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Over masturbation

Over masturbation

Is over mastrbation bad or good for you? I’ve heard many different things about this, but really want a solid answer

Can anyone help?

Well, by definition, “over masturbation” is too much masturbation, right? :)

If your penis has been rubbed raw and red, take a break from the jerking off.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I heard it can make you go blind. I think I read that in a book. I can’t remember the title.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Someone has been visiting Dr. Lin.

Originally Posted by crazypony
Is over mastrbation bad or good for you? I’ve heard many different things about this, but really want a solid answer

Can anyone help?

It’s pretty safe I believe, however according to a very reliable source I was told it could possibly grow hair on your palms.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Originally Posted by westla90069

Someone has been visiting Dr. Lin.

I was being subtle. I was alluding to the bible. It was tongue in cheek.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

I was referring to the term “over masterbation,” not anything you said huff. But now that you mention it, the blind thing isn’t from the Bible.

Over-masturbation has many negative psychological and physiological side effects.

The word on the streets is that Over-masturbation can, in long run, fracture you arm and hand joints. Some people tent to lead and bend their neck and back far too much while masturbating, which in the long run, can cause serious spinal injuries. Also the size difference between the left and right bicep and forearm will increase leading a non symmetric muscular appearance. The grip strength increases and one will have to be careful shaking other people hands in order not to break them.
People with poor time management skill have to be extremely careful! One subject lost his Job for being too late work several times due to Over-Masturbating. People also have to be extremely selective about the place and the time of Masturbation. Wrongly chosen place and time can lead to serious short term and long term social outcomes.

Well, jokes aside.

There has been a study conducted on over-masturbation. It concluded that it can lead to mild depression due to overproduction of endorphins in the brain. Which doesn’t make sense since endorphins don’t make a person depressed. The bottom line of the study was that the person felt more depressed because after the “endorphin spike during orgasm” the brain regulated it by secreting too many depressive agents then necessary causing a depression afterward.
I cant find a link to that study right now, but when I do, ill post it.

So in worst case scenario it will make you depressed.

John S.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Well, by definition, “over masturbation” is too much masturbation, right? :)

If your penis has been rubbed raw and red, take a break from the jerking off.

Damn, I meant like once a week, not every hour

I supposed I worded the title wrong.

Once a week over masturbation ?? Meh

If once a week is over masterbation I do not know how my unit is surviving.

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