Not best time of the year for PE and EQ
Hello all!
Has anyone experienced lower EQ and poor health due to Hay fever and spring allergies?
I am just recovering from all of the above. Penis wouldn’t collaborate for the workouts, very low sex drive. Was sneezing like 100 times a day!
Just in the past few days, health seems to have improved. EQ’s have got stronger about 9.5 and glans have expanded back and perhaps more!
I was wondering if anyone experienced similar problems due to this time of the year?
17/01/11 BPEL 6.3 x MG 5.3 BG 5.7
17/03/11 BPEL 6.5 x MG 5.5 BG 5.9
Much of what makes us special, at least in our own eyes is product of gradual purposeless evolution. On the other hand we have have a whole relicgion based on a woman who really stuck to her story!