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Penis Base Girth

Penis Base Girth

I’ve been doing manual jelqing and stretching, and I have noticed that the girth around the very base of my penis is beginning to get less and less. I’ve always had a “baseball bat” effect, and I was wondering what exercises would be good? I read about the Horse 440, but it involves using a tourniquet. Correct me if I’m wrong, but how does constricting the base of the penis help it gain girth?


I think hanging is very good for gaining girth at the base.


Hey Prometheus,

I’m a newbie as well, and I was afraid of the baseball bat effect too. I read through these forums to find out what I could do about that. I’ve gleaned a lot of great info from these pages and I have found that stretching before and after jelqing has help with that quite a bit. I stretch for 5 mins before and after (10 times, 30 secs each stretch) and have been really surprised by the results. I also take Myostatin CSP as directed for my regular workouts.

Routine (in the shower):
Warm-up (soak in really warm water) 10 min
Stretches (10 times, 30 sec each)
Kegels (100, hold each for 2-3 sec)
Jelq (200 strokes)
Stretches (10 times, 30 sec each)

I’m doing 2 on, 1 day rest, 3 on, 1 day rest.

Anyways, this is what I’m doing now.

I’ve been doing PE for 6 weeks now and here are my results:

Started 12/26/03
NBEL : 5.25”
EG: 4.5”

As of 2/6/04:
NBEL : 6.1”
EG: 5.25”

I’m really happy with the results so far, realistically I think I can be 7.5 x 6. I know that women have noticed a difference too, that’s always a great ego boost. Keep at it consistently, and I know you’ll see results.

My Current Stats: NBPEL : 7.5" BPEL: 8.0" EG : 6.0" GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Maintaining......

Originally posted by rjreklaw

Started 12/26/03
NBEL : 5.25”
EG: 4.5”

As of 2/6/04:
NBEL : 6.1”
EG: 5.25”

Wow! Those are some great gains in such a short time. My starting measurements are exactly the same as yours, and I hope I can get good gains like yours soon. Any advice for a newbie? Keep up the good work!

Nice gains rjr! It’s great to see someone making progress that quickly

Prometheus, I’ve read that horse440s might just give you a bigger midshaft, but the head and base don’t get much. Since I’ve been doing horse440s and edging my midshaft, base and head have all seen some good gains. When holding the base for the 10-15 seconds that you do the exercise I kegel hard the whole time. I do also do jelqs and stretches for around 15 minutes a piece too though.

started 10/22/2003: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.0" 4/12/2004 BPEL: 6.875" EG: 5.2" 30-min exercise workout and pills

Ah, thanks for the advice everybody, I’ll try stretching. Although stretching also sounds kind of counter-intuitive because it sacrifices girth for length?! But I guess I’ll hafta see. Thanks!


Stretching is also good for girth. A popular girth stretch is the A- stretch wich is where you stretch your pee pee accross your wrist kinda like the v-stretch but only using your wrist insted of fingers.

Starting stats: 7.5 BPEL X 5.2 Current stats: 8.0 BPEL X 5.31 Goal stats: 9 X 6

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