Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

new to this.

new to this.

I’ve just started the newbie routine recently, although a bit less frequent just to be extra safe. I started off at 6.5” bpel and around 5” eg. I’ve already increased to about 6.75” bpel and am very pleased, but I can’t go all out right now.

I had a surgery to correct adhesions recently, which entailed some disolvable stitches at both ends of where the bridges used to be. well, the PEing seems to have irritated that area on the shaft a bit.

I thought I’d waited long enough and it was healed sufficiently for a little PE. I figured since I wasn’t going to use it, because I want it to look right, that I might as well have use this time productively and size it up a bit too. I wonder if there are some special creams that would resolve this more quickly.

Sorry If that was too much information or whatever. Anyway, my goal for whenever I start back up again is 7.5” bpel, 5.5” eg.

We’ve had questions about skin bridges in the past. It’s nice to meet someone who had them removed and can be a resource for such questions. (See, once you start posting, we’ll find ways to keep you participating. :) )

If you’d like to tell us about your operation, here are two of those threads:

You might still be able to do PE while your penis heals. Short stroke jelqs not quite reaching the glans and careful manual stretching while holding the surgery sites under a soft wrap come to mind.

Your starting size and especially girth are above the average (always have to qualify that by saying, “depending on the study used as your source”) and your goal is certainly attainable.



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