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Numbness...nerve damage or lig stretch?

Numbness...nerve damage or lig stretch?

The base of my penis is slightly numb after I’m done jelqing. The “schocky” kind of numb, very small area.
Is it the ligaments telling me “nice stretch” or is it my wiener saying “JESUS CHRIST, NERVE DAMAGE, STOP WHAT YOUR’RE DOING NOW!!!”

Cause if it’s number 2 I’d really like to know asap.

Oh..and is 1-on 1-off good enough, on average?

Hey dude, how hard are you jelqing? Cause from the threads I red your never supposed to jelq at 100% or really even at 90% because of the chance of injury.. Unless your very very experienced and know what your getting into, Tell us how you been jelqing, And if I was you, Back off until more people post there opinions here. If I was you I would stop. But thats just me

Originally Posted by gone620
Hey dude, how hard are you jelqing? Cause from the threads I red your never supposed to jelq at 100% or really even at 90% because of the chance of injury.. Unless your very very experienced and know what your getting into, tell us how you been jelqing, and if I was you, back off until more people post there opinions here. If I was you I would stop. But thats just me

Back off of jelking for a week, that is my sugestion. I think newbies tend to jelk like jack rabbits they go way to ast and way to hard. 30-60% erection. Folow the newby routine for a couple of months and for gods sake jelk slow!

Take a 1-2 week break from PE and re-evaluate.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

When your gut feeling tels you something`s wrong, probably something`s wrong. Take a break from PE.

Being a newbie myself, I have to agree with the senior members.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling the same thing I feel when I do BTC’s then it’s nothing to worry about. At first, I felt a lot of pressure at the upper top base of my cock, but after several weeks of PE, that pressure subsided to the point of where I hardly feel anything at my cock base when doing BTC’s. I have no problems with getting a boner when having sex with my wife since I noticed this, and I actually have more overall sensation in my cock from PE’ing.

Like Nick666 said, your gut feeling will tell you if something is wrong.

Something’s wrong.

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