Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

6 Weeks in, noticeable gains.

6 Weeks in, noticeable gains.

This is my first post. Since I have made my first gains, I thought it would be an appropriate time to do so. I started at the end of November with 6”bpel X 4.25” eg. Today I measured 6.60” bpel X 4.5” eg. I am so amazed and thankful that I found this site. This crap really works if you have the time to put into it.

Let’s call it Penis Magic instead then.

Johnnyd, congrats dude! Which is your routine?

Starting PE 11/28/04: BPEL: 6" EG: 5"

01/01/05: BPEL: 6 1/4" EG: 5 1/8"

Goal: 7 x 5.5

Yeah, Congrats dude, I’d also like to know your routine.

Way to go Johnnyd. Please post your routine. Gains is what it is all about, and your sucess could help others as well.


I use my own version of a newbie routine. All manual.

5 minutes warmwrap
10 minutes manual stretching
25 minutes jelqing

That is pretty much it, and I try to do it everyday, usually ends up being 6 days a week. Although, I have been doing it more consistently ever since i have noticed gains.

Impressive run

Last edited by Jesse : 01-07-2005 at .


Congratulations. I’m a newbie too and have started seeing some results as well (so has the wife). It’s motivating to see posts like this.

Keep tuggin’

Began 5.75 BPEL X 4.5 EG After a few weeks 6.3 BPEL 4.75 EG Still Working hard! Now after some hit and miss work for a few months: 6.9 BPEL X 5.3 EG Still squeezing, pumping, streching and tugging it when I get the chance.

Nice to know. Thanks! Your unit can take a lot. 6 on 1 off is pretty intensive IMHO, especially only a month or so in. Way to go man!


Congrats, i have gained half an inch in 6 months with a similar routine. I am so pleased with the results.

Crickey, you guys have made much faster gains than I. I have the same routine as JohnnyD, but I only do it 2 days out of 3, or 3 days out of 4. I try to do it right, use plenty of heat, and try to make my workout “count,” but in the six weeks since I began, I have made mostly only flaccid gains. My flaccid hang now averages around 4.5-5”, about half an in longer than before. My EL is a little longer than before (5” 11/16 versus the previous 5” 9/16), but the improvement is just barely measurable. I don’t monitor my girth because I am already quite thick.

One thing that is nice is that when I get a woody, my knob tends to press against my beltbuckle. Of course, that is a function of how high I’m wearing my belt, but it’s a nice psychological boost.

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