Thunder's Place

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Penimaster Questions and Frustrations


Originally Posted by mrmarshmallow
Hey you guys who put your penimaster’s on without wrapping

Do you have considerably big’ish glans so it doesn’t slip off or you make it so
It’s just tight enough to hold the stretch without stopping blood flow?

Cause I find my glans are too small to hold the belt strap there:(

I’m cut, so my head is lightly larger than an uncut head - but it’s in no way big (my stats are .. well modest at best)

I use saliva to help get it in - but once the saliva kinda dries up it helps keep it stuck in.
The head gets a little bit of blood in it too which seems to help - I’d say I’m about 30% erect the whole time wearing it.

Originally Posted by mrmarshmallow
Yea I am wearing it with clothes, hmm so if I was to wear it nude it would not stay in the upright position
By itself? Would it just flop down

Mine depends on tension actually - the way the springs work along with the natural angle of my cock, if I pull it straight down to 6 o cock, I’d say it’s straining / stretching 60%

If I pull my cock out to 3 o’cock - dead horizontal it’s straining / stretching 100% - my dick (and the device and springs) just don’t like it, to reduce tension it simply pulls up or down kinda like putting 2 magnets together - it just doesn’t wanna stay in that central straight out position, it pulls into another one.

Generally it pulls up though.
If I tighten the nuts up down the bottom a lot, it definately pulls up - I can’t even pull the device straight out - it hurts too much.

Originally Posted by Michael34786
Well that depends on each person; I would figure it would stay or be around your LOT number. If you have a six oclock lot, then it’s going to flop down, if it’s 1 or 3 it should be in that area, because of your ligs.

Hmm I see because my pm flops down would this effect my gains? As I hear most people with gains have theirs in the straight up position, my PM always pops off in that position very frustrating

How many of you angle up or down?

Waiting in the queue for the 8 Inch Club

I angle mine down.

Are you cut or uncut?

I’m uncut and have found these are the best 2 methods (for me)

1) Wrap with a small piece of theraband, the theraband and the PM strap are like magnets, so it wont slip off (unless you use a LOT of theraband, or if you use a lot of force…)

2) Get a little blood in the glans, strap mediumly tight (hard to explain), then you should be able to last 2 hours at least, with no probs. (No wrap in this method)

For the record, I usually use method #1.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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I just want to chime in real quick. I use my penimaster at 12 o’clock but the instructions say to wear it downward. I can’t because it slips off for some reason. I prefer it upward anyway. I find it comfortable and have no problems. I usually get a cold and discolored head for the first week after adding a new bar, but after it gets stretched out a little to accomodate, I find that problem subsides.

Forget the noose

Most definitely get the AutoExtender head clamp. It is the most comfortable thing I’ve ever clamped onto my dick. You don’t need wrap with it. You best lose the noose before you lose your dick.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Good question. I know in hanging if you have a high lot you want to take advantage of it, and work the ligs in order to make quick early gains. But the PM is a working on the traction principal of growth. You got me, anybody know?

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Most definitely get the AutoExtender head clamp. It is the most comfortable thing I’ve ever clamped onto my dick. You don’t need wrap with it. You best lose the noose before you lose your dick.

You really think the PM is dangerous? It’s not really a noose more of a strap teehee, still it is
A bit pricy just for a new head? I still can’t decide whether it’s worth it or not but it
Does look more comfortable

Waiting in the queue for the 8 Inch Club

Originally Posted by mrmarshmallow
You really think the PM is dangerous? It’s not really a noose more of a strap teehee, still it is
A bit pricy just for a new head? I still can’t decide whether it’s worth it or not but it
Does look more comfortable

Like I said, see how you go, me personally - I can use the PM without any kind of wrapping.

I specifically purchased PE devices rather than made my own or did manual excercises because I want to save time (I’m lazy) - I’m willing to pay.

I know you need effort for gains - but I also don’t want to be spending 45 minutes “prepping” my cock before working it - fuck that noise.

Originally Posted by Michael34786

Good question. I know in hanging if you have a high lot you want to take advantage of it, and work the ligs in order to make quick early gains. But the PM is a working on the traction principal of growth. You got me, anybody know?

Yes. According to the PM manufacturer, what you have stated is correct.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

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