Thunder's Place

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Get the length girth-ratio one wants

Get the length girth-ratio one wants

I have been doing manual stretches a couple of times and read in another thread that it’s the best approach to go for length before focusing on girth due to the stronger ligaments and tunica in a thicker cock. But to achieve the fastest length gains possible it’s best to combine with jelqs or pumping etc. I really wanna do that, but I also don’t want to reach my girth goal before my length goal.

Is it possible to get the length/girth-ratio one wants by altering his PE routine to reach length goal first and then, when reaching satisfying length move on to more girth focus so as not to combine the two alongside and possibly reach the girth goal before reaching satisfying length since it’s harder to gain length with a thicker penis?

Is the potential length/girth-ratio when stimulating the penis though PE genetically predetermined, so no matter how much one focus on length the girth will still catch up when he go for it and end up with the same result but at a slower rate, OR can he through length only exercises get a different ratio than he would have with combined length and girth exercises such as jelqing and pumping and when he starts doing length and girth combined, the length will still increase at the same rate alongside with the girth as it would if he’d just started this routine from the start?

I asked this at MOS:
, But DLD redirected me to his SRT-routine, which aims to achieve the fastest overall gains possible, but since it involves girth routines also I’m afraid that if I follow that, I may end up reaching my girth goal first.

Please delete

Please delete this thread sorry for double post

We did a few polls on that topic; it seems starting girth and length gains are not related, so doing girth exercises won’t per se slow down length gains. I think the best combo is jelq + stretches, at least for newbies.

Oh what a mess DON’T DELETE this thread

Don’t worry it will stay here.

I’m convinced that girth exercise doesn’t slow down length gains, but I’m wondering that if I start with a length routine only, will my length gains after some time slow down to such rate that my girth will eventually catch up and I still ends up with the same result as if I started with a combined length/girth-routine?

Or will I achieve a higher length/girth-ratio in the end by doing length only the first months? (The longer penis compared to it’s girth the higher the ratio)?

Manual stretches only don’t give significative girth gains to vast majority of people; a minority reports base girth gains from stretching only. So odds are that if you do only manual stretches the ratio will change. Stretches alone aren’t the best way to get length gains, though, jelqs always help a lot (IMO).

Your best bet is to start with the newbie routine for the first couple months and see what kind of gains you get from it. Some people gain girth easily, some people gain length easily, and some don’t gain at all. I’m focusing on length right now but I still do some jelqing in my routine to keep my girth where its at if not add more girth. But stick to the newbie routine now and go from there. Goodluck!

Start 10/17/12: BPEL: 5.9 NBPEL: 5.125 EG: 4.875

Current 12/17/12: BPEL: 7 NBPEL: 6.1 EG: 5

Goal: 8.5x6

If the ratio changes to a longer penis compared to its girth; that’s exactly what I want. I got my gains through hanging and jelqing with much focus on warm up. As for girth the biggest gain was at the base because of my almost an inch thicker inner penis it’s almost as my outer penis was a shrink-adapter, haha, so I think that I should gain girth pretty easily. I measured my flaccid inner penis from the base as deep down til’ it ends to be 4”.

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