Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie Calling out. I'm Desperate Please Respond


If you want to gain some length fast, try jelquing with your palm facing down it did wonders for me. I gain almost a full inch in about 6 months.

Abril ´04 BP 15.8 x EG 11.4 // Marzo ´06 BP 19.6 x EG 12.5 // Sept ´07 BP 20.3 x EG 13

GOAL: 20x14 - Big enough to make that ass cry for mercy!

Yeah, I discovered that it felt like it works different muscles jelqing palm down. After I do my warm ups, I do one hand palm up and one palm down so I’m actually working both muscle groups. I think the results will be interesting. Congratulations on your gains, Hopefully mine will come along within a couple of months!


I agree a lot with what has been said to you already.

1) Don’t hurt yourself.
2) She will be more impressed by your confidence than any physical attribute.
3) Learn about how to last longer before orgasm and oral techniques. You have time for this.
4) Add some light pumping to your routine (and see suggestion #1 again please). Pumping can give you a slight immediate gain that will help boost your confidence.
5) If you are super horny, snap a couple off before you go to the hotel to help you last longer.

Everything Ike said except the licking the but hole part. :fie: I have only done that once in my life and I insisted that she really shower before hand. I didn’t like it very much, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was hang gliding over an active volcano.

Also, really warm it up before hand, your penis is made mostly of collagen and it is more pliable when very warm.


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