Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Negative Psychological Implications of PE

Negative Psychological Implications of PE

Does anyone get down after the temporary effects of PE go away and for a brief period of time you have a larger dick that returns back to normal?

I was clamping tonight and my dick was unreal. It was like 3/8” bigger in girth and almost ½” bigger in length. I was like how can a lesser cock be acceptable.

After I pump for just 10 minutes my dick is ¼” bigger in girth and I swear to god it feels like it’s not my dick.

How can these modest temporary gains make my dick look and feel so much bigger?

When the temporary gains go away I feel like I’m smaller than ever even though my measurements are the same as always.

My head is getting messed up. I fucked my girlfriend a few weeks ago after a pump session (the first time I did this) and she said after the fact that she had never seen my dick so big and again I’m talking about maybe ¼” bigger in girth. Now I’m afraid to have sex with her without pumping.

What do you guys think?


I completely feel for you.It’s why p.e is so addictive to me. I see what I should be, or want to be and can’t stop until I’m there. This site and p.e in general has made me much more negatively obsessive about my penis size.

Starting: (2/1/06) (nbpel=7.8) (bpel=8.15) (eg=5 3/16)

06/29/07: (nbpel=8 1/2) (bpel=9) (mid eg=6) (base eg 6.25)

Comparison Pictures, 8in to 9in= My Comparison Pic thread.

This is why a good pre sex fluff is important. Whatever size I make during PE is the size I can use during sex, as long as I have about 5 minutes of fluff time to prep. And the use of a few well placed cock rings.

Obends are good for prep because they don’t force the blood to the head rapidly. They concentrate on engorging the shaft and pump you up fast.

Using a vacuum pump is the absolute worse thing you can do before sex. It gives you a soft erection, and women hate that, or at least my wife hates it, I know because she told me, and asked me to never do it again.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

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