PC weirdness
I’ve been doing PC exercises for a while now, but they seem to be hurting my sex life rather than helping it. My PC muscle feels MUCH bigger, like before I couldn’t feel it through the skin, and now before I flex it sticks out. I can flex and hold for a good 30 seconds without a problem, but I can’t keep a hardon with it. I also can’t seem to stop or cancel ejaculation by flexing the muscle. And lastly, ever since I started, I’ve noticed that subconsciously I’ve been flexing it more during sex, which seems to not let any blood in, and slowly let blood out, so really I get smaller by flexing my PC muscle with a hardon. What am I doing wrong? (The exercises I do are a flex and hold for 3 seconds, 5 seconds, and for 20 seconds, I don’t have a set time of day I do it, but just randomly at work or in the car when it comes to mind)