Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New here. How's my routine look

New here. How's my routine look

Hey guys, I just joined Thunder’s Place but I’ve been PEing for about a month.

Started out with a solid 6.5” EL and 4.5” EG. I’ve been loving the exercises because I’ve definitely noticed the gains. I’ve amazingly gained to a full 7” EL and 5” EG in a month and proud. Flaccid size is always definitely noticeable too. I also work out constantly so I believe that may have some benefits (maybe increase in blood flow?) and multi-vitamins and protein supplements might be helping as well.

Anyway, I wanted to know if ya’ll think my routine is decent. And any suggestions on what I should incorporate would be nice. I’m especially interested in knowing if hanging is worth picking up on. Anyway, here it is. I spend maybe an hour or more doing PE at each session. I also do 1 day on 1 day off for rest (well actually I workout one day, next day I PE, workout the next day, next day PE.. Etc.). Though, I do Kegels just about any time when I get bored.

Warm Up:
1) Hot Wrap (minute or two)
2) Manual 15 second stretch holds (out, up, down, left, right)
3) Twirl stretch clockwise and counterclockwise for 30 seconds each
4) V Stretches followed by Reverse V Stretches
5) BTC for about a minute

Into the Fray:
6) Hot Wrap (minute or two)
7) Wet Jelq
8) Jelq Squeezes
9) Horse 440s and Traps (like Horse 440s except with blood in head as well)
10) ULI #3
11) Hot Wrap
12) JAI

Sound good? Anything you’d recommend I add? My first goal is to make 8” X 6”. Then I’ll see if I’ll go even higher depending on how it looks and feels. I don’t want to hurt my GF :) She’s a nice petite sweetheart, but I’ll see. I’m still a virgin and just preparing a nice one for her for that wedding night :D


Welcome to Thunders!

I can’t really comment on your routine, but, horses are usually not recommended for newbies. But I will let one of the other guys comment on that.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I’m with Sunny, on month in you’ll probably find the Jelq Squeezes, Horse 440s and ULI #3 are more likely to lead to injury than gain. The penis changes a lot in the first two months, it becomes capable of standing the intense internal pressures but even then these exercises can cause injury.

How does your penis feel after your stretch session? It looks pretty good but you might find that simply replacing everything with BTC’s would be as effective.

JAI’s at the end of a jelqing session have a good record.

It’s hard to argue with your success so far, but if you start to get signs you are over doing it, back off a bit using previous recommendations from sunny and mem.

What are the over doing it signs? Loss of morning erections, loss of erection strength, discoloration, or it looks like you just beat it with a mallet. :)

I try not to overwork it, I’m not one to like pain around my sensitive regions. Lol.
I have overworked it before (severe discoloration and turtling), but that was definitely noticeable so I learned to prevent overworking. My morning wood is fine as usual, doesn’t look like it’s been beaten by a mallet :) but I think it’s been harder for me to hold an erection. Not that I can’t, it’s just harder to keep it at max. But I figured that’s because my PC muscles still need to compensate for the sudden gain. If my girl turns me on, sure I get 100% but without her I can hardly keep it there and it will drop down to maybe 70%. Maybe I’m just not satisfied unless I’m with her? :D But, I need to do more Kegels. I do it sporatically here and there, but never do a good workout on that area. Kegels so far have incredibly increased my ejaculation control and intensity though.

Also I did PE on and off a little before hand a couple months before I started a steady schedule. Just getting to learn it—- most of it stretches with barely any Jelqing and definitely none of the other exercises. Then I figured I’d start a schedule and that consisted of the basics. Hot Wraps, manual stretches, jelqs. A couple weeks later I incorporated traps (which I loved because I could feel the effect it had on girth). But this routine was actually developed maybe a couple weeks ago when I found this site (but I wasn’t able to register at the time). So, I haven’t been doing this routine from the start.

I also do quite a bit of stretching. Sometimes I’ll randomly just feel like stretching or doing PC work.

Anyway, I’ll continue it and see how it goes. Anything else I should add in?


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