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non agressive light clamping

non agressive light clamping

I have been doing 60 10-12 second wet jelqs 1 day on and 1 off. And on the off days I have been doing some O bends and some light clamping.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it light because I clamp the clamp pretty tight, but I only do one set for no longer than 5 minutes.

I did two sets once, but only once. And I went for 10 minutes one time as well, but I always adjust the tightness of the clamp if it feels to tight.

I really listen to my dick.

Does anybody think that once you start clamping other exercises become ineffective for length or even girth? Because after reading that Big Girtha post it kind of worried me.

Did he just mean you probably can not gain length while you do length exercises and clamping at the same time, or that once you start clamping it permanently effects length gains in the future even if you stop clamping after you reached your EG goal?

Do you think if I keep my clamping sessions at one set I can avoid this anomaly?

I have been jelqing for over five months, so do you think I could just take my clamping sessions to the next level and do up to three ten minute sets?

I just don’t want to effect future length gains. I also don’t want to clamp on my off days either because I think I should be doing nothing to heal appropriately.

What do you think I should do? What would be a good schedule as well to clamp and to keep doing wet jelqs?

Should I clamp the same days I jelq? Should I clamp less days , but do more sets?

From what i’ve read, of all the damn threads and theories, from what the vets will tell you, go for length first. Read the TGC theory, it’s from some very smart vets that figured this out for you already. I’ve been at this since august last year and am almost at the point were I need to gain girth so my smooth muscle doesn’t prevent me from gaining more length. You need a happy medium between smooth muscle and the tunica to keep gaining. Yes, if you try and gain girth first it will definitely impact length gains. You just have to find a happy medium to keep gaining. My example, when I hit 7ebpl im going to bring my girth to around 5” then I will keep going on length. Like I said, the TGC theory explains it very well. I hope this helps you out mr. t.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

Originally Posted by bigtiny454
From what i’ve read, of all the damn threads and theories, from what the vets will tell you, go for length first. Read the TGC theory, it’s from some very smart vets that figured this out for you already. I’ve been at this since august last year and am almost at the point were I need to gain girth so my smooth muscle doesn’t prevent me from gaining more length. You need a happy medium between smooth muscle and the tunica to keep gaining. Yes, if you try and gain girth first it will definitely impact length gains. You just have to find a happy medium to keep gaining. My example, when I hit 7ebpl im going to bring my girth to around 5” then I will keep going on length. Like I said, the TGC theory explains it very well. I hope this helps you out mr. t.

I will look into that thanks.

What is this TGC theory. It didn’t turn up in the search?

Originally Posted by Mr. T

What do you think I should do? What would be a good schedule as well to clamp and to keep doing wet jelqs?
Should I clamp the same days I jelq? ….

To avoid confusion I prefer to give you my personal opinion only regarding your last question.

For some people, me included, jelq is useless for girth.

I did clamping for almost a year and had good gains. But when I did clamping I also did some jelq between my 2-3 sets only as a massage.

Some days I did stretching in the morning and clamping at night.

For me clamping is far way more intense than jelqing and if done properly it is very useful.

Always pay great attention doing clamping. It is a dangerous exercise.

As a general rule, you have to try more intense techniques only when less intense techniques can’t give you any more gains. The more you are going hard, the harder you’ll have to go in the future to have gains. Hope it makes sense.

Clamping is one of the most intense techniques, so…

Originally Posted by Mr. T
I have been doing 60 10-12 second wet jelqs 1 day on and 1 off. And on the off days I have been doing some O bends and some light clamping.
I wouldn’t necessarily call it light because I clamp the clamp pretty tight, but I only do one set for no longer than 5 minutes.
I did two sets once, but only once. And I went for 10 minutes one time as well, but I always adjust the tightness of the clamp if it feels to tight.
I really listen to my dick.
Does anybody think that once you start clamping other exercises become ineffective for length or even girth? Because after reading that Big Girtha post it kind of worried me.
Did he just mean you probably can not gain length while you do length exercises and clamping at the same time, or that once you start clamping it permanently effects length gains in the future even if you stop clamping after you reached your EG goal?
Do you think if I keep my clamping sessions at one set I can avoid this anomaly?
I have been jelqing for over five months, so do you think I could just take my clamping sessions to the next level and do up to three ten minute sets?
I just don’t want to effect future length gains. I also don’t want to clamp on my off days either because I think I should be doing nothing to heal appropriately.
What do you think I should do? What would be a good schedule as well to clamp and to keep doing wet jelqs?
Should I clamp the same days I jelq? Should I clamp less days , but do more sets?

I refer to myself as a light clamper. I suppose that’s all in the individual definition, though.

I clamp 3-5 times a day, typically for right around ten minutes. Much like yourself, I listen to what my fatigue level tells me. Over the course of a couple of years, I’ve gained right at in inch in erect girth. Today’s measures (I was due) show 6.25 midshaft, and nearing 6.5 base girth. I started at 5.25 and 5.5, respectively.

I’m convinced that those who injure themselves with PE, in general, use far more pressure than is necessary for results.

Thanks for the advise everyone. I agree that if I go to crazy early on in my PE career and get to intense it will screw things up down the road. I think clamping in useful after jelqing because it keeps the tissues expanded from the previous jelq session. I think the penis grows faster if it is erect more and stretched out throughout the day. But I am a little confused if I should jelq one day and clamp the next or do both in the same day. I have been jelqing 1 on and 1 off and on the off days I edge while I clamp no more than ten minutes. I don’t think it is too extreme but something is working. I am just not sure if I should increase the sets though.

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