions?

what extender did you use?

The extender is a cheapo from the internet.

It was a lot of fun when I started and had to add more threaded rod sections for length.

Typically I’d max out the tension by adjusting the base rods.

Many years ago, I guess I was about 4.5 mid girth, pretty straight to the base, with a very small glans which would never fill out.

I targeted the glans and girth initially with the ballooning and clamping.

Now I need to target the length.

The girth gains are coming faster than I want, primarily due to the high vacuum I use pumping.
There is a good inch between my thumb and fingers at the base with an erection, I can barely touch just below the glans.

I hate to stop pumping, the growing and stretching feels great, I think I will just keep the vacuum to about 5.

The unstated story is that about six months ago, my wife felt the growth was due to the testosterone injections I take weekly.

The difference from then to now is very noticeable, I’ll have to tell her I upped the dosage.
I think she would recommend a cessation if she knew of the PE tools.

Some words of advice:

The moderators have clearly posted warnings regarding the use of extreme PE techniques, for good reason.

My gains were obtained at a price.

Just a few years ago, clamping and ballooning induced bleeding inside the tip of my penis.
The result was of course no sex, no nothing for at least a week at a time.

I believe that I have hardened (scarred) my unit to the point that I have not seen a recurrence in over six months, even though I has been pushing the limits more often.

A long (hours) pumping session once resulted in blistering across the head of my penis, and the donut effect.

I have learned that while pumping, you increase the vacuum in increments and release it after the penis stops elongating.

Pumping to my maximum of 8.8 inches is a multi-step affair which takes about a half hour.

Typically pump until painful or elongation stops, release and begin again.
You will notice at each step that the length of the penis upon release of the vacuum is slightly longer at each step.

Getting the penis length and girth to expand for me did not happen quickly until I went to the extreme vacuum of 15 and higher.
Initially it is quite painful, but if released and restarted has not caused any negative side effects for me.

Please be careful out there.

Your gains are mind blowing. Very well done.

over 30 years of PE experiences? Holy shit. Should consider yourself a PE professor.

It is hard to say. It seems as though you achieved great gains using the extender so I would upgrade to a bigger extender so you can wear it comfortably. Be sure to cement those gains though; that magnitude of gaining would be a terrible thing to waste.

Start 2/27/14: BPEL 6"/ EG 5" ==> 6.5"/ 5.25"

Now: Taking a break!

Make a Donation Everybody's doing it.:cancer:

Thanks badd jack for answering my PMs and also my post.
I got a few more question and suggestions for you I will post here as I’m sure more people are interested or will be:

“Over the last 12 mos I got serious about PE w/ extender, pump, clamping, ballooning.”
“For the last 4 weeks I have been using high pressure gauge 15+ pumping 2x daily w/ balloon clamping”
So combining ballooning with pumps is what worked best for you?
Refering to 15, what is the unit? Hg? Anyone could tell me what is ballooning?

“I take a handful of herbs daily, everything referenced for PE, but not yohimbe (jitters).”
Could you mention where you got advised of these herbs? What are they? And do you think it has had something to do with you gains? I personally take Gold max, but it is just to get easier stronger erection before having sex, it works quite well.

“My extender has a soft foam sleeve at the glans, but is uncomfortable after an hour of use.”
“It was a lot of fun when I started and had to add more threaded rod sections for length.”
I guess at a certain pain where you have added many rods it t becomes tricky. If you run OK with money why don’t you spend money on suction extenders like phallosan or peni master pro? German quality is guaranteed.

“Many years ago, I guess I was about 4.5 mid girth, pretty straight to the base, with a very small glans which would never fill out”.
“The unstated story is that about six months ago, my wife felt the growth was due to the testosterone injections I take weekly.”
Dammn!!… That’s like 2,5 inches girth gains!! Congrats man!! If it is not too personal, why would you take those injections? Was it for PE reasons? How much of your gains do you think is due to those injections?

“I have learned that while pumping, you increase the vacuum in increments and release it after the penis stops elongating.”
When you say release you mean, just realize some pressure or fully take off the pressure?
How long you pumped for, you said like hours, but how many a day?? I guess first is better trying long session with low pressure and increase pressure gradually. You agree?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I find your thread very interesting what we should not get carried away as it took time and a few injuries.
Where did you get advise from? MOS? Or PEgym?

Thanks badd jack for answering my PMs and also my post.
I got a few more question and suggestions for you I will post here as I’m sure more people are interested or will be:

“Over the last 12 mos I got serious about PE w/ extender, pump, clamping, ballooning.”
“For the last 4 weeks I have been using high pressure gauge 15+ pumping 2x daily w/ balloon clamping”
So combining ballooning with pumps is what worked best for you?

The greatest gains have come over te past 12 months, the techniques are included in my posts.

Refering to 15, what is the unit? Hg? Anyone could tell me what is ballooning?

The units are Hg, typically I go up to -15 to -20 for very brief periods.

“I take a handful of herbs daily, everything referenced for PE, but not yohimbe (jitters).”
Could you mention where you got advised of these herbs? What are they? And do you think it has had something to do with you gains? I personally take Gold max, but it is just to get easier stronger erection before having sex, it works quite well.

The use of herbs was from extensive research at every website I could find regarding penis enlargement.
Included are - ginkgo bilboa, horny goat weed, pine bark, maca, ginseng extract, DHEA, L-lysine, L-Arginine, and a few others I can’t recall the names.

“My extender has a soft foam sleeve at the glans, but is uncomfortable after an hour of use.”
“It was a lot of fun when I started and had to add more threaded rod sections for length.”
I guess at a certain pain where you have added many rods it t becomes tricky. If you run OK with money why don’t you spend money on suction extenders like phallosan or peni master pro? German quality is guaranteed.

I’ll look into the reviews for the suction extenders, thanks.

“Many years ago, I guess I was about 4.5 mid girth, pretty straight to the base, with a very small glans which would never fill out”.
“The unstated story is that about six months ago, my wife felt the growth was due to the testosterone injections I take weekly.”
Dammn!… That’s like 2,5 inches girth gains!! Congrats man!! If it is not too personal, why would you take those injections? Was it for PE reasons? How much of your gains do you think is due to those injections?

The injections are because I’m an old fart with very low testosterone. The therapy is prescribed and blood work is monitored.

“I have learned that while pumping, you increase the vacuum in increments and release it after the penis stops elongating.”
When you say release you mean, just realize some pressure or fully take off the pressure?

Tap the release valve a few times to drop the vacuum.

How long you pumped for, you said like hours, but how many a day?? I guess first is better trying long session with low pressure and increase pressure gradually. You agree?

Only recently have I pumped more than once a day, due to the donut effect.
The method I described allows for multiple sessions of about 30 minutes each.

Sorry for asking so many questions, I find your thread very interesting what we should not get carried away as it took time and a few injuries.
Where did you get advise from? MOS? Or PEgym?

PEgym thinks I’m a spammer, total misunderstanding on their part.
The advice was from many hours of online research.

Sorry I missed one question on the earlier post.

Refering to 15, what is the unit? Hg? Anyone could tell me what is ballooning?

What I am referring to as ballooning is utilizing a cock ring or adjustable band at the base of the penis to constrict blood flow.
Then manually jelqing from below the clamp to engorge the penis.

Sometimes it takes a while, but it is pretty impressive to look at a fully engorged and rock hard penis with a hard glossy head.

The best feeling is watching the last few jelqs force the penis to stretch in the area just below the glans, and literally elongate with every jelqing motion until fully maxed out.

This is the point where I have many times popped a blood vessel at the tip of my penis, be careful.

Thanks so much.

When jelqing while you clamp the base I guess when you say jelq below the clamp it means leave the clamp fixed at the base and jelq/squeeze 100% erection? That seems to me ullis #3. I do ullis squuezing up the erect penis without clamp. You are right, it feels good seeing the the penis expanding. I will definately get in touch with you when going for girth. Now I’d like to get lenght.

Living Legend

I pay my respects to a living legend!

BaddJack it is so good for the rest of us to read success stories like yours.

(I was wondering if taking PE more seriously coincided with starting the testosterone injections?)

Reason for PE

As stated in my initial posting, I have always been into some form of PE, generally do it yourself attempts by an engineering mentality.

I tried hanging weights from my late teens, without any noticeable success, due to a lack of effort.

I found that some form of cock ring enhanced my erections resulting in better sex, and if used for long periods showed some early gains.
I kept a log of my gradual success, but destroyed t when a found a fellow employee snooping about my desk, and pretty much gave up.

It wasn’t until the advent of the WEB and the available mountain of information and popularity of PE that I even considered anything commercially available.

The original JES extender caught my eye a few years back but the price kept me away.
I engineered a substitute utilizing hardware, bought the parts but never built it due to the bulky nature of it.

Once the knockoff extenders, pumps and tubes became available at an affordable price I was on my way.

My postings summarize my efforts, methods and success.

One bit of advice I got recommended the PeniMaster of Phallosan to alleviate the pain from wearing my extender for prolonged periods.
Once again, the price keeps me away.
This time I do not see any viable engineered home made substitute.

After much analysis I have decided on the following plan to achieve my 10.5 BPEL, without any further gains in girth.

When I initially started pumping, I went for the standard 9 inch tubes, with 1.75 inch diameter.
I used them successfully, but started to get pretty snug inside the tubes.
I also realized that my goal of 10.5 BPEL would max out the tube.

My plan is to purchase slightly larger diameter tubes, 2.0 and 2.25 inches in diameter which are 12 inches long.

The 2.0 will not allow any further girth gains, I’ll just have to lube it well.

It is curious you have been able to gain girth or length depending on the tube’s shape. Has it always been long sessions of air pump?

Never water pump?

Pumping Sessions

As I stated earlier, the long sessions of pumping resulted in injury, if the vacuum was not released and restarted every few minutes.

My current 30 minute up and down sessions have worked perfectly.

Earlier I had confused “ballooning”, I just looked it up, and what I do does not involve holding back ejaculations.
I simply restrict at the base and manually force blood into the penis until it can’t take any more.

There may be a possible correlation with my use of trimix, however until the last two weeks, I had only used it for sex with my wife several times a year.

One other item I neglected to mention, but has never been associated with penis growth, is my use of PT-141 and MT-2.
This time of year, I build up a dark tan assisted by MT-2 injections subcutaneously, to prevent any sunburn during my all day offshore fishing trips.
I’ve successfully avoided sunburns for the past two years with the use of MT-2.

PT-141 on the other hand is primarily a “make your penis feel happy” injection, without the tanning benefit.
PT-141 lasts about two days for me and makes me incredibly horny.

The use of both should be considered more recreational, since the benefits fade with continued use.

One last thing, I have on three occasions tried viagra and on about a dozen levitra.
Neither works well for me.
I believe my excesses in beer, wine and cigars has something to do with it.
The levitra side effects, which I took too much of to force it to work (which it never did) were unbearable leg tremors and weakness.
The viagra had the standard blue vision effect, with a general lowered sense of well being.

One thing that I did learn by accident was not to use trimix with either viagra or levitra in your system, typically previous day.
On several occasions I had periods of semi-priapism (not full blown hard) typically lasting 16 hours and once to 37 hours.
Had I known, I wold have drunk and smoked more in addition to taking sudafed to alleviate the ache.

All in all, I have learned many things during my travels into the world of PE, which I am trying to share to assist others.

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