PeniMaster Pro Holds My Glans Hostage
NOTE: This belongs in the Penis Extenders forum but I am bereft of necessary access rights to post there. Move this at will.
For all of the PeniMaster Pro users I have got a question. For details on the specific parameters of how I use PeniMaster Pro I have responded in another PeniMaster thread recently at this moment of writing. To understand how I use it you may wish to read it. The issue I encounter every single time I use it is upon removal. The glans becomes stuck in the chamber even after the vacuum has been released. Specifically the top of the glans is caught inside by the schleuse. Use neither of the included glans chamber adaptors for diameter need not be compensated; my glans is pronounced possibly more so than many although that is purely speculation based on this problem. When I began to use PeniMaster Pro this was not a problem but since I have used it every day constantly for eight to twelve hours per day the glans becomes more difficult and painful to remove with each time I use it as though it tries to grip my glans more tightly each time.
If it matters I wash the system thoroughly after removal each time but do not disassemble anterior to. Alas, if it matters medium size schleuses and medium size adhesion diaphragms are used. Has anyone got a solution to make it more easy and not painful to remove? Thanks in advance for any assistance.