Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New member, Curious about penis enlargement and reversing premature ejaculation


New member, Curious about penis enlargement and reversing premature ejaculation

Hello everyone, I’ve read several of the newbie routines and get the idea that warming up, and taking it slow are the way to enlargement. From what I can tell, jelqs seem to be pretty common but I’m curious as to some of the more advanced methods, such as determined by LOT and things of that nature.

I’m also interested in reversing some premature ejaculation issues I’m having. This wasn’t such an issue before I started watching porn, so I’d imagine that has a lot to do with it. I haven’t had a sexual partner in about a year and would like to get back in there without making myself feel like an idiot. I understand a lot of it is in your head and I’ve actually got a few books on multiple male orgasms. Do kegels or reverse kegels really help ejaculation control? I’ve read mixed reviews on the subject.

Thanks for any and all advice!

Originally Posted by Roxo
Hello everyone, I’ve read several of the newbie routines and get the idea that warming up, and taking it slow are the way to enlargement. From what I can tell, jelqs seem to be pretty common but I’m curious as to some of the more advanced methods, such as determined by LOT and things of that nature.

I’m also interested in reversing some premature ejaculation issues I’m having. This wasn’t such an issue before I started watching porn, so I’d imagine that has a lot to do with it. I haven’t had a sexual partner in about a year and would like to get back in there without making myself feel like an idiot. I understand a lot of it is in your head and I’ve actually got a few books on multiple male orgasms. Do kegels or reverse kegels really help ejaculation control? I’ve read mixed reviews on the subject.

Thanks for any and all advice!

First off, welcome!

This made sense to me and I noticed straight away that if I didn’t tense my core whilst masturbating I could last longer: How I cured my SEVERE premature ejaculation
These threads also pertain to it:

Search for "I’ve cured my premature ejaculation" by King_G

Most seem to work on kegels, edging, knowing your trigger(s) and being comfortable at that level of excitement to get over it.

EDIT: My links haven’t been added, Oops. BUT use the Search function to find "Bib’s LOT Theory" by Bib & "Testing LOT Theory" by ModestoMan

As far as I’ve read, the theory states that shorter, tighter ligaments allow more room for increasing length. The second thread tests this theory, but I have yet to read it. Though I think I’ve heard some people on this board say the theory has been discredited, but I’m not sure.

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

The LOT theory has been pretty well discredited, so don’t spend any time or effort thinking about it. Obviously, addressing the porn issue should be part of your plan also. Good luck.

:_pump: :donatecar

Kegels help, for sure. For me, they were only part of the solution, though. The most helpful part in my experience was quitting the porn. This has been seriously life-changing for me, so if that’s the direction you’re headed, you definitely have my encouragement.

Thanks for the update guys, I’m beginning to see a lot of emphasis on balancing the pelvic muscles and breathing into your stomach on many different guides for this subject. In another forum, I’ve read about this guide by “ByggD,” that also seems to retrain yourself from ejaculating quickly, and focuses on “edging” or reducing your arousal level.

I recall seeing a post on this website that broke down the different pelvis floor muscles, but I can’t seem to find it now.

How in the world do you isolate a kegel from moving the anus?! This seems to be a pretty good indicator that I’ve got something wack going on, cause those involuntary spasms are the ones that sneak up on me\

I’ll do some more reading on LOT theory later tonight. Thanks for the advice thus far gentleman.

I didn’t know you could kegel without clenching your sphincter! Lemme know if you find any writing on it

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

Roxo, a hearty welcome.

I would also state that you should quit the porn. It has a way with mental stimulation, sometimes too much so.

As far as premature ejaculation is concerned work on masturbation, reading your body’s signs of a forthcoming ejaculation. It is at this point that you stop stimulation and permit that urge to cum to subside. At first you might reach this point rather quickly. As time and practice continues you will find that gradually you will be able to prolong the time required to reach the point of no return (PONR).

Learning to isolate the muscle group which allows Kegels without contracting the anal muscles also requires practice. One way to learn basically how to flex a male Kegel is to attempt to stop the flow of urine when you take a leak being aware of what muscle(s) you are tightening to stop urine flow. That is the muscle you want to learn to be able to flex.

When I started doing Kegels 2 1/2 years ago, I was doing it all wrong. It does take practice. A good way I found to help in finding the correct one is to try Kegels when seated. This cam even be done when sitting on the john.

This morning while waiting in line at the Verizon store I was able to complete 500 Kegels.

Hope you find this helpful. Do not hesitate to ask questions. That is why we are here, to help each other. If you prefer you may PM me.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

I have read that many people have had positive results from stretching their pelvic floor with things like deep squats and I feel like this is a part of building most muscles that is often over looked.

I have also read where there are different names or exercises to refer to specific pelvic floor muscles, like kegels, or root locks. I’m still trying to learn which muscles these are controlling though.

I do a long kegel that involves;

5 seconds to reach full contraction
5 second hold
5 seconds to slowly release contraction.

It helped me a bit.

How long have you been doing kegels like that? I’m trying to find an easy way to isolate the different muscle groups down there, but it seems pretty difficult.

I’ve been doing them for about four months. I can’t isolate the individual muscles , but the calmness I got from lasting a bit longer is great. I got results in about a month.

I’m on a phone and can’t paste the link, but search for the thread “how i cured my severe premature ejaculation “

What doesn't kill you makes you longer.

Originally Posted by Roxo
warming up, and taking it slow are the way to enlargement.


Originally Posted by Roxo
I’m curious as to some of the more advanced methods, such as determined by LOT and things of that nature.

Forget about LOT. Read up on the “advanced” stuff if you wish but stick to the basic for now.

Originally Posted by Roxo
I’m also interested in reversing some premature ejaculation issues I’m having.

You are right on. PE in general and kegals specifically will help with premature popping. And porn consumption is often a bad thing for guys that indulge excessively.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Well, I’ve given up the porn for about a month now and don’t plan on going back down that road. I’ve noticed that the kegels / reverse kegels do make a positive difference in my PreE problem. Is it generally more effective to increase the number more so than the duration of the kegels?

I’ve been doing some more reading about the PE side of my goals and I’m starting to think about some beginner stuff to get into.

I’m liking the sound of an all day stretcher but don’t really know if that’s a good thing to jump right into without being conditioned a bit.

I feel like jelqing is a fundamental part of routines around here, and was wondering if silicone was the go to lube for this activity. I had looked at Eroset’s vein oil, but didn’t really think that would be necessary. But perhaps a viable alternative considering the cost of the silicone lubes.

I should mention my current and goal lengths..

BPEL/ Current: 6 1/2 Goal: 7 1/2
EG/ Current: 4 1/2 Goal: 6

Since I’m going mainly for girth, what should I start doing going in??

Is doing PE every other day too often??

Also, whats the most effective method for warming up? Not trying to hurt myself :) Thanks again gentleman!


I hope that clamping isn’t the best answer for girth, but it seems to be the case. Any input is appreciated here.


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