Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

No Gains in Years, Still Small… Dangerously Depressed


No Gains in Years, Still Small… Dangerously Depressed

Hey guys,

I’ve been on this site for quite some time now, doing PE on and off for years (usually taking time off due to injury or something else). In all this time, I have never managed to break past 4.5 EG, and often times it comes in at less than that— that’s basically the measurement when my dick is about to explode from cumming.

I might find this tolerable if my EQ were amazing, but I have horrible ED problems too. I keep trying routines but it seems like my dick just gets worn out by even the simplest ones. Right now I’m basically doing 5 second stretches all directions 2-3 times and 100 jelqs, 1 on 1 off— and my dick STILL turtles the next day. What the heck?!

I haven’t had sex in over two years. The last encounter I had, she pulled down my pants and basically said, “Well, I dunno.” And I couldn’t keep it up to even get inside her, and that’s the last I ever heard from her (going from having talked nearly every day before that).

I’m 30 years old and starting to wonder if I’ll ever have a decent sized dick and a decent love life EVER… this is really getting me down, and while I’d love to say I’m DETERMINED to resolve this with PE I just don’t know if PE will ever work for me either!! I don’t use enough pressure for girth gains, but any slight intensity increase injures my dick!

Any thoughts on specific things I can do? Please don’t just say “hang in there” because my inner voice will just laugh at that and make me more miserable.

Hi 4thewind,

I would do stretches twice per day but hold for 30 seconds each direction. And just do 50 slow wet jelqs one day on one day off. Usually turtling is a sign of over doing it. You have to be consistent and build up over time. You mentioned you have taken of time due to injury. You are either stretching to vigorously or using to much pressure when jelqing you should not get injured. Any women that doesn’t want anything to do with you due to the size of your penis is not worth worrying about mate.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Remember warm up is very important.

Do only warm up and massage with oil for 1 month.

Dont masturbate, and I think you will be abe to start newbie routine.

By the way what is your penis size.

4.5 EG is pretty much in the average, maybe 0.2” less, can’t be the reason why the girls said ‘I don’t know.’. Maybe you shrinked for anxiety or something else was wrong than your penis in se. I don’t know how long you are either.

You should check your testosterone levels and your life style.

You really should tell us how long you are as well,.. are you just going for girth??

Your story is pretty harsh, your clearly better off without someone like that.

I’m maybe 6.5 or 6.6 BPEL, 6.75 on a good day. I’d like 7.5 ideally but I can accept the length I have right now… it’s really the girth that kills me.

I know technically I’m average in girth, but all of my experiences indicate otherwise. Sex is usually the last encounter I have with a girl, then I never hear from them again or they suddenly become super distant. There was another girl years ago that within minutes of making out she aggressively reached in to squeeze my dick, and maybe a minute or two later was all like “I gotta go…” then I never heard from her. To contrast all of this, a WHILE back when I had the pre-smart verizon phone that you push out to open up, I was hooking up with a girl and got to dry humping her. I guess she felt this phone— which is like a toilet paper roll shape, slightly less length and more flat— and she got saucer-eyed and said “WOW what is that thing??” So yeah, whatever the science says, I’m convinced that my sex life is being severely compromised due to my modest equipment. Maybe the average skews higher when it comes to casual dating and/or casual sex?

And again, maybe this would all be okay if I had spectacular EQ. Maybe that girl (and the others, haha) were all superficial and not all girls need a huge dick, blah blah— but ALL (straight) girls need a hard dick.

I can try another break, but I’ve done it before and it hasn’t significantly helped. Also, these days I only masturbate once or twice a week, so I kind of doubt that is destroying my penis? I’ve checked my testosterone level and it’s normal.

Try this after 2 weeks of completely no pe at all. No stretches. Starting ,50 slow dry jelqs. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Heat, before and after. If you notice turtling use more heat and preferably before you go to sleep. Increase every week by 10. When you reach 100 stop completely for a week. See what happens. Perhaps you are a less is more guy.

Keep masturbating twice a week on your off days only, leaving at least two days apart.

Your penis is above average in length and a little below average in girth. Why the hell were you doing stretches? You don’t want it longer before it gets thicker.

What blood type are you? If you answer I can recommend a few things for ED. Nutrition and lifestyle based.

Originally Posted by 4thewind
I’m maybe 6.5 or 6.6 BPEL, 6.75 on a good day. I’d like 7.5 ideally but I can accept the length I have right now… it’s really the girth that kills me.

I know technically I’m average in girth, but all of my experiences indicate otherwise. Sex is usually the last encounter I have with a girl, then I never hear from them again or they suddenly become super distant. There was another girl years ago that within minutes of making out she aggressively reached in to squeeze my dick, and maybe a minute or two later was all like “I gotta go…” then I never heard from her. To contrast all of this, a WHILE back when I had the pre-smart verizon phone that you push out to open up, I was hooking up with a girl and got to dry humping her. I guess she felt this phone— which is like a toilet paper roll shape, slightly less length and more flat— and she got saucer-eyed and said “WOW what is that thing??” So yeah, whatever the science says, I’m convinced that my sex life is being severely compromised due to my modest equipment. Maybe the average skews higher when it comes to casual dating and/or casual sex?

And again, maybe this would all be okay if I had spectacular EQ. Maybe that girl (and the others, haha) were all superficial and not all girls need a huge dick, blah blah— but ALL (straight) girls need a hard dick.

I can try another break, but I’ve done it before and it hasn’t significantly helped. Also, these days I only masturbate once or twice a week, so I kind of doubt that is destroying my penis? I’ve checked my testosterone level and it’s normal.

By the way, girls can smell the lack of confidence to a man like fuckin blood hounds. It’s not your dick. They just pick easily what is bothering you and mess with you. Women can be very cruel once they smell lack of confidence. As matter of fact cruel is a very mild word, <<You ‘re fucked>> is more suitable to the situation.

I’d like to know more about your lifestyle and overall health.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by bill10
Try this after 2 weeks of completely no pe at all. No stretches. Starting ,50 slow dry jelqs. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Heat, before and after. If you notice turtling use more heat and preferably before you go to sleep. Increase every week by 10. When you reach 100 stop completely for a week. See what happens. Perhaps you are a less is more guy.

Keep masturbating twice a week on your off days only, leaving at least two days apart.

Your penis is above average in length and a little below average in girth. Why the hell were you doing stretches? You don’t want it longer before it gets thicker.

What blood type are you? If you answer I can recommend a few things for ED. Nutrition and lifestyle based.

Thanks for the reply. I was doing stretches because 1. it was an area that seemed to actually work and give me gains, and 2. I could be wrong, but it seemed to be the wisdom here to work length before girth. Is that incorrect? Also I know stretches help with base girth.

I’m not sure my blood type to be honest.

Originally Posted by 4thewind
I’m maybe 6.5 or 6.6 BPEL, 6.75 on a good day. I’d like 7.5 ideally but I can accept the length I have right now… it’s really the girth that kills me.

I know technically I’m average in girth, but all of my experiences indicate otherwise. Sex is usually the last encounter I have with a girl, then I never hear from them again or they suddenly become super distant. There was another girl years ago that within minutes of making out she aggressively reached in to squeeze my dick, and maybe a minute or two later was all like “I gotta go…” then I never heard from her. To contrast all of this, a WHILE back when I had the pre-smart verizon phone that you push out to open up, I was hooking up with a girl and got to dry humping her. I guess she felt this phone— which is like a toilet paper roll shape, slightly less length and more flat— and she got saucer-eyed and said “WOW what is that thing??” So yeah, whatever the science says, I’m convinced that my sex life is being severely compromised due to my modest equipment. Maybe the average skews higher when it comes to casual dating and/or casual sex?

And again, maybe this would all be okay if I had spectacular EQ. Maybe that girl (and the others, haha) were all superficial and not all girls need a huge dick, blah blah— but ALL (straight) girls need a hard dick.

I can try another break, but I’ve done it before and it hasn’t significantly helped. Also, these days I only masturbate once or twice a week, so I kind of doubt that is destroying my penis? I’ve checked my testosterone level and it’s normal.

My advice, (said as I have this blasted extender attached)

Okay I think you may need to decide if you want length or girth. I would recommend going for length first and you will get some gains in girth with that..(I think its harder to make length gains after gaining too much girth)

But if you are dead set on girth and that will make you happy follow bills advice.. and after you make it to 100. start going up for more. maybe adding 20 a week until 300 or 400. also do stretches before and after 30 seconds long every direction.. I even used the rim of my sink to stretch back in the day, pretty much like fulcrum stretches.

After this I would say get a pump…for pumping… and also over time bring in a clamping routine to work syntactically. do some research on this and you will be fine..BUT DO THE RESEARCH!! :) Don’t want to hurt yourself(Titleist gave me great advice on this, the man is a legend). you will be a girthy man in no time (warring may actually take some time ;-) ) …as I believe you now have the drive to make a difference.

Should you want to take the length path I would advise extender, stretching, jelqing… possibly hanger but I have not tried it yet

I wish you the best of look and may you never have a shitty experience like those you described again :)

Originally Posted by Titleist
I’d like to know more about your lifestyle and overall health.

Overall health is okay I guess, according to doctors anyway. Personally I feel some mental clarity problems lately. Also my sleep schedule isn’t as regular as I’d like it to be, but it’s because of my job that contributes to that, so it’s kind of hard to get rid of. That’s really the only area I can think of that I could really improve. Otherwise, I eat pretty well and exercise fairly regularly.

One thing I would say is that while I don’t masturbate a ton, I do tend to go marathon with it. So maybe that is beating up my dick and contributing to all of these problems.

Okay I will try reducing my routine to one set of 30 seconds stretch all directions, and 50 slow dry jelqs 1 on 1 off… does that sound reasonable? I just want to make sure I find that balance of strong enough to create gains, but light enough to not destroy my dick.

Probably nobody is going to agree with what I’m going to say, but I’m going to say it anyway because I think people should hear it, and at least think about it.
The problem is not that you have what you perceive as a small dick, or that you cannot make it bigger, or that it is preventing you from having sex or enough sex.
The problem is that you believe sex is important at all. Its not.
Sex is nice, sex is fun, but it is not the end-all be-all of life, and it should not define us as individuals.
The only reason it is a problem for you is because you decided it is a problem.
Stop obsessing over sex and the size of your dick and the problem will vanish.
Make your life mean more than just banging chicks.

I’m not the perfect role model myself. I still do PE, mainly because I have already put in way too much time and effort already.
I’ve had sex 3 times in the past 19 years. I won’t say I don’t think about it, but I think about it much less than the average guy, and much less now than I did in the past.
Part of the reason for that is that I’m getting older and realizing that my prospects are getting close to zero. Another reason is that I’m realizing that all the mental and physical energy spent on trying to get laid is simply not worth it.
There are many more interesting and valuable things to do with my time than seeking a quick thrill.
I can be a complete and worthwhile person without getting my dick wet on a regular basis, or at all for that matter.
Many people regard sex as a ‘need’. It’s not. Sex is a desire. You have only 3 or 4 real needs in life. Air, food, water, and shelter.
You will die without any of these, but you will not die from not having sex.

First get your life priorities in order.
Let sex and love happen on their own terms, not your fantasy terms.
It might even effect your ability to relate to women for the better. If you are not obsessing over trying to get into their pants, maybe they will sense that you are less of a threat or a perv and feel more comfortable around you.

The bottom line is that none of this is worth being chronically depressed over and screwing up your life.

This is something that I’ve chronically told myself over and over, and now I’m 30something years old and never had a single serious relationship. I’m at the point now I want to get this part of my life HANDLED.

The thing is, even if you just want self-development or whatever, often times you’ll hear that you learn a lot about yourself when you’re in a relationship. So the way I see it, exploring that is fair game when it comes to growing as a well-rounded person.

Also, I’m not really trying to be fantastical here. Maybe some people want 11x8 cocks or death on here, but I just want a respectably good-sized dick. 5.5 EG is the biggest I’d want to be, but if I could even break 5” I would be ecstatic. I know dick size isn’t the end all be all with real relationships either, but I always look at those kind of comments as red herrings. If there were another dude that looked exactly like me, made as much money as me and had my exact personality, but just had a much bigger dick, well I’m pretty sure most girls would pick that guy every time— even ones who say they don’t really care. It doesn’t make a relationship, but it sure as hell doesn’t hurt to have one either!!

I just really need to see some improvement with my girth. It’s not a lot to ask for, really…

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