Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

No fap and getting bigger


No fap and getting bigger

I was wondering if anyone had committed themselves to both No Fap and penis enlargement, as I think the two could be mutually beneficial if done correctly. I have been trying to complete a 90-day No Fap (no porn or masturbation) challenge for over a year now. PE has been both a hindrance and help in this respect. I got into No Fap because my erection quality sucked and I was suffering bouts of fatigue, particularly brain fog, lack of concentration and cystitis. I thought these were symptoms of chronic prostatitis and was put on dozens of courses of antibiotics to see which one would tackle the issue.

None of these did, these only destroyed my gut health and lowered by immunity, making the issue worse. I began to realise these were all symptoms of adrenal fatigue and that porn and overdoing it sexually were major contributory factors, along with stress, coffee, long-term sleep deprivation and sugar. I initially made a huge effort and went on a No Fap ”hard mode” for two and a half weeks, cutting off any sexual fantasies the moment they entered my mind.

The result was startling. My dopa-mine headaches stopped, I woke up in my sleep with testosterone rushes, night and morning wood that I haven’t had in many years came back. My neurotransmitters I had depleted through constant use of porn to escape emotional and psychological stress were beginning to regroup.

The parasympathetic system that had been inflamed, keeping me in a looping state of heat, was being soothed and reset. After that period I had sex with my wife and it was incredibly intense. After a period of managing to cut down stroking off to every 9-14 days while still aiming to go further, I was harder than ever and lasting much longer in bed. I started PE shortly afterwards.

No Fap definitely increases hormone production and keeps the body in a condition of vitality and because of this, must make penis augmentation a much more productive enterprise.

The dick is given a better rest period in between sessions because it isn’t being beat up and the hormone production and neurotransmitting dick-brain nexus isn’t being stressed and spent needlessly.

And there is some evidence to suggest those who don’t wank off gain faster in PE than those who don’t. But with PE certain compromises seemingly must be made.

No Fap ”hard mode” is possible for those hanging and stretching but maybe impossible for those doing girth work,

As this usually involved mental and physical stimulation. But No Fap ”soft mode” (simply not cumming and avoidance of porn and gratuitous masturbation) seems compatible with these methods. Anyone else attempting to no fap while doing PE routines, I’d very much like to hear your experiences and thoughts on the matter.

I agree, no fap will be beneficial to the profits of the EP, but what I do not ejaculate, it is something similar and helps to improve your resistance during sex.

Inicio 19/11/16: 15,5 cm longitud y 13.5 grosor

Actual (Después 2 años y 3 meses): 17 cm longitud y 15.5 grosor

Meta: 18-19 cm longitud y 16 grosor

LMAO! Dick-Brain Nexus!
Man that’s great that you are re-centering yourself and it’s even paying dividends off in your relationship! I commend and encourage you to eliminate porn altogether, a daunting but worthwhile task.

What tools and methods are you using might I add? Just the NoFap app?


“If you aren’t gaining you have to look at what is going on, get your head out of the sand and look at what you are doing. If you dick is a bit plumper after PE but it isn’t at least heading towards sore, you’re masturbating! The game here is PE and PE is about creating controlled trauma".


Originally Posted by DrKnockboots
LMAO! Dick-Brain Nexus!
Man that’s great that you are re-centering yourself and it’s even paying dividends off in your relationship! I commend and encourage you to eliminate porn altogether, a daunting but worthwhile task.

What tools and methods are you using might I add? Just the NoFap app?


Thanks a lot brother. My methods are simple, but the application isn’t! When I do girth work I don’t watch porn to get engorged and due to my libido being high because of abstinence, sometimes the sensation of rubbing arnica oil on my glan is enough to get me a 50-70 erection erection to do a jelqing session. Getting a full erection for squeezes involves fantasy, which is dodgy as this can escalate your desire to go further and stroke off for the sake of it, as opposed to just getting to the point of 100 per cent hard on. I’ve not pumped yet, but I think it would be a good method of mechanically getting a hard-on while not getting lost in fantasy-scape and the danger of relapse. No fap involves willpower to avoid a life-long habit. As such, it takes time and perseverance, like PE. You will fall and you must reset and start again. In the process you are rewiring your brain to not react to stress and emotional pain by tossing off and escaping in sex or sexual stimuli. You are building new neural pathways, which eventually break the cycle and give you a new sense of self-mastery and freedom, as well as many physical benefits.

Originally Posted by mickthedick
In the process you are rewiring your brain to not react to stress and emotional pain by tossing off and escaping in sex or sexual stimuli. You are building new neural pathways, which eventually break the cycle and give you a new sense of self-mastery and freedom, as well as many physical benefits.

And that is my downfall for me. I get lonely at times, being a single and celibate Christian man. Still dealing with a very rough breakup of over a year ago and just want to get my mind out of the clouds so I pull my trigger; Youtube. Then it goes tumbling downhill from there. Smh.

I am getting stronger though with the help of the man upstairs and with each defeat I learn a little more.

I’m glad for you. Now if we can combine NoFap with Intermittent Fasting we’d be unstoppable!

“If you aren’t gaining you have to look at what is going on, get your head out of the sand and look at what you are doing. If you dick is a bit plumper after PE but it isn’t at least heading towards sore, you’re masturbating! The game here is PE and PE is about creating controlled trauma".


Originally Posted by DrKnockboots
And that is my downfall for me. I get lonely at times, being a single and celibate Christian man. Still dealing with a very rough breakup of over a year ago and just want to get my mind out of the clouds so I pull my trigger; Youtube. Then it goes tumbling downhill from there. Smh.

I am getting stronger though with the help of the man upstairs and with each defeat I learn a little more.

I’m glad for you. Now if we can combine NoFap with Intermittent Fasting we’d be unstoppable!

I’m sorry to hear about your break-up, many of us have went through that period and understand how dark it can be. But it doesn’t last and while you are in that situation great things can be made to happen. I hear fasting powerfully stimulates growth hormones. Not to mention the spiritual and mental clarity that accompanies it. You are definitely on to something there. I’ll say a prayer for you brother.

Recovering sex addict so I’m very familiar with what you’re saying and curious what has given you this level of insight? Said that to say, I keep away from porn and every other sexually stimulating vice as much as possible which has not been a problem for my PE activities (of course I don’t pump or edge as do some of those that think they need it). Life is indeed pretty amazingly different in so many ways when you’re able to break free of addictions - wishing you the best with your PE journey!

Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Originally Posted by Quantum Leap
Recovering sex addict so I’m very familiar with what you’re saying and curious what has given you this level of insight? Said that to say, I keep away from porn and every other sexually stimulating vice as much as possible which has not been a problem for my PE activities (of course I don’t pump or edge as do some of those that think they need it). Life is indeed pretty amazingly different in so many ways when you’re able to break free of addictions - wishing you the best with your PE journey!

Thank you brother and congratulations on your dual journey and freeing yourself addiction. My level of insight isn’t that profound, but what got me it was googling, reading, collating and analyzing information on adrenal fatigue, sexual dysfunctional and the affects of sexual over-simulation. It’s not my field of expertise but it is my field of experience. Conventional medical wisdom doesn’t acknowledge adrenal or sexual fatigue as such, doctors don’t seem capable of looking at issues systemically, and prefer to address symptoms individually, Big Pharma has brainwashed them to dole out sleeping pills, anti-depressants and God knows what else. I basically treated myself and was successful doing so, I was left to navigate my way out of my situation and doing so I picked up a new understanding of myself, my addictions, my emotional pain and my compromised physiological state. Now I hope to pick up some wisdom that will make my dick an inch bigger and half inch thicker ;)

Wouldn’t give up porn for the world. Not sure why you would unless it was a serious addiction.

I don’t see it contributing to PE gains. You don’t need night time erections for your penis to repair itself. Just like your biceps don’t get hard when you sleep to repair themselves, although you may notice increased warmness and blood flow just like you can with the penis after jelquing.

The body will automate blood flow to the needed tissue regardless or not of if you’ve spanked your monkey. Although the blood flow may still result in anther erection, even if you had cum recently before sleeping especially once you’ve reached REM sleep.

I perform PE at the end of every day before I sleep, and I cum every time and sleep shortly after. It hasn’t hindered my progress.

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

Originally Posted by Deepwrath31
I perform PE at the end of every day before I sleep, and I cum every time and sleep shortly after. It hasn’t hindered my progress.

Of course you cannot actually say that without experiencing PE without the ejaculation though can you?

Multiple surveys and experince reports suggest a very strong correlation with better gains and not ejaculating.

Started at 7.2BPEL x 5.4 2016-09-08

Flucuating around 7.75 BPEL x 6.3 2017-06-12

Penomet, stretches, kegals and jelqs...

Originally Posted by mickthedick
No Fap ”hard mode” is possible for those hanging and stretching but maybe impossible for those doing girth work,
As this usually involved mental and physical stimulation. But No Fap ”soft mode” (simply not cumming and avoidance of porn and gratuitous masturbation) seems compatible with these methods. Anyone else attempting to no fap while doing PE routines, I’d very much like to hear your experiences and thoughts on the matter.

I am considering this option at the moment, have my own addictions to take care off first though.

Started at 7.2BPEL x 5.4 2016-09-08

Flucuating around 7.75 BPEL x 6.3 2017-06-12

Penomet, stretches, kegals and jelqs...

I’ve had similar experiences with cutting out porn, good first step to improving EQ. However, I believe that preventing ejaculation for a long time is not healthy, because that is what your body is made to do.

Just my two cents, but in the end if it works for you, then by all means continue. Everyone is different.

Problem solving with fire.

Just playing devil’s advocate…

Avoiding porn and does freshen your dopamine receptors and recharge your mental ability to fantasize.

But avoiding masturbation/ejaculation per se isn’t great for prostate health. I think a couple ejaculations a week is minimal. Of course it’s another thing if you’re in a relationship and can get off the proper way instead.

Again mickthedick, that’s an amazing level of understanding that took me thousands of dollars of therapy and years of intense effort to understand on the psychological & neurological fronts. You have my respect for seeking that wisdom out for yourself and taking it to heart - spot on!

Not here to judge but so many men don’t see the dangers of a little porn or a fling here or there until it’s too late. The thing is, lust is an animal that will often take control and game us right out of everything that means anything including as you’ve noted, our mental & physical health.

The difference between many of us on this path is simply the rate at which that happens but I see new guys, young and old, in our SA meetings every single week that thought they could handle it but ultimately couldn’t. It’s just especially lethal because the pharmacy is right there in your head effortlessly picking up the ingredients from the net (whether imagery, connecting with partners, etc.) and the entire culture is affirming that pretty much all of it’s totally fine.

As I’ve come to understand addictions, I’ve realized that you have to have balance in life and you have to have something meaningful & healthy to fill the void left from attempting to overcome an addiction (and ironically growing my dick is one of but many of those things for me). Unfortunately, addicts no matter the vice, tend to eventually conclude that nothing can ease their pain or fill the voids they’re facing. If they are lucky, they crash and seek help but that’s another discussion.

Anyway, as I hope is the case for all my brothers, I hope you stay clean and also wish great success with your PE journey.


Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Last edited by Quantum Leap : 05-19-2017 at .

Originally Posted by Fornestruct
I’ve had similar experiences with cutting out porn, good first step to improving EQ. However, I believe that preventing ejaculation for a long time is not healthy, because that is what your body is made to do.

Just my two cents, but in the end if it works for you, then by all means continue. Everyone is different.

There is some discussion of this and it seems there are two strands of opinion. Some fear abstinence impacts detrimentally on the prostate having to retain so much cum, others point out our body has a natural ability to solve this issue in our sleep via wet dreams. I see that as a bonus! As long as you take supplements like zinc, magnesium and saw palmetto, your prostate will be in super shape, in my view. The benefits of not cumming are immense, if you doubt that, try doing it for a month and see where your energy levels and mental focus is at. You feel connected to your body and the world around you in a heightened fashion. You have an edge socially that benefits you in relationships. I stay away from constantly edging without cumming as I fear that may not be healthy though, it’s something I’d need to look into further.


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