Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Hey guys,
I am 19 and a beginner to PE. I love this website, and I like the postings on it. I have alot of faith in you guys after seeing what you’ve already posted on, so I need some help. As of right now I am 1 full week into jelqing. So far so good. I’m doing the newbie routine. However, my penis has a slight bend to the left that I have just noticed. I’ve probably had it before just never noticed it. Is there anything I can do to bend it back to the right (looking from overhead). Also, I would like to have a “kinky dick”, so I want to add a slightly upwards bend to my penis. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ill try to post pictures three months into my routine. My stats are roughly 6.5 NBPEL and 5.25 EG around midshaft. I want to get to about 8 NBPEL by 6EG. About how long am I looking at if I jelq 6 times a week, with no hanging or clamping. I may throw those in later, but not right now. Also, right now I am PEing 2 days on 1 day off. This seems ok for me for about the next couple of weeks, then I’m going 3 on 1 off. Thanks alot guys! JELQ ON!!


If you use the search button at the right corner of the screen you can find tons of threads already on straightening curves/bends. The newbie routine works, just keep chugging away at it and take a look at how it has progressed you after 1-2 months, then you’ll get a better taste on how to change up your routine.

Man who farts in church sits in pew...

I believe that in the first 4 weeks or a month, you should do the newbie routine, jelqing and some kegels to have a healthier penis. You shouldn’t even be looking for gains at that point. It is very likely that you will injure your penis if you overwork it which is what most nubs do. Try looking for gains at the first 3 month.

But for my advice, work on the girth as much as you work on the length.

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