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(need some advice) PE plans and fear

(need some advice) PE plans and fear

Hello guys, I have endless questions about PE, most because I’m too afraid of an injury, but I’m still dealing with some insecurity.

Just a brief here; I have a long story of ED caused by addiction in PMO. It’s something I’m still treating, so I’m not gonna start my PE journey right now. I’m looking forward starting at June 1st. Without healing, I won’t be able to evaluate my EQ.

For now I’m defining my goals and planning the routine…

So, first question: Does PE worth the risk? Severe ED already gave me the perspective of being an eunuch with balls. It’s simply suicidal, which I almost committed many times. Fortunately, hope for recover prevailed. It took me long time to find a treatment, but now I’m on it and it’s working. I still need pills such as viagra and cialis, but I do have sex (which wasn’t happening last year). Also my EQ is getting better and better, some times, no pills are needed. So, my recovery is real and I’m sure that I will have outstanding EQ by the end of March, beginning of April.

I don’t have a small penis, I have a small perception of myself. My penis has 18cm length (BPEL) and 16cm MSEG and BEG, I have tiny glans though. When it’s hard rock it’s almost 7.1 x 6.3 inches. Most part of the time it’s 6.9 x 6.2. My penis doesn’t have a perfect circumference and I have a good 5.6-5.7cm width, which is 2.20 to 2.24 inches.

Knowing what ED can do to a man and having this penis I wonder if PE worth the risk for me… I mean, if I had bad feed backs from women about my size, it definitely would, but actually I collect some compliments. It’s me that isn’t comfortable with my own penis.

For the second part I would like to have some advice on goals, expectations and routine.

I thought a lot about my goals with PE and I understood that girth is my thing. So my goal is 8x7 (bpel x mseg). It means a gain of 0.71” in girth and 1.07” in length. But if I got the girth and only .5” in length it would be already amazing. I wonder if I can get this size in 3 years of training.

To achieve that I’m thinking in a routine that combines Pump, Extender and ADS..

I have a problem with manual exercises. Jelqs can be a real threat to my recovery. I would never masturbate again cause I’m addicted. It’s just like alcohol, addiction doesn’t have a cure, you just leave that behind. Any kind of masturbation, even jelqs, can trigger the compulsive behavior I’m fighting to get rid.

Manual stretches scares me a bit. I don’t believe that I can measure the force applied very well. Having some alternation between too soft and too hard and maybe even getting myself an injury.

Not that Pumps and Extenders don’t scare me, but I believe that it’s easier to control force and pressure.

So guys, what do you think about my goals, routine and doubts?

Thanks in advance.

As others have said before, your EQ should be the priority in PE. I think being safe is always smart. I don’t always listen to that advice and have gotten hurt before (but did recover quickly!). Many people will also suggest staying away from devices for a while, like a few months. I went right into using devices, but I was too intense and didn’t gain anything. Just ease into your routine, whatever it is.

For your goals, I think 3 years is long enough. Girth has been really difficult for me to gain. I just keep stretching longer! Consistency and heat is the best advice.

Is PE worth the risk, that’s up to you. As stated before, nearly everything has a risk. From the gym to cycling. Injuries often happen from lack of patience and rushing to advanced methods or higher intensity. Just take it slow and use heat. It should not be painful.

What were you thinking in terms of routine?

Buy a strap extender. I recommend the Penimaster.

The extenders is the safest form of PE and by ballooning the glans and strapping it you will gain glans size.It will also give you a better EQ.

That s it. The rest are dangerous , especially if you don t have the smartness and discipline not to overdo it.

Thanks Alex!

I started my treatment to recover my EQ. I’m taking pills for compulsive behaviour. It’s the same treatment gave to alcoholism. Also, taking some anti depressive pills to make me feel better with myself and also kill my libido in a way it’s impossible to have an erection. So I will be off any sexual activity for at least 3 months. No porn, no masturbation/ orgasm, no sex… Last time I tried something similar to this, I was able to be 44 days without touching my penis. After that period I was able to have sex without viagra after more than 8 years of ED. So I know it’s gong to work. The challenge is to keep healthy after the treatment. 3 months should be enough to help me be more in control of the addiction. Addiction doesn’t have a cure, but it can be controlled.

Even not starting my PE journey yet, I have some challenges already. I know I have that “steel cord” inside my penis. When I stretch it to it’s max, my tunica stills flaccid, what blocks the stretch is that thickening inside the penis. So I know that heat will be crucial, even IR lamp or an IR massager will be needed, but I don’t know how it gonna work for me.

I’m afraid that jelqs lead me to masturbation. If I need to watch porn to keep up with jelqs, I will not give it a chance to restart my addicted behavior. Actually, in the brain perspective, jelqs is a kind of masturbation with controlled arousal. It may be good for me to avoid it.

I’m looking forward using a good extender as my main method for length. First month would be an adaptation period. This is the schedule I’m thinking (It’s based on the book Ultimate Guide for Male Enhancement from Aj Alfaro):

Week 1:
Day 1: Try to find comfort. 3 session of 15 minutes, minimum force.
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: 4 sessions of 20 minutes, minimum force.
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: 4 sessions of 35 minutes, minimum force.
Days 6 and 7: Rest

Week 2:
Day 1: 4 sessions of 50 minutes, minimum force.
Day 2: 4 sessions of 1 hour, minimum force.
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: 3 sessions of 1 hour and 30 minutes, minimum force.
Day 5: 3 sessions of 1 hour and 45 minutes, minimum force.
Day 6 and 7: Rest

Week 3:
Day 1: 3 sessions of 2 hours, minimum force.
Day 2: 3 sessions of 2 hours and 20 minutes, minimum force.
Day 3: 3 sessions of 2 hours and 40 minutes, minimum force.
Day 4: 2 sessions of 4 hours and 1 session of 1 hour, minimum force.
Day 5: 2 sessions of 4 hours and 1 session of 2 hours, minimum force.
Days 6 and 7: Rest

Week 4:
Day 1: 2 sessions of 5 hours and 1 session of 1 hour, minimum force.
Day 2: 2 sessions of 5 hours and 1 session of 2 hours, minimum force.
Day 3: 2 sessions of 6 hours, minimum force.
Day 4: 1 session of 7 hours and other of 4 hours, minimum force.
Day 5: 1 session of 9 hours and other of 3 hours, minimum force.
Day 6: 1 sessions of 12 hours with few breaks (going to pee, checking the glans…), minimum force.
Day 7: Rest

From week 5, there is a weekly increase in force:
Week 5: 600 grams
Week 6: 900 grams
Week 7: 1200 grams
Week 8: 1500 grams

To be fair, I don’t think I can possibly use an extender for 12 hours. I work sitting, but I’m always walking around. Also, I don’t have much fat, so anything that I put in my pants will be visible. But I can manage to have 6 hours at extender with constant heat and few minutes of IR. Few minutes cause I don’t wanna burn my cock. As I’ve been reading, it’s only possible to feel IR burning when the damage is already done. Some recommendation on IR will be good.

With that said, If I have some gains on length, I may start pumping for girth, but I don’t have any plan for this yet.

This program is ridiculous . Its dangerous and makes you a slave.
Starting with 2h per day and adding 1h every week until you reach 6h/day is more than enough.
We see plenty of posts with good gains at 3h/day and plenty of posts with zero gains with 8-12h/day.
More is not always better.
After all the posts I have read about extender users it seems that if you are a responder in this kind of training then even 3h will make you gain and if 3h will not make you gain then the 8-12h will not either.

Me I extended for total of 1300h.
Average use 4h/day 5 days/week.
I had 0,5cm length gain in 300h and the next 1000h zero gain.
I upped the tension progressively starting at 400gr (which game me the gain) and going till 1200gr.
I even did 6h for some periods and nothing.

What I gained was 0,5cm length and a lot bigger glans from all these hours of strapped ballooned glans.

Do you have any other gains with different methods?

Did you try different kinds of heat, like IR lamps? I read many good stuff about it.


Hi Rush

You are definitely challenging our collected wisdom with the question 😁 Because the obvious and nearly automatic response is the Newbie routine. But it contains jelqing…

So let’s go question by question:

- Your body perception is perfect. You have a good knowledge about size and motivation which is a big plus IMHO.

- Your goals seem reasonable to me. The only vector adjustable is time: as long as you do NOT want to reach it fast it is perfect. Putting one self under time pressure is often a source of unnecessary frustration.

- With an ED past, you put your priority 1 on EQ. A good idea. I recommend getting some knowledge about BC and PC and start frequent pelvic exercises.

- Now I’m quite a fan of initial manual exercising in order to get the right feeling what your dick can take safely and what’s too much. And I do not entirely share the view about jelqing leading to masturbation. Or let’s turn it the other way round: by doing jelqs in a controlled manner you prove yourself it is possible to train without falling automatically into wanking. Works for me if I do first manual stretching and THEN ONLY go for the jelqing. My dick does not get beyond 50% EQ and there is no pleasure feeling involved. In my mind I am then “working” on my dick, not giving it pleasure.

- As for injury risks, whatever you’ll do - use heat, heat and more heaat. Heat before, heat during and heat after exercising. Have a look at Firegoat’s posts about heat.

- Just be careful about grafual progression. The mentioned extender schedule is fine for me - as long as you replace all weeks by months. Give your dick a chance to adapt to growth stimulis and give back some signals. This does NOT happen within days but rather 2-3 weeks. Personally I am convinced that progressing too quicky is the biggest source of injury risk.

This is only a quick fedback, I can’t exclude I’ll vome back with other ideas later.

Best regards


Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

My gains were big in girth from jelqing.No good length gains so far by extending and jelqing(these was my main training).
Now I am on a program of Manuals combined with heat and I see good things happening.
I am only 9 days in…. In 1 months I will see what happens in measurement.

In my case jelqing and edging was leading to masturbation.
I never had a habit of masturbating in my life. Not even as a teenager. I mean I was masturbating in normal quantity like 3-4 days per week.And almost never twice a day.
When I started jelqing for 20 mins and then edging an other 10 mins then most of the times I was ejaculating in the end …. these 2 are making the libido been on fire.
In my case this was not a bad thing… cause I was doing 5 training days of the week so about 4 or 5 ejacuations. But for someone with a bad habit of masturbating a lot then jelqing and edging is a no no.

I’m no expert, but focusing on EQ is definitely your priority, as stated above. That being said, I dunno man, you’ve got some good numbers. I would love your numbers (I’m 6” and 5”). That being said, what are your relationship and sex goals? I’d love to gain another inch to both of my measurements, but I recently remarried 2 years ago, to a woman who’s had a lot more experience than I did (I was married for almost 20 years, and we met as virgins). I know my wife has been with at least 2 guys who were 10”. She’s claimed that it wasn’t than enjoyable, but we’ve all heard that story before. However, I’m the only person that she’s ever done anal with. A large part of that is trust, but the other side is that I’m also not 8x6.6”. She’s been with guys smaller than me, but never tried it with any of them (so she says, but she hasn’t lied about anything else up to now). She also enjoys giving me BJs, without size restrictions or discomfort. So basically, my sex life is amazing. However, if I got much bigger, anal would be out, and frequency/quality of BJs might be out the door. So there’s truth in the research out that that states that women might like a 1 night stand with a large guy, but on average, most prefer the average size guy. Still, I’d love to hit 7-7.5” because when I’m not 100%, I could still be hovering at 6” or so. So in any case, good luck, but think about what your goals are outside of just size.

Hi guys, many thanks!

@Richard and Obiwan, you are definitely right. EQ is my main goal! For now, I’m working on this by putting my penis to rest. Because I’m addicted, I’m taking pills to kill my libido and my depression. It will be a 3 months treatment and only than I will be able to evaluate the results. I’m confident that it will work. One exercise that I’m willing to try is raising towels. Also, when I piss, I try to isolate pc and bc muscles stopping and forcing out the piss. But I have not done this for a while.

Manual exercises scares me a bit. I’m afraid of pulling to hard or squeezing to hard. I like things that give me control like 900 grams of force or 3in/HG of pressure… It’s something I can control and repeat. Also I don’t know if jelqs will work for me once I’m fighting addiction… Let’s see, step by step.

@Richard, your advice on traction force is something that I will take to my strategy. Increase force in slower steps, giving more time to it.

@ Pe_is_an_art, thanks for sharing your experiences with jelqs and edging. In my ED recovery program, edging is completely forbidden. But after 3 months things may be different than today. Lets see…

@ Obiwan, the thing about size is my personal experiences. I have seen thousands of penis in porn and… well, it’s an unfair comparison. When I was a kid, my cousins seems to have bigger penises (longer actually). As an adult, the only other penis I saw (besides porn) is my best friend monster thing. He is at least 8.5x6.5. I know that for a fact cause we had a threesome with a girl and we had sex with each other. I know his wife and I know his ex girlfriends… we grew up together. I know how they feel about him and I will never forget how that girl felt and we are having sex with her.

Most of the girls I’ve been with never complained, actually I got some compliments, but it doesn’t matter, my comparison base was already twisted. One girl once said that my penis doesn’t get where she expected. She was not mean, not even complaining, she was so innocent that she didn’t imagine that it could hurt.

So, my goals lies on my insecurities.

Hope everyone here reaches their own goals. Safety is a big concern to me because I experienced ED with only 26 years old and I’m still fighting it with 33. The feeling is that the death is the only way to go. I just survived this because of Viagra and Cialis. But a permanent ED which Cialis and Viagra doesn’t work is something that I don’t think I would be able to handle. It seems like a game over to me.

One more thing. What about that steel cord? I’ve been reading that some are getting results with A and V stretches and fulcrum stretches associated with IR lamps… I just think it’s too much for me.

Many thanks to all.


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