Thunder's Place

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Partner reaction to new size


Partner reaction to new size

Just wondering if any one has any stories (good or bad) about your partners reaction to size increases.Say someone who started with around 6” that has gone up atleast 1 inch and also gained in girth.Idealy someone who has gotten back together with someone after doing pe for a while what kinda reaction do you get?


I am a newbie and since I have sex with wife 1 or 2 times a week I really don’t think she will notice the size increase, even if I reach the 1 inch club. However, a few months ago I talked to my wife and she said she did not wanted to suck my cock anymore so I agreed to it (if she did not like that) as long as I kept my 2 sex sessions a week and as long I could still go down on her every time we had sex because I really enjoy it. Anyways we got into this agreement and she said probably in my birthday in March I would get a nice blow job as a present.

So I am thinking, than if I reach the 1 inch gain on March, then my wife will find a bigger sausage down there, and I want to see her reaction when she tries to dreep throat the whole thing. I have to point out that she feels cocky that she can take my entire penis in her mouth (even though I know she goes down with difficulty), but I was only 5 x 5.1 when I started PE, so I can’t wait when she tries the new 6 x 5.4 (hopefully by then). I will let you know then 5 x 5.

Anyways, can anyone share their experience?

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

My wife has told me that she can definitely notice the difference in what I have gained during intercourse and oral. Thus far I have gained about 1/2” in length and around 3/16” in girth. I am a little over 6x5 at the present, and she has been thrilled with the gains thus far.

My wife’s excitement and enthusiasm has definitely helped me decide to keep going and aim for 8x6, or until she decides it is time to stop, or until deep throat BJ’s can no longer happen ;) - all of which we decided together would be the plan. My prior stance had been that gains were a nice bonus to the curve straightening I hope to accomplish. I think that fact probably speaks to her reaction the best.

I should also mention that my size has never been an issue and that in the beginning she was somewhat concerned that by trying to straighten my curve I would indirectly grow and things wouldn’t be as good. As it happens, the growth came a lot easier than expected and she couldn’t be happier. We both feel that the increased size has taken an already wonderful sex life and simply added more value to it.

- Chris

I recently (within last month) got together with an ex for a shag. I showed her a bunch of pictures of me now with the increase of size I have. I bluntly put it, “How do you like my dick now? Do you like it better than before?” She said, “It looks a lot bigger. I like it a lot, lol.” And you can guarantee that she liked it a lot better in person :mwink:

Sounds like a plan chobbs, I will probably inform my wife of my PE experience once I hit at the very least the first inch gain, not before, unless she notices the gains too evident. And interrogates me like the Gestapo. After my first inch, by what I have been reading things can get a bit more difficult and there is no way I can hide Hanging or other hardcore PE trainings in stealth mode like I am right now. By the way my wife never complained about size, and from all the girls I ever had sex with (a bit more than 20 if I can recall) in my high school, university years, only 1 girl complained of my size, and considering I am on the small side of the statistics I guess my decent girth has allowed me to satisfy them all. Obviously having a larger girth than NBPEL just makes my dick looks shorter, I will be happy at the very minimum if I can increase my length at least 1 inch more than my girth, let’s say 6.5” x 5.5”; of course I am aiming at 8” x 6” just like everyone else.

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

Before I started I was around 7.25 nbp x around 6 eg. I never really got a lot of comments about it, maybe because most of the girls I was with were inexperienced. Just recently I had an ego boost when I got together with some girl, and as soon as she touched it she said, “holy fucking shit, I’ve been with my fair share of guys but …” and went on and on, ( long enough for my erection to go away :( ). Haha but fortunately she went at it again. My ex always said it was scary big but I was just a little bit bigger then than I am now, at least in terms of length but not girth. Its great, but I am just not sure how much is too much for now, its definitely addicting.

Thanks for all the input guys.I hope to gain soon to see what kinda reaction I get.My wife and I usually go about 3-5 times a gradual changes will probaly go unnoticed for now.she really likes the thickness as she calls it,so I hope to add to that as well as lenth.

My girlfriend first notice a change when she could no longer deep throat me. She also began to notice the stretchmarks not visually but with her tongue. That was a while ago. Then I took a break form PE and have now been back since July of this year. I still haven’t told her and currently we are not having sex and haven’t for about 4 or 5 months now (for religious reasons). But when we eventually do have sex again I am sure I will have gained and I am looking forward to the look on her face :D .

A confesion to make: am married and have a girlfriend.

My wife knows am doing PE, and actually she helps me many times, she feels different although no gain made yet (by measuring).

While my girlfriend does not know anything about my PE, she said “mouth is fuller” than before.

My conclusion is that my wife said so because she is part of my work out, and psychologically she feels/thinks it has grown, or maybe she is giving me motivation. While my girlfriend tells me “SOMETHING HAS CHANGED DOWN THERE”, and hmmm..maybe something wrong with my ruler.

My suggestion, don’t tell your wife/girlfriend about it, and you will know if you are making progress or even a slight different.

When I told my wife I wanted to go bigger, she thought I wanted to leave her. We had always had pretty good sex, some days better then others. I told her I wanted to make it better for her and my ego. I started peing and the first thing that she noticed was that I was harder for a longer period of time.But she still would kinda chuckle if she asked me if I was still doing my exercises? Now that I have started pumping her story has changed. After feeling the size increase and all the effects that pumping has, she is all for it. And now when she asks me if I have been doing the exercises, she is really interested.


Awesome stories guys, thanks for sharing.

Joe Smith I have a question for you. You mentioned that your girlfriend noticed the stretchmarks on your penis with her tongue? The reason I ask is because after almost completing my first month of PE I already noticed for 1 or 2 weeks the stretchmarks you mentioned on my penis (I have like 4 or 5 stretchmarks that go around the circumference of my penis). They look like striaes but milder and not as pronounced but in my case is only optical, I touch it and cannot feel any bumps (obviously the tongue is way more sensitive). I am thinking on buying Belly Balm (that cream that pregnant women use) to make the stretchmarks disappear. Any recommendations?

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm


I haven’t done anything to make stretch marks go away, but I have now done things to prevent or lessen them. I really wouldn’t want to get rid of the ones I have since they constantly remind me that I have gained, I kinda view hem as a tattoo. I now jelq with a coco butter lotion. The stretch marks are from my initial newbie gains so I don’t think I will ever get stretch mark as big as those again, although they aren’t really that big they are just form the skin quickly adjusting to the constant pulling on it.

Originally Posted by joe_smith
I really wouldn’t want to get rid of the ones I have since they constantly remind me that I have gained, I kinda view hem as a tattoo.

Nice thinking Joe, I might want to keep mines as a reminder to be consistent on my PE.hehehe

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

Next month will be my two year mark and never told my wife about PE. She used to be able to deep throat and actually press her lips almost bone press. But now she can’t, although she really tries and actually puzzles her why she’s no longer able to. She’s very suspicious and started asking all kinds of questions and actually started talking about her friends husbands/boyfriends using pumps and pills to get me to spill the beans. But no, secret is secret. So, results is very positive. My starting size was 5” BPEL and 4-4.25 EG, now 7.125 BPEL and 5.25-5.375 EG. She’s able to have orgasm again from penetration and I can actually reach and push something inside her that pushes her to the edge. As far as stretch marks. I develop some and somewhat visible but the last six months it has faded away, no clue why it did. The only thing that’s visible is a dark ring in the shaft that I believe used to be my starting size. That ring is now about two inches out.


Originally Posted by joe_smith

My girlfriend first notice a change when she could no longer deep throat me.

Do you know at what size - girth in particular, I imagine - she could no longer accomodate you orally?

Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

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