Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Nobel Prize for PE Science?

Originally Posted by HardCell735
If you’ve watched his videos you may have noticed he has a symbol of the Roman god Janus in the lower right hand corner. Each of Janus’ faces has a opposing vortices in them. When he talks about the fluid action that his method has on the blood vessels, he mentions that the vortical spin of the blood created by the method helps to spurn growth of new blood vessels. It’s funny to me because there are parallels between PE and the ideas of people like Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell, who both worked on the vortex and it’s natural fundamentals and it’s role in our everyday reality. PE tends to be disregarded to this day by medical science, while the ideas of people like Tesla and Russell regarding the vortex also go virtually ignored by mainstream science. To me, that’s a very interesting alignment and is a positive indicator about JB.

Very interesting, thanks! :)

Your post reminds me of the controversial theory that the heart is not a pump.

Originally Posted by HardCell735
Well I think that’s what the silent majority is waiting to see across the spectrum of members here. I know if I do see some particular members report in the affirmative, I will work this method in later this year. I don’t know, threads like this tend to arouse my skepticism, because it’s putting the cart before the horse. There are some positive and negative aspects of the JB method that I keep noticing. He carries the vortex archetype with him. That’s one of the first things that jumped out at me. But the calorie demands, the sodium intake edict, and some of his statements about his own method and some of his statement about other PE methods make me go hmmmm….

I hope that if there are gains from members here, we can see if those members gained using sodium and caloric intake levels that differ from what Janus recommends.

This has been my thoughts too, and I too will sit down eventually and give it the ole’ college try. I gave it a quick try last week but not a real good hearted one.

But to anoint anyone anything at this point in time is just silly. And guys are going to gain just from better EQ that’s common sense as it’s another form of edging in my opinion. I’m hopeful it works and guys gain but I’m not anointing anyone king just yet.

Originally Posted by Platonist
I have many years training under iron; I am very aware of how the body changes. For one thing: it’s never in a straight line either.

I wish it was a straight line… (personal PE experience) four great months followed by eight crap months followed by some good months.

My line is much straighter under the iron (not saying much but shows how different the two are) then it is with PE.

Originally Posted by Mike03016
I wish it was a straight line… (personal PE experience) four great months followed by eight crap months followed by some good months.

My line is much straighter under the iron (not saying much but shows how different the two are) then it is with PE.

I suspect that’s because we understand better how to train muscle than dick?

Originally Posted by Platonist
I suspect that’s because we understand better how to train muscle than dick?

There are very few things I understand about dick… almost like he has a mind of his own.

Originally Posted by Mike03016
Curious, hotwife or hot wife?

Just need clarification as it effects how I read the rest of your post.

Congrats on the quick gains and keep us all posted on the progress.


LOL, I’m sorry I had to look that up. Let me just say she’s real purdy! :)

I’ve tried the method, but can barely get through it due to losing erection. Any tips on what I should do? It feels like out of 30min of trying, I might get 5-10 actual minutes of doing anything effective. 20 seconds is how long I can stay hard before I have to re-stimulate.
I do want to give it a shot. It’s hard because I’ve been having great sex lately due to clamping, the temp gains are great for sex afterwards. But it seems with just 2 weeks of doing this routine, I might actually have better results.

Any tips of how to progress?

Originally Posted by chrisla8
I’ve tried the method, but can barely get through it due to losing erection. Any tips on what I should do? It feels like out of 30min of trying, I might get 5-10 actual minutes of doing anything effective. 20 seconds is how long I can stay hard before I have to re-stimulate.
I do want to give it a shot. It’s hard because I’ve been having great sex lately due to clamping, the temp gains are great for sex afterwards. But it seems with just 2 weeks of doing this routine, I might actually have better results.

Any tips of how to progress?

My understanding is to keep doing it and your erections will become more persistent. Also - again my understanding - you will still get benefit doing the methods when not fully hard - so keep doing them even if losing your erection. When you’ve really lost it -regain it and start again. Just keep at it. It may be days, it may be weeks, before your erections can take this exercise.

Yep… you are on track so just make a small adjustment.
Focus on the burst method, like 80% of the time and just play with the pyramid method to get used to the motion (more challenging then it looks).

Based on all reports so far in a week or two you should be able to do a full routine.

Originally Posted by Mike03016
Yep… you are on track so just make a small adjustment.
Focus on the burst method, like 80% of the time and just play with the pyramid method to get used to the motion (more challenging then it looks).

Based on all reports so far in a week or two you should be able to do a full routine.

Exactly what I am doing. I guess today is my official day one. Did a whole 30min and actually feel like I had a good session. Maybe 80% effective and I feel it even after I am done. Thanks guys

Originally Posted by Mike03016
There are very few things I understand about dick… almost like he has a mind of his own.


I know mine has a mind of it’s own.

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
You can’t create a vacuum in a closed system like the circulatory system.If you were able to create a vacuum the vessel would collapse on itself.

It is not about creating a vacuum, it is about pressure differential as with any pumping system. The motion works exactly like a peristaltic pump. … eristaltic_pump

Starting Stats: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.4" -- Current: BPEL 6.9" EG 4.95" -- Short Term Goal BPEL 7", EG 5.25" -- Ultimate Goal : BPEL 7.5" EG 5.75"

Originally Posted by Ddiggity
It is not about creating a vacuum, it is about pressure differential as with any pumping system. The motion works exactly like a peristaltic pump. … eristaltic_pump

Greetings Ddiggity,

Janus here,

"peristaltic pump"

I’ve been trying to remember that damned word for over a month now!!! I am soooo thankful you posted that!! YES!! Whew, that was probably the worst bout of mental blockage I’ve ever had in my whole life- second only to the use of the word "Tolerances" describing machined parts that fit together!!

Just saying, thank you again.

Whew that feels good.

Yes, this is exactly how it works so well.

I hope to hear more from you in future Ddiggity.

Best Regards,

Janus Bifrons

Originally Posted by Mike03016
Yep… you are on track so just make a small adjustment.
Focus on the burst method, like 80% of the time and just play with the pyramid method to get used to the motion (more challenging then it looks).

Based on all reports so far in a week or two you should be able to do a full routine.

Interesting ratio here. I have turned the corner and am now doing 40% BE and 60% PR. So I will cycle 2 minutes BE then 3 minutes PR. However, I will warm up with 5 minutes BE then try to get a full 5 minutes of PR before hitting the 2:3 rhythm. My goal is to continually push towards optimizing the PR. So my workout is something like this:

BE - 5 mins
PR - 5 mins (if I can hit it)
BE - 2 mins
PR - 3 mins
BE - 2 mins
PR - 3 mins
BE - 2 mins
PR - 3 mins
BE - 2 mins
PR - 3 mins

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
Interesting ratio here. I have turned the corner and am now doing 40% BE and 60% PR.

With the exception of Janus, you are one of the most experienced people with AM… so not really the same as to where Crisla is coming from.

Question for you LE, you are doing AM twice a day. Have you had any negative effects while with the wifey during this time? Do you only do AM once on those days?
For obvious reasons, this would be great info to share.



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