2 Days on 1 day off VS 1 Day on 1 day off
Hi guys,
I’m relatively new here. I used to be active about 10 years ago but have come back.
I am currently 15cm in length and 14cm in girth but want to increase my size (Especially length).
I am going to start at 20 jelqs and increase it from there. I will add in stretches once I reach about 40-50 jelqs.
I already have a plan of action in an excel file. I will stick to this routine I have made myself.
When I first started out I used 2 days on 1 day off and had great success with it. But I feel I rushed it a bit, as I did 15-20 minutes jelqing at a time, not counting the number of jelqs I did as I plan to do now when I start again.
I had great success when I did jelqing and stretching previously (10 Years ago). I only did it for about 2-4 months, but I got to a stage where I measured 7.5 inches BPEL (19cm) and 5.9 inches (about 15cm) mid-shaft EG. I initially started out at 7.2 inches BPEL and 5.5 inches EG. I had good gains as you can see, for such a short time of PEing.
My question is: Which would you recommend for a newbie starting out (again, after 10 years break), 2 days on 1 day off OR 1 day on 1 day off ?
Thank you,