PE manual stretching strait pull for many hours
I did manual stretching (pretty hard pulling, but not super intense) for about SIX hours yesterday. I’ve done this before too. Nothing really can surpass my hand’s ability to grip. It’s much more pull than an all day stretch, but not as much as is obtainable with weights (only because of arm fatigue). However, it’s also pretty easy to get blood back into the head, so there is no need for sets. And the pull can be pretty hard, depending on how much strength and endurance you have.
I don’t regularly do 6 hours. Normally about 30 minutes, but there are frequently days that I go much longer. Some days I just think that the longer the better. The next day there is sometimes slight swelling at the base, but nothing drastic (not an injury). I’m not on an actual routine, but I do devote a lot of time. Has anyone else done this? How were the results?