Thunder's Place

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New routine basic questions

New routine basic questions

Hi all,

I’ve been intrigued by the whole PE concept and I am wondering if some people have made good results with the newbie routine (lets say at least 1inch length) and in what time period. I wanna try the newbie routine because it seems doable (less than 30mins total time), but the standard routine seems like too much work for me. I wanna grow my penis, but don’t feel like spending more than 30mins a day.

I am also wondering how uncircumcised guys do the dry jelqing (I heard some users prefer it). I have quite a lot of skin and when I try to do an OK grip with one hand, my hand just stops at about 3/4th of my shaft, because I pushed all the skin to the top and now its stuck kind of. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!



There’s no reward without work, there’s no victory without effort

Inicio: Erecto BP 15,5 EG 14 (01 de agosto 2014)

Meta : Erecto 16 BP , 15 EG

What’s up man,

I think I can help you out brother. Since you’re new to PE I’ll give you this little token of gold early in your career. Less is better my friend, you don’t need to exercise your penis for an hour or two that’s just too much I don’t even lift for two hours. Anyway you should just be wet jelqing right now man, just use Vaseline and jelq for 20 minutes every other day and measure at the end of the month you’ll see some changes.

Routine- edge before your session hold your cum back at least 5 times.

Then let your penis return to flaccid
Then start jelqing.
Firm grip 3 second strokes
And don’t warm up man just warm down really good after your workout

"Just jelq"

You can stretch some too if you want, I never did with this routine but hey it probably wouldn’t hurt. If do stretch do it before and after you jelq.

"Just jelq"

Hey kenish, I think we need to make the distinction that less CAN be more, but it isn’t always. And when more is more, more should be built up to over time.

There needs to be some progression, however, as tissues adapt to utilized levels of stress and time.

Also, jelqing for 20 minutes is 240 to 300 regular strokes. That is actually quite a bit for the newbie and should be built up to. If he does add in stretches before and after the routine, that is more work than the newbie routine.

And no warm-up? Heat has been shown over and over to aid in elongation/expansion and it makes stretching and general exercise safer. Why would you skip it?


Yeah your right it is good to warm up. He can warm up if he wants to I didn’t. I do sometimes but not during that routine I gave to jopie. 200 or 240 is not too bad for a newbie that’s how much I did she I started PE and it worked well for me, I noticed my member was a lot more muscular and mushroom tippy

"Just jelq"

“Mushroom tippy!” Love it! Sometimes I skip a warm up too. Both in PE and powerlifting - I just need to skip the appetizers and get right at the meat and potatoes sometimes. I know it’s not ideal, but I do it still. You can definitely still make gains without heat, they just probably will be a bit slower and you gotta be more careful.

Yeah you’re right, yeah starting out you should warm up just for safety. Yeah I know what you mean I just like to get right into my workout to start stimulating growth as soon as possible. How much experience do you have rootsnatty because I’m still learning and I wanted to ask someone with some experience for their thoughts on shocking the penis to restart growth.

"Just jelq"

Well, I have been reading this forum since maybe 2004, I tried manual stuff a few times then but I was still pretty young so I had other things on my mind (girls, parties, sports, booze, etc.), so I never stuck with it and would gain a little, lose a little the whole time. I joined here in 2010 I think. Still wanting to go manual, actually started posting, but never got rolling too far with it. Then, in early 2013 I discovered PE devices. This changed it all for me. Picked up a pump from a sex shop and gained some girth in the month or two I used it, but I wanted length, so I bought my first hanger. I LOVE hanging, and I gain length really fast doing it. Usually .25” a month or more. Hanging still is the thing I do everyday, but I have tried adding extenders, a homemade stretcher, a vac ADS, a wench ADS, manual stretches, jelqs, clamps, just about everything. What I settled on now is hanging with an infrared light, wench ADS as much as I can, my homemade stretcher on non-work days, stretches before hanging, and jelqs after. So I’ve done a lot but I am still learning everyday and not afraid to try new things.

Also, I have an education in kinesiology and physiology and I do work in the field of performance enhancement/strength and conditioning for athletes. This keeps me up on how tissue stretching/elongation/expansion research is going, and I think this has added to my understanding of how PE works and helped me to avoid some of the nonsense people theorize about on the forums.

Anyway, that’s my resume. I would be happy to help you with anything I can. I have great respect for the opinions of firegoat, memento, marinera, and a lot of the other veterans still active on here. Listen to what they have to say as well, guys like that know a lot.


Originally Posted by Jopie
Hi all,

I’ve been intrigued by the whole PE concept and I am wondering if some people have made good results with the newbie routine (lets say at least 1inch length) and in what time period. I wanna try the newbie routine because it seems doable (less than 30mins total time), but the standard routine seems like too much work for me. I wanna grow my penis, but don’t feel like spending more than 30mins a day.

I am also wondering how uncircumcised guys do the dry jelqing (I heard some users prefer it). I have quite a lot of skin and when I try to do an OK grip with one hand, my hand just stops at about 3/4th of my shaft, because I pushed all the skin to the top and now its stuck kind of. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!



The concept of a basic starting routine is simple: stretch and jelq, start light, do a steady progression. We have a version written out in specifics (the newbie routine) for the convenience of being able to tell newbies exactly what to do (otherwise people have a tendency to overcomplicate it and do all sorts of silly stuff) but there’s nothing magic about the numbers chosen.
If you want to do the bare minimum necessary, I’d suggest starting with 5 minutes each of stretching and jelqing (after a short warmup - 5 minutes hot wrap is plenty). Every week, measure yourself and add 1 minute to both exercises if you do not see an increase in size. This will allow you to do a long term progression while not doing drastically more than you need to. You need to be very meticulous when measuring.

A realistic timescale for a 1” gain is about a year.

Regarding dry jelqing, it sounds like you’re gripping too far down. Place your hand midshaft or higher and pull the skin back before starting the jelq.

Serenity, good advice.

Hi Jopie, what’s up brother?

Welcome to the forum.

Keeping in mind that you warm-up, warm-down and stretch, I think the problem with skin is that you are too much erect.

Same happen to me. I’m on newbie routine too.

I’m uncircumcised and chose the dry jelq instead of wet jelq. If I erect more than 80% the skin problem shows up.

Hope I was helpful.

Sorry for my english.

Have nice one.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Thanks a lot for the comments, I’ll just try the newbie routine and see how it goes. I think the problem is indeed that I start all the way down in my grip and perhaps I am a bit too erect.

I also notice I get erect very fast when I do the jelqing, even faster than normal masturbating.. Do I have some hidden fetish I’m not aware of lol?

A more serious question: does the type of grip matter much? I think a grip with 2 hands (that you push with your thumbs to create tension) seems to work best for me, ok grip not so much.

Last edited by Jopie : 08-10-2014 at .

Whatever works best for you bro stick with it. With the ok grip do it overhand and try to focus on squeezing the sides of your penis and gripping the whole penis firmly.

"Just jelq"

Kenish, that’s how I grip it too. Some people say overhand is bad for jelqs as it can put pressure on the dorsal nerve, but I have never noticed that and I feel the best expansion going overhand. I think if you pay attention to your grip then everything else works out fine - just make sure you aren’t digging into that dorsal nerve and all will be golden.

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