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Newbie on day 2 - Question about the future

Newbie on day 2 - Question about the future

I am 5inch BPEL and 4inch girth (measured when 98-100% erect)

I finished day 2 of the Newbie routine on here and so far nothing hurts at all. Used a medium firm grip with the jelq 10 min jelq session. Doing the prescribed 2 on 1 off schedule.

So, what my question is — many on reddit said to do this newbie routine for 3 months but no one said what to do next. Should I keep doing this even after 3 months, regardless of whether progress has stalled or not? Or should I incorporate more of the advance stuff such as hanging, pumping, or even increasing the volume of the current newbie routine?

Also, should I focus solely on length or girth (one at a time)? Or incorporate PE exercises which helps increase both length and girth?

One last thing, my goal is 6 inch BPEL and 5 inch girth — How long can I expect to wait to get these results (ofcourse, I’ll be as consistent as possible).

Everyone is different, and are getting different amount of gains. They respond differently to different exercises. If you are gaining from the neewbie routine, then keep doing it for as long as your gaining. Don’t worry, this is a marathon, not a sprint, and alter the routine, or incorporate other excersises when gains are stalling. Take your time, and use heat, by using a hot towel or a rice sock to speed up the process a bit. Good luck, and welcome to the club. The first inch is the easy one for most guys, it is the second that is tough.

I’d say give it 3 months, assess, then consider stretching or pumping. Develop a daily routine now that you do but don’t dwell on—like brushing your teeth.

I recommend that you take pictures now. Save them privately, if you want, or create a thread on Progress Reports and Pictures, where you’re allowed to post nekkid pictures.


Thank you for the response guys. I’ll make sure to take it slow and treat it as a marathon. I am in no rush.

I’ll also start taking progress pics/measurements now. 😄

Day 1 - Length BPEL: 5" and Girth: 4"

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