Thunder's Place

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First measurement after 3 months. How to get more length instead of girth

First measurement after 3 months. How to get more length instead of girth

Hey guys,
Today I finally measured officially again since my start at PE. I’ve been in it for 3 months now but haven’t been that consistent all the time. Sometimes I had weeks in which I filled a good 4 or 5 PE-days, but sometimes I did only 2 or 1. 1 week is didn’t do PE at all because of a big black spot that I wanted to give some healing time.

My regime consists of 5 minute warm up. 5 minute stretching. 20 minutes of wet Jelqs. I also recently bought a penis pump which I used for 1 week everyday on around 4 or 5 pressure for 10 minutes but stopped using it when I noticed the black spot. I used it once again after 5 days of rest (only light jelqing) and the spot returned so I haven’t used it since, now the spot is gone I am ’ to give it another shot later this evening.

I am really happy that I do have results although it are different results than I have hoped for. I’ve always been quite confident about my girth and started PE for extra length.

Now my results are a 1 cm increase in Girth (midsection went from 13,5 to 14,5 cm circumference) which I clearly notice my dick feels harder and fatter. And a .5cm increase in length (from 15cm to 15,5cm NBPEL 16cm if I do a kegel) which I can’t really see. My dick actually looks shorter because of the increase in Girth.

Can anyone help me to get more length results, and less girth? (So I don’t want to lose girth, but just less gain of it compared to the length gain) If I reach 6” in girth (which I already pass over at the base) I am more than satisfied with my girth compared to my length.

Thank you in forward.

Started 15-07-2011 NBPEL 6" (15cm) x MSEG: 5,25" (13,5cm)

01-02-2012 NBPEL 6,4" (16cm) x MSEG: 5,75" (14,5cm)

GOAL: NBPEL 7" x EG: 6" (17,5cmx15cm)

Keep jelqs the same, go up on time spent on stretching.

Massive girth increase, holy shit.

I’d say increase the stretching, consider adding some cheap ADS like traction wrapping.

Alright been trying 5 min warm-up, 10-15 min stretch, 20 min Jelq. Am goin’ at it for another 3 months and then doin’ some measuring again, just hope I don’t expend another cm in Girth without some length-gains.. I almost never do the hot wrap afterwards, would that help me get better results or is that just about the turtling straight afterwards because I don’t mind that.

Started 15-07-2011 NBPEL 6" (15cm) x MSEG: 5,25" (13,5cm)

01-02-2012 NBPEL 6,4" (16cm) x MSEG: 5,75" (14,5cm)

GOAL: NBPEL 7" x EG: 6" (17,5cmx15cm)

Yeah, those gains seem impressive man.


Just gainin one step at a time.

Running a marathon here, not a sprint.

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