Finally (apparently) seeing small gains
Since starting PEing a month ago or so, I haven’t actually noticed any gains, until today. Maybe I’m not that observant (OK, to be honest, I’m not terribly observant at all), but earlier today while I was giving myself an erection (just because I felt like it), it seemed as if my semi-erect length was longer than it has previously been. Is this normal? Should I be experiencing semi-erect length gains first, rather than purely flaccid or erect gains? (Just for the record, I’m still the same flaccid/erect length as I always was - or at least, my flaccid/erect lengths don’t seem any different to me than they always were. Hmm, should I put those flaccid/erect measurements in my signature?)
Being a newbie to PE, I still don’t know quite what to make of these situations, and I still don’t know about how or when my gains will happen - but I’m hoping that this is a start, and that there’s nothing wrong with experiencing semi-erect gains first, rather than anything else.