Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New guy

Hey rousseau! Thanks for the welcome. No pussy here either ;) I’m going to do a routine here shortly, i think i will go with what i listed in my first post and see how it feels.

Press the edit button, QUICK!;)

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Sorry Thunder, I am still learning!

Alright, I just completed my first routine and wanted to post what I did.

I started with a hot cloth wrap for several minutes, and then went into stretches (updownleftright) each for ~10 seconds. I did the stretches twice, and then did another hot wrap for a minute or so.

Next I did a total of ~100 jelqs, mostly overhand. At first I had trouble getting in more than 5 or so without getting harder than I think I should (60%) so I stopped alot. I did a wrap midway through and lots of deep breaths and this helped some. Hopefully this gets better with practice, I think it will. Anyway, I made it to roughly 100 give or take. Then I did another hot wrap for a couple minutes.

Finally, I did one more set of streches in each direction for 10 seconds or so each way. And then one more wrap for a minute or so.

The reason I did so many wraps was that I want to avoid spots as much as possible, plus it felt really good! When I was through, my unit great and hanging flaccid seemed slightly fuller than usual. I’m sure this was temporary but I noticed a difference. I couldn’t help myself and got all the way hard and went ahead and masturbated. I’ve heard this is good in some posts, and bad in others, but I couldn’t resist. Maybe next time I try to hold out.

I am going to do the same routine tomorrow, and then take a day off, then two more days on.

Any suggestions appreciated and thanks to everybody in the forum!! later

Sounds good tricky. By masturbating right after your workout you are probably cutting down on the time that your post work fullness will last. Not that this is going to hurt anything though. After awhile the urge to bust one after a workout will be less urgent. Stick with this workout for a couple of weeks while you do some research here. Then you can decide on your next step. Also, do them kegels!!

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Will do Thunder! Thanks for the advice. What about doing kegels while doing the hot wrap thing? I did 10 or so for 5 secs roughly during my first wrap, felt great, then I stopped because I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea right before doing the routine.

Thanks, I doing some right now :) I used to do them daily but slacked off and want to start again. 100 a day for 5 seconds? And then increase over time; I’ve read a little bit about doing them with exercises but I know I’m not ready for that yet. Slow and steady!

Welcome to the Forum Tricky97s. :)

You will find plenty of good information to assist you in your goals.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Thanks supersizeit. Have you reached your goals yet?


Welcome to the forum. Your posts sound like you’re starting off on a good footing. Best of luck. Don’t worry about popping in the middle or even at the end. I’ve been at it for going on ten months and I still pop occasionally.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Thanks Horse, I was hoping that was not a bad thing. I think once I get more used to the routine I’ll have a little more control over it. How has your progress been so far in the ten months compared to your initial expectations?


I joined Thunder’s because I was losing my erections during intercourse—very embarrassing, and not an ego—booster. I’m well endowed, so I really didn’t join to get a bigger penis—at least that’s what I tell myself. Lol.

Like andrew69, I gained fast—almost an inch in a month—unusual to say the least. Since I gained so fast, I went at PE whole hog, by the second month I was “working out” almost two hours a day with no breaks—jelqing and stretching—no hanging.

I gained three inches flaccid length in five months—two and three quarters BPEL. After five months I was genuinely worried I’d end up like some freak in the circus, so I cut back to a maintenance routine and have since lost an inch BPEL. But my flaccid hang is still intact—8” x 6”.

You’re starting pretty large. I wish you the same results.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Thanks for the encouragment horse, I’m looking forward to making some gains. My flaccid seems to vary alot from a couple inches to maybe 5 at the most, 8X6 just hanging there must be awesome! Thanks again, I’ll be posting as I go along through my routine.

I am going to do the same routine as yesterday in just a few. I’m not sure if I will take a one day break or go for three days on, one off, or how I will work that out yet. I guess I’ll see what I feel like tomorrow. I measured yesterday Bpel at ~7.25.


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