Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Envy ...cut Vs. Uncut

Lol I’m suprised there are cut people saying they recieved insults for being cut. I’m uncut and I’ve noticed the opposite, uncuts are often made fun of. I also remember hearing jokes made about those who were uncut on tv. Wish I woulda been cut but doubt I’ll ever get it though.

Keratinizing of the glans is a huge reason why to leave the foreskin intact. It turns to leather and is scratchy to the touch. Uncomfortable at best. The corona is less protected when cut and vulnerable. This earth evolved us into what we are born as. Taking away a piece of manhood makes you less of a man. How’s this? Would you circumcise a girl? They do it in some “civilizations.”

Sorry I like the cut look. I guess everyone is different.

I was cut at 16 years old for medical reasons. Personally, I haven’t noticed much decrease in sensitivity and I prefer the way it looks now.

I used to think the uncut penis looked absolutely disgusting, but after joining this site I’ve seen some uncut penises that look great. Still I’m glad that I am cut. :cool:

Started: 10-18-08 BPEL: 6.3 inches; BPEG: 4.8 inches.

Currently: BPEL 7.4 inches; BPEG: 5.2 inches

Goal: BPEL:8-8.5 inches; BPEG: 6 inches.

IMO an uncut flaccid looks more impressive then a cut flaccid but a cut erection looks better than uncut.

I’m uncut and I have very little sensitivity in my penis.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Well I’m uncut and haven’t had any issues with it, and personally I think I prefer it this way, perhaps because during erection the foreskin only covers up to the bottom of the glans, so it’s kind of cut in a certain sense. Though I would agree that a cut penis definitely looks much more defined when erect than an uncut one. I’d still have to go with an uncut penis though because of the added dimensions that it adds to the penis and even to sex.

Interesting topic. I was cut from birth and am actually quite glad that I was. Girls say it looks better than uncut, and I actually like the slightly lowered sensitivity because I can have sex for longer.

Uncut and proud of it. Better sex for me and her. I’m sensitive but I can control my ejaculation pretty well. When I was in my younger teens I had complete control and didn’t cum until I wanted to. Now I have a little less control than that but still have a great amount of control. I think not having sex for 4 years effected the control issue. Kind of like not performing a sport for a long time. You still know how to do it but it’ll take a little time to be your old self again.

The current girlfriend I’m with now has never seen a uncut penis until she met me. It doesn’t matter for her.

When I was a young kid the first time my foreskin rolled back it almost hurt. The doc told me to do it when showering to clean the glans and it was very sensitive at first. The sensitivity somewhat dropped a little but I’m sure I still have better sensitivity than most people that are cut.

Being uncut is generally bad for hygiene, I personally think its a fugly look of the penis, but then again, thats coming from a heterosexual male’s opinion. I think if a female could pick, she’d pick uncut (at least more than 50%), but I don’t think its that big of a deal. I’m cut and would not want to be uncut, but thats just me, of course, if I was uncut, I probably wouldn’t think twice about it.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
Being uncut is generally bad for hygiene, I personally think it’s a fugly look of the penis, but then again, thats coming from a heterosexual male’s opinion. I think if a female could pick, she’d pick uncut (at least more than 50%), but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I’m cut and would not want to be uncut, but thats just me, of course, if I was uncut, I probably wouldn’t think twice about it.

I disagree. Most women I’ve spoke to, actually all, prefer cut.
I think cut looks better, but it is definitely just my opinion.
Everyone is different.


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