Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Partner reaction to new size


Originally Posted by FrenumFellow
Do you know at what size - girth in particular, I imagine - she could no longer accomodate you orally?

Well to be honest with you I haven’t gained much girth nor do I frequently measured girth. I don’t really care to gain girth at this point. I am focusing on length. My starting girth was 5.5” at the circumcision scar. The last time I measured which was quite a while ago I was roughly 5.6” at the same spot. I don’t think it was the added girth, but the length that made if difficult for her to take it all the way down. I would say it was at around 7”+ BPEL that she began to comment and find it difficult

Originally Posted by joe_smith
I haven’t done anything to make stretch marks go away, but I have now done things to prevent or lessen them. I really wouldn’t want to get rid of the ones I have since they constantly remind me that I have gained, I kinda view hem as a tattoo.

I call the ones near my armpits/shoulders from lifting “trophies.” I view them as signs of progress and accomplishment. However, I just started PE very recently and don’t think I would like any of those down there.

I hope my stretch marks do not get too wide and big. I do not want my dick looking like a lolly-pop!

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

OK just to clarify:

I don’t want all the newbies here to get all freaked out about the stretchmarks on their dick. Look guys they are noticeable but not overtly noticeable. If i wasn’t looking for them I wouldn’t know they were there. My girlfriend only noticed them because here she was used to feeling one dick in her mouth all the time and then that same dick no longer felt the same. She didn’t called them stretch marks she just felt small groove, but I knew what they were. If a new girl were to see or suck your dick my feeling is that she would have no idea because that would be the first time she tried your dick and would have nothing else to gauge it on.

So just relax and PE you little newbie hearts out. Don’t worry about the stretchmarks so much. Worry about how to add more time to your routine.

With three different girls, I had sex both pumped (8x6) and not not pumped (7x5.5) and I can tell, for sure, that they all noticed and preferred my fat pumped version. The only problem is they all tend to avoid anal sex when I am pumped.

Do stretch marks occur on uncircumcised members as much as on circumcised members? If can see why the skin would be stretched with circumcised but I imagine there is plenty of room for growth (in extra skin) with uncircumcised members. Or am I not getting what exactly causes stretch marks?

Originally Posted by vkn1
Do stretch marks occur on uncircumcised members as much as on circumcised members?

I am circumcised vkn1, and your hypothesis makes perfect sense, because I have very little spare skin to stretch. I just hope I do not get turkey neck because the scrotum can surely expand on the lower side of my penis.

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

Originally Posted by RodXtender
I am circumcised vkn1, and your hypothesis makes perfect sense, because I have very little spare skin to stretch. I just hope I do not get turkey neck because the scrotum can surely expand on the lower side of my penis.

If you gain, you more than likely will get turkey neck unless you use precausions (do a search on the forum there are plenty of ways to reduse turkey neck). It is just kinda par for the course.

Thanks for the tip Joe I will start doing research at this instant!

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

Originally Posted by buby

With three different girls, I had sex both pumped (8x6) and not not pumped (7x5.5) and I can tell, for sure, that they all noticed and preferred my fat pumped version. The only problem is they all tend to avoid anal sex when I am pumped.

Interesting. More evidence that 8x6 is actually about the beginning of the range where size starts to have some downsides.

Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Originally Posted by mackereljohn
My starting size was 5” BPEL and 4-4.25 EG, now 7.125 BPEL and 5.25-5.375 EG.

Hi Mack, you have amazing result, I am about your starting size, may I know how long do you take and routine you make to get what you have now?

Thanks for all the input ,good luck to all.


My girlfriend said my penis looks bigger already.

10/01/2006: NBPEL: 5.750" BPEL: 6.000"

04/01/2007: NBPEL: 6.250" BPEL: 6.750"



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