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New PE program questions

New PE program questions

Hello, I have been jelqing for about 6 months now so I am not exactly new to PE. However, I

am looking for advice on a new program that I am considering. Money is no cencern and I

want to do everything I can to make the best gains. My idea is to have 2 excercise programs

per day, one with a power-jelq, the other with a program (penile fitness) followed by a bib

hanger session. This would be supplemented with vig-rx or pro solution pills, and maxoderm

and vig-rx cream. I also plan on using a stretching device (either penis plus or peni master). I

am looking for feedback and suggestions on this and would greatly appreciate any help. I am

also wondering what the concencus is on the best pills, cream (if usefull at all), stretchers and

exercise programs. Thanks for your time, cheers.

This might not sound very encouraging, but it’s just one opinion.

I would say scrap the power jelq, all the pills and all the creams, and don’t buy either the penis plus or the peni master.

I don’t like the design concept of the power jelq.

The pills and creams are pretty much universally accepted around here as crap.

Why buy another stretching devise when you have the best one on the market, namely, the Bib?

If you want to consider another device, start looking into pumping.

For now, go back to manual jelqing and getting your Bib operational.

I agree with gprent.

You do not want to get into all sorts of stuff that will cost you money. Also, keep your routine simple so that you will know what works best for you. Also it will keep the risk of injury low.

I support that 100%.

what bib?

I really appreciate all the advice. Does anyone recommend any specific excercise program?

Right now I only stretch and do manual jelqs with pc flexes during the day. gprent101, I am

curious to know what kind of pump you would recommend. The best and most reasonably

priced one that I found was the Dr. Joel Kaplan pump. I have also heard many warnings about

pumps. How many days a week and for how long do you use it?

Once again thanks for the advice, cheers.

This is the pump I have, the deluxe package with gauge:

| LA Pump

As far as routines, a good place to start is the first thread in the pumpers forum titled Vacuum Pumping 101.

The main danger in pumping is using too high a pressure. That’s why I recommend getting one with a gauge and sticking to a smart pumping program. You can go overboard doing any PE exercise, so moderation is always the rule.

Thanks. Does anyone know when the bib-hanger will be back in production or any other place

you can purchase one? Also, has anyone ever tried a program called “Tarutao”? It is

supposed to allow you to have sex for up to an hour. Is it worth it or is it a peice garbage?

Just looking for some feedback on this. -cheers

I believe Tarutao is a method based on strengthening your PC muscle. So like we say around here every day, do those kegels!

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