Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

No fap and getting bigger

[QUOTE=Quantum Leap]
Again mickthedick, that’s an amazing level of understanding that took me thousands of dollars of therapy and years of intense effort to understand on the psychological & neurological fronts. You have my respect for seeking that wisdom out for yourself and taking it to heart - spot on!.

Great to hear your story brother, I wish you the best in your PE journey also. You’ve made great progress already!

Originally Posted by mickthedick
You have an edge socially that benefits you in relationships. I stay away from constantly edging without cumming as I fear that may not be healthy though, it’s something I’d need to look into further.

I have heard it said, though I cannot recall from where, that pure abstinance, which is also spiritually recommended in many places especially chinese philosophies has dozens of benefits but among them, females can detect the different chemical make up of this type of male which gives you a distinct advantage phermonally speaking.

Started at 7.2BPEL x 5.4 2016-09-08

Flucuating around 7.75 BPEL x 6.3 2017-06-12

Penomet, stretches, kegals and jelqs...

I’ve heard brothers on No Fap saying the same thing 8thsinner. Chemically charged and better, deeper connections during interactions can’t be a bad thing! I think the idea that you only now look for the real thing, as opposed to a quick fix in your mind, gives people a kind of alpha-type confidence too that women may notice. You want it more and aren’t shy taking your opportunities. How many times have guys, myself included, had a wank looking at porn, only to go out that night with friends and have women blatantly make themselves available and they fail to pick up cues, vibes, and generally act like a fucking wet lettuce, so the girl loses interest and goes elsewhere?

LOL! Wet Lettuce!

Is it really scientifically proven that us men will have strokes if we don’t masturbate often enough?

“If you aren’t gaining you have to look at what is going on, get your head out of the sand and look at what you are doing. If you dick is a bit plumper after PE but it isn’t at least heading towards sore, you’re masturbating! The game here is PE and PE is about creating controlled trauma".


Originally Posted by DrKnockboots
LOL! Wet Lettuce!

Is it really scientifically proven that us men will have strokes if we don’t masturbate often enough?

Well if we’re not masturbating doesn’t that mean that we aren’t stroking?

Jokes aside, not ejaculating is apparently bad for the prostate. In fact even during WWII, soldiers were given ‘prostate massages’ by doctors to relieve ‘congestion’… On the other hand as MickTheDick mentioned, a contrary view in traditional eastern philosophy is that avoiding ejaculation leads to increased spiritual, mental, and physical powers.

I see a lot of theory without much data on this thread. I’m a button-pusher. That means I don’t sit around asking everyone what that button does, and I don’t “what-if” it to death, as I call it. What if I do this? What if I do that? Well, what if this happens?

Push the button. See what happens. Report back.

I did a fapless experiment last month with varying degrees of success and mostly failure. My prostate begins to ache after three or four days. Urination becomes difficult, the testicles ache, and I begin to feel clogged from lack of ejaculation. Spirituality aside, it really sucked for me.

Then last week I had a vasectomy. The doc said I need twenty or thirty good ejaculations to clear the latent sperm from the ducts and plumbing. I have to flush the pipes, see, before I’m sterile.

I only made it six days this last time I tried going fapless, before I couldn’t manage anymore. I made it ten days last year when I tried it before, and developed a prostate inflammation that was bad enough for me to believe I had a urinary tract infection. I pissed glass for about a week.

Anyway, you all quit what-iffing. Run the test and see what happens. Keep your hands off it for a while and tell us how it works out.

For me and my body, going fapless is not an option. Either I never made it over that celestial hump to walk in the fields of glory, or my body is just not cut out for being inactive. I personally believe I’m just not cut out for being inactive. I love it too much, and my body has always been a willing party to it.

- Saul

Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

Let the others do all the experimenting. No way I’m giving up ejaculations, whether aided by my wife or solo.

I’m down for the challenge!
I’m actually already in the midst of it. I’m doing a 7 days, no beat my meat, no porno challenge. I’m also doing intermittent fasting, working out, as well as making sure that I’m spending quality time with the Lord on a daily basis as I’m a celibate Christian.

Not gonna lie though, I did see some bare tits and twerking on Youtube, but I’m done. I’m going to go through with this and report back. I don’t think I can attach photos here but I’m on Day #2.

I don’t want to take away anything from mickthedick and hog up his thread so I’ll just be brief on how it goes on a day to day basis. Today though I did notice that I was picking up some attention from the girls who work at this hotel that I’m staying at. I just got this vibe, I don’t know maybe it’s in my head. Hmmm… I’ll let you guys know how it goes.

I would like to think that my body will have a wet dream like when I was going through puberty to maybe release the buildup? Who know’s.

“If you aren’t gaining you have to look at what is going on, get your head out of the sand and look at what you are doing. If you dick is a bit plumper after PE but it isn’t at least heading towards sore, you’re masturbating! The game here is PE and PE is about creating controlled trauma".


I recently went 2 weeks or longer without cumming, and didn’t notice any different in my mood, sleep, energy etc, and at one point, I was peeing out the cum. I could tell because it was thick, hazy white and was kind of hard to pee while it was coming out. I didn’t have any wet dreams either, but if I had waited longer, maybe it would have happened.

I was never a big masturbater, usually only did it 2-4 times a week, and started doing it late in my teens, like around 17 because I didn’t know what I was suppose to do. And internet was only just getting popular then, so I couldn’t really read about it online, and no one really talked about it in school either. But going 2 weeks or longer just doesn’t seem to be worth it, even to someone like me who never really did it much to begin with.

Originally Posted by saulgoode45
I see a lot of theory without much data on this thread. I’m a button-pusher. That means I don’t sit around asking everyone what that button does, and I don’t “what-if” it to death, as I call it. What if I do this? What if I do that? Well, what if this happens?

Push the button. See what happens. Report back.

I did a fapless experiment last month with varying degrees of success and mostly failure. My prostate begins to ache after three or four days. Urination becomes difficult, the testicles ache, and I begin to feel clogged from lack of ejaculation. Spirituality aside, it really sucked for me..

- Saul

Sorry to hear that Saul. I guess everybody’s make-up is different and what works for some won’t work for all. I’ve never had physical issue with not cumming. Because I had multiple partners at times and still stroked off to porn, my prostate was stressed and my parasympathetic nervous system was inflamed. So not cumming for long periods had the opposite effect.

As for data, current medical science, surprise surprise, is skeptical of the benefits, which they see as merely anecdotal and not proven. These guys have the same view on penis enlargement techniques. They are incapable of quantifying the benefits, maybe they’ll catch up in 10 years time. But you only have the look at what athletes do to boost testosterone and get into peak physical shape.

Take boxers, for example. Old school guys like Jake LaMatta abstained from sex leading up to a fight because he was certain it increased his discipline, hunger and strength in training and grounded his legs. Many of these elite fighters still do it.

Religious, both in the east and west, abstain for spiritual purposes and I can see why. I’ve never came across a medical news report about religious celibates having chronic prostate issues, by the way. For myself, I’m doing it as a way to break addictive behaviour so I can overcome fatigue, help grow a bigger dick and gain more mental and emotional peace and clarity. And hopefully the knock-on effects will be a more balanced way of living and better sex with my significant other.

Last edited by mickthedick : 05-20-2017 at .

Day #3 out of 7. Stomach kinda felt a little weird for a second. I feel much stronger though, plenty of unexpected energy even with very little sleep. Wal-Mart crawling with hotties. T&A everywhere. Gosh, these women don’t have a clue on what they really do, but do they? Jesus take the wheel. Gotta keep my hands to my sides like I’m in kindergarten class.

1 out of 5. 1 being the weakest, 5 being the strongest.

Physical Energy

Physical Strength

Mental Clarity
3.5 (little sleep)

Spiritual Strength

Instinctual “Must Mate” feeling. Think the old movie Species


Wish me luck fellas!

“If you aren’t gaining you have to look at what is going on, get your head out of the sand and look at what you are doing. If you dick is a bit plumper after PE but it isn’t at least heading towards sore, you’re masturbating! The game here is PE and PE is about creating controlled trauma".


Thought I would chime in here.

On day 23 of no fap and no porn and benefits are very great.

I found that masturbating and cumming made me self absorbed and self centred and not focused and lazy. Amongst othet things.

I now feel more mental clarity alertness more empathy for other people and my energy levels and workout regime are sky rocketing..

I could go on for ages as I have tried a few times in the past but only got to two weeks max.. No I can see the benefits I am going to see how far I can take this to new levels.

Last night I woke up at 3am with wood and measured 6inch bone pressed which looks like gains to me.. I’m also hanging fuller and not turtling at all.

Additionally I havent been engaging in any form of p.e. And thought that If I did at some point would probably push gains forward.

I am definitely for the eastern way of thinking in this matter and would be inclined to think although western medicine at times is essential a lot of the time it can be a crock of shit..

Will report back when I make it to a month (touch wood)

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Every time I try to stop fapping I can only get to about a week or so and I start getting a pain in my balls. Sort of like blue balls.

They become very sensitive and actually hurt if touched. This pain goes away basically right after I orgasm which is now a huge mess as I haven’t cum in over a week. Too much build up maybe? Has anyone else had the same issue ? This has been an issue for over 20 years. I just keep making sure I empty my tank every couple of days and I’m good to go :)

(01-12-2005) BP 6.375x 5.2, (03-18-2005) BP 7.125x5.5

(11/2017) BP 6.7x5.5, (7/10/2022) BP 7.25x5.7

*** UPDATED (7/31/2022) BP 7.5x5.8 ***

I had a epiphany moment where I just realized that I was spending ALOT of time (at least 30 min a day since age 12) engaging sexually with my computer screen. I didn’t want to do it anymore. I wanted to spend my sexual energy on having actual sex and living my life. So I stopped, it was the easiest addiction to overcome. (I had tried many times before and failed, miserably, self esteems crushingly)

As far as contributing to PE gains…shrug…dunno. maybe indirectly… Like the dick gets to rest instead of being hammered to digital love. Or maybe my rock hard morning wood (that I didn’t have before) helps the new growth establish itself…?

All in all dropping porn is a great thing for me personally. Many will say that engaging with porn is ok in moderation. I say… Meh … Your prob trying to resolve some cognitive dissonance.

Just a note: I will poke around porn sites every now and then to get fresh ideas for things to do with my girlfriend. But there is a big difference. I’m looking through like a catalog of moves and style. Not allowing my mind to engage and “oooo fuck yea” get sucked into it.

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.

Last edited by kavemonster : 10-25-2017 at .

How often are you having sex?

(01-12-2005) BP 6.375x 5.2, (03-18-2005) BP 7.125x5.5

(11/2017) BP 6.7x5.5, (7/10/2022) BP 7.25x5.7

*** UPDATED (7/31/2022) BP 7.5x5.8 ***


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