Newbie Thoughts
I have been lurking here for a while wanted to post some thoughts for others who may be starting out. I am 48 yrs old and have been married for 20 yrs and started PE for the first time in Jan 2015. I think I first read about penis enlargement and Jelqing in the 90’s but did not do anything with it because conventional wisdom says it doesn’t work. However over the years I have from time to time look into it but never practiced. In January, I was temporarily relocated for my job and moved about 2 hours away from home. Since commuting would be impractical, I rented a studio apartment at the new location and go home and visit my wife on weekends.
Although my wife has never really said anything specifically about my size being to small, I am sure she would not complain if I was bigger. And since I would be living alone for the next 6 months, I thought this would be the opportunity to give PE an honest shot. I figured worst case that could happen is that I would spend 6 months pulling my dick and learn that PE doesn’t work, or best case it may actually work and I may grow an porn dick.
I started mid Jan and I have been fairly dedicated stretching and jelqing in the morning and some evenings. I have been following the 5 days on 2 days off routine, which worked well as I usually go home on the weekends to see my wife. In late Feb I purchased and have been using a vac extender and have over 500 hours in the thing. I am able to wear it several hours a day at work and then more time at my apartment. When pointed up the extender is not at all noticeable as shirt falls over my waistband. When I reposition it to be pointed down and in that position it can be obvious that there is something there, so when I have it in the down position I try to stay in my office and keep my legs under my desk. There have been a few times when I think people have notice something, but mostly it just looks like I’m carrying a long thick cock, so they have a hard time looking away.
For anyone with doubts, after the past 5 months of a fairly conventional routine I am convinced that PE can and does work, I have seen some growth in both flaccid and erect length. I have been focusing on length and will work on girth later. Although my growth is not staggering I have seen some results my stats are
Jan 2015
BPFSL 145mm
BPEL 152mm
Mid-EG 125mm
NBPEL 130mm
15 May 2015
BPFSL 172mm
BPEL 167mm
Mid EG 127mm
NBPEL 135mm
I used mm instead of inches because the ruler I had was in mm also I figured it would allow me to see small gains.
For newbies I recommend you measure yourself several times in the beginning if for nothing more than just to practice and identify any flaws in your method early. Initially I measured myself sitting down but after about 6 weeks realized that changing the angle of the penis and how I was sitting could impact the measurement, which made me question my starting stats. So I established some standards for taking the measurements such as I stand, have my penis parallel to the floor and try to place the ruler in the same spot, I try to do center across the top. For girth I found siting is easier and girth should not change whether your standing or sitting.
Also I did not take any pictures of me flaccid or erect and I should have just for comparison.
Living by myself for the past 5 months has made doing PE easy. I can stretch/jelq/extend without having to worry about privacy or anyone walking in. Now I will be moving back home with my wife in 6 about weeks, so I’m not sure how much time I will be able to dedicate to PE after that, but I do know that I have proven to myself that it works and I intend to continue.
Last edited by chubz : 05-21-2015 at .