Thunder's Place

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No gains


Originally Posted by J123
If someone isn’t gaining why it wouldn’t mean, that he is doing something wrong?
I don’t mean, that you can get big gains (like inch) in a short, time, but some noticeable gains.
It is silly to think, that you can’t do PE wrong, of course you can. If someone is doing PE wrong the best thing for him is not to tell to him, that it will just take time, “cheer up”, and so on.

Even when gaining, getting some real usable gains takes some time, but if you are doing PE wrong how long that would take? Eternity.

It is possible to do it wrong, I never said that. But some people are harder gainers than you and others.

And just because he hasn’t gained from two weeks of PE doesn’t mean anything. GOD DAMN IT’s TWO WEEKS! Stop acting like he’s been doing this for years.

I’ve sat on my ass and eaten nothing but chocolate chip cookies for two weeks before and nothing happened to my body, two weeks is nothing.

Come on man, so now his two weeks of no results means he’s doing it wrong and it will take an eternity?

Two weeks goes by like nothing it’s fucking 14 days. I could blink wrong and 14 days will go by and I’ll have another fucking circuits test slapped in my face.

If you get gains after this short of a time good for you. But I truly believe it is not to be expected off the bat.

Originally Posted by Damnwork
It is possible to do it wrong, I never said that. But some people are harder gainers than you and others.

And just because he hasn’t gained from two weeks of PE doesn’t mean anything. GOD DAMN IT’s TWO WEEKS! Stop acting like he’s been doing this for years.

I’ve sat on my ass and eaten nothing but chocolate chip cookies for two weeks before and nothing happened to my body, two weeks is nothing.

Come on man, so now his two weeks of no results means he’s doing it wrong and it will take an eternity?

Two weeks goes by like nothing it’s fucking 14 days. I could blink wrong and 14 days will go by and I’ll have another fucking circuits test slapped in my face.

If you get gains after this short of a time good for you. But I truly believe it is not to be expected off the bat.

It wasn’t so much about the thread starter and his two weeks. Well, it was that too, but it was more like in a general about gaining and how to help others to gain. Examining routine and it’s effectiveness is helpful, believing, that everything will be fine “no matter” what you do is not. It is not end of the world if you don’t gain within two weeks, not at all, but it is good to think, that could you do something better. Usually you can.

There is of course personal differences in gaining, but maybe it is not so much just about hard or easy gainers.
Maybe it is more about those who do it right and those who don’t.
For example I don’t gain if I do it wrong, no it is not that easy. I only gain when I do it right.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

I agree there’s nothing wrong in examining someones routine to help. I just don’t think he should be worrying at this point.

Thanks for all the input. I really appreciate it. I suppose I got too excited and expected results right away. I bet if I remeasure at the 1 month mark I can get some gains. Or, perhaps I AM doing something wrong. If that was the case how would I correct that? It would be kind of hard to do that with online advice (no I’m not asking someone to check me out in person :) ). Thanks again for all the advice.

Oops. I forgot to ask my question as well. Should I start doing kegels? Maybe that would help? I was reading about kegels and somewhere it said that it does not directly affect gains so I decided not to do them. What do you think?


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