Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

noob intro..

noob intro..

just wanted to say hi, to every one!! finally had some free time to post… i aslo wanted to say that this seems to be a great site!!

Hi addiction, welcome to Thunder’s Place! You’re right, this is a great site, one of the best on the net. I’m sure your handle will begin to prove itself true after you get to PE’ing and see some gains. I’ve certainly become addicted to PE, and I’m a lot better for it. This is one of those good addictions you always here about, but don’t believe. Good luck along your journey and have fun!

Welcome aboard new dude! Rock out with your cock out! YEAH!

Good luck with your gains mang.


Trying to live my life, the only way I know how, day to day, the best I can. I have issues.

Welcome man.. :)

WOG 6/1/04 Starting stats: 7.2 BPEL/ 6.2 Erect girth @ base 9/10/04 7.6 BPEL/ 7.2/7.3 Erect girth @ base 7/10/05 8.3 BPEL 7.2 Erect girth @ base 10/10/05 8.4 BPEL x 6.20 Midshaft/7.3 EG@base Current 8.65 BPELx 6.50 Midshaft/7.5 EG @ base Routines: Power Jelq or Manual/ Stretch w/Power Assist Stretcher: 20 min daily ea/ Clamp or Pump 3x's daily 15 min.

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