Thunder's Place

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Newbie gains after five weeks

Newbie gains after five weeks

I started PE at the end of November and now decided to take my first official measurements.

FL: 9.0 cm (3.5 inches) —-> 11.2 cm (4.4 inches)

BPEL: 12.7 cm (5 inches) —-> 15.1 cm (5.9 inches)

I also measured EG, but didn’t gain any girth. EDIT: the girth was and still is 13.5 cm (5.3 inches)

My training has gone pretty smoothly. I’ve had some small aches, mostly when I started doing PE, but doing good warm-ups has helped me greatly.

My question is how should I continue my training after this first period of 6 weeks? Just continue doing newbie routine or something else? I’ve gradually
Increased the number of jelqs to 600 now, and I’m doing also 10 minutes of regular stretching exercises. I’m mostly interested in gaining erect length,
But some girth would be nice too, especially when I haven’t gained any extra girth yet. I know it’s too early for any kind of clamping or hanging, and
Because the newbie routine has gone so well, I’m in no hurry to do exercises that have more chances of getting myself hurt.

I’ve also noticed when I took my “before-after”-pictures that the angle of my erection has changed. It used to be really close to my stomach, but now
It’s not so steep. Is this common in PE?

I would keep going with what you are doing, those are some outstanding results so far. My erection angle changed dramatically, but I seem to be one of only a handful this has happened to. Congratulations and good luck to you.

I wouldn’t worry about any clamping or hanging now, especially clamping. Before you spend and money, try to build a hanger first to see if it even for you. There are some good instructions in the hanger forum, I never was worth a shit at building anything.

hei wanted,

can you explain me what you do jelq exercise?

Thank you Mr. Nine, I’m very elated to say the least lol. Is there some newbie-friendly exercise I can add to my routine to put more focus on gaining girth?

Hey lapo, I just used the regular newbie routine, I started doing 200 jelqs, 2 on 1 off, used lot of warm-up with the help of rice sock. Then next day did 215 jelqs etc.. My level of erection was quite low, maybe 30-40%. Good luck to you mate, and read all the manuals before starting first.

Nice! Impressive gains! How long do you take for a jelq stroke? 3 secs? 2 secs? 1 sec?

Great gains man, we are all proud of you, keep it up. (No pun intended)

-Luo out to keep it up

Just a word from your friendly neighborhood Luo

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